The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 639: Update 21

Chapter 639: Update 21

Chapter 639: Update 21

Me too! Me too! I will type out Seventh brother onto my photos!

Also your 13th brother!

Qi Chengyu glanced at them and scolded, Sister is out there looking for uncle, not having fun. Where would she find the time to memorize your faces!?

Qi Xingyu cursed, Fifth brother, your double standard is insane! No! Youre being so selfis.h.!.+ How come only you can send her photos but we cant?!

Yeah, how come you can but we cant?!

How come we cant?!

An echo yet again.

Qi Chengyu, Because it was my idea.

Qiao Qing couldnt help but remember what Jun Yexuan did the first time he left the City of Brisk. She silently exclaimed.

When she saw He Wanqing, who was shut out of the brothers circles and was too afraid to speak, she called out, Mom.

Go to the side. Our sister wants to talk to our aunt, Qi Chengyu pushed his brothers away and pulled He Wanqing in.

He Wanqing smiled at Qiao Qing, Baby, are you settling down there?

Qiao Qing answered, Its alright here.

He Wanqing nodded and finally asked the question thats been brewing, Did you find out anything about your dad?

Not yet, Qiao Qing said, But we are all looking. After half a month or so, Gong Yi will start sending out people for us as well. No need to worry.

He Wanqing nodded.

As Qiao Qing and He Wanqing chatted, Jun Yexuan, like usual, snuck to Qiao Qings window.

He didnt realize Qiao Qing was talking and had no idea Qiao Qing was video calling the Qi family. Without much thought, he walked in.

Qingqing, you

He was interrupted mid-sentence.

Because the 17 brothers on the other side of the line exploded.

You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How dare you sneak into my sisters room in the middle of the night!

What is he trying to do?!

It looks like hes done this many times! Hes smug!

The moment you leave home, you start to get unsettled, huh?!

You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I dare you to touch my sister?!

Jun Yexuan,

Must everything be so hard for him?

Qiao Qing cut the call and turned to look at Jun Yexuan. She was a little helpless, What do we do now?

Jun Yexuan was originally nervous, but seeing her like this made him smile.

Lets not mind them for now. He then placed a knee on the bed and leaned into Qiao Qing. He supported himself with only his arms and said, After all, we are far away right now. Ill take my punishment when I get back.

He then leaned in closer to kiss her. Who knew just then, someone would start to bang on the door. Outside, Qi Yusen shouted, Qingqing?

Qiao Qing,

Jun Yexuan,

Those shameless guys tattletaled?!

Jun Yexuan, get out! Qi Yusens words confirmed it.

Helpless, Jun Yexuan let Qiao Qing go and opened the door.

Qi Yusens face was dark. Jun Yexuan tried to seek forgiveness by admitting to his faults, Brother, I just wanted to hug and kiss Qingqing. I had no plans to do more. After all, we are dating. Those things are not over the line, right?

Qi Yusen was furious, So you decide to sneak over in the middle of the night?!

Jun Yexuan, During the daytime, she was too focused on making her perfume. There was no opportunity.
