The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 636: Update 18

Chapter 636: Update 18

Chapter 636: Update 18

Qiao Qings instinct was to turn on the light. Though after she thought about it, she didnt.

She glanced around the room and found the guy she was looking for in the corner of the room.

This scene made her remember the night when Jun Yexuans grandma kidnapped Jun Xiaoqi.

In so many ways, Gong Yi and Jun Yexuan were similar.

Whether it was their looks or their personalities.

Qiao Qing sighed deeply, slowly walked up to Gong Yi, and crouched down.

You dont need to blame yourself or feel guilty. You did nothing that wronged me. She once saved your life. If it were me, I wouldve made the same choice as you. Plus, the Mo family didnt do anything to me.

Gong Yi looked up to her, Are you not mad at me?

What he wanted to ask, was, Are you not sad? But he worried that he overthought it.

Why would I be mad at you? Qiao Qing answered, We made a deal between us. You asked for something and Im getting something in return. We dont owe each other anything. Isnt that good? If you think Im mad because you took the side of someone who tried to hurt me, then youre wrong. I don feel anything. Definitely not anger.

Gong Yi felt like he couldnt breathe, What you mean is, you feel nothing towards me. So whatever I do, as long as it doesnt hurt your gains, you dont care?

Qiao Qing nodded, You can put it that way. Once our deal is done, Im not going to be mad at all. You dont need to feel guilty.

Gong Yi,

So she felt nothing towards him! Even asking her if she was mad was unnecessary on his end!

With a pained face, Gong Yi looked over to Qiao Qing, Are you here to comfort me or to make me angry?

Qiao Qing found what he said to make no sense, Thats all I have to say.

She was about to get up and leave when Gong Yi grabbed her wrist, You arent mad or sad. Does this mean I can continue to pursue you shamelessly?

Qiao Qing,

Her face darkened a little, Okay, then Im mad, and Im sad. Youve traumatized me and did unmendable damage to me. Is that better?

Gong Yis lips curled up, I knew I had a spot in your heart!

Qiao Qing,

If you want to dream, then go to sleep already! A magnetic voice arrived as Jun Yexuan walked over. He broke apart Gong Yis hand that was on Qiao Qing.

Young master Gong is the man of the family, yet you sill act like a low cla.s.s who tries to mess up others and steal others girlfriend.

He then helped Qiao Qing up, Youve said what you wanted to say and youve done what auntie asked. Now whether he still wants to end himself is no longer your business. Lets go.

Qiao Qing didnt say anything more and left with Jun Yexuan.

Gong Yi watched the two disappear from the room and a bitter smile reached his lips.

He regretted it now.

He never shouldve involved himself with this girl with his predatory att.i.tude.

If he knew she was a drug, why didnt he realize hed get addicted?

He remembered the nights he spent after coming back from the Capital Country and now he realized he was in this far deeper than he originally antic.i.p.ated.

Since his heart was in it now, how easy will it be to let it go?

The moment Jun Yexuan and Qiao Qing left Gong Yis bedroom, they found Qi Yusen standing there.

Qi Yusen didnt ask anything and merely picked up Qiao Qings hand, Lets go.
