The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 629: Update 11

Chapter 629: Update 11

Chapter 629: Update 11

After another three bang, bang, and bang, the chair fell to the ground and so did Xu Pingting. She screamed in pain.

Mu Jinghangs face twitched as Xu Pingting fell. Once she found herself on the ground, Mu Jinghang shook his head and commented, Tragic.

Xu Pingting,


The physical pain and the mental embarra.s.sment made it hard for Xu Pingting to keep it together.

If there was a crack on the ground, she would crawl into it!

After the embarra.s.sment hit, disbelief came. Qi Yusen dodged her?!


Was she not pretty enough?!

Even if she wasnt his type, he couldve tried to help her out instead of dodging completely. He let her fall so hard onto the ground!

As she thought about that, she tried to push herself up. She looked up at Qi Yusen and croaked out, How can you

Not treat fair women nicely!

She couldnt bring herself to say that last part.

But Jun Yexuan chimed in and helped her finish, Not treat fair women nicely? You should check out yourself and see if you should be considered a fair woman. Hes not at all obligated to help you.

Xu Pingting,

Jun Yexuan stared at Xu Pingtings astonished expression and continued, Plus, why cant you curl your body towards Jinghang or Gong Yi? Why must you curl your body towards my brother? Dont you know he has OCD? Dont you know hes straight?

Mu Jinghang, ???

Gong Yi, ???

Plus, Jun Yexuan continued, This ground is made out of rough material and theres no water on it. How did you accidentally slip? Did you wax the bottom of your shoes today?

Xu Pingting,

Lastly, we are eating. You fell yourself and youre still refusing to get up? Who are you trying to scam?

Xu Pingting,

Everyone else,

Ahahahaha Someone lost it and laughed out loud, His words are sharp! I thought third young master Jun was a cold man, not a man whose every word pierces through you.

I agree! I originally thought young master Qi really was not treating her well. However, after that explanation, that straight man is cute!

So she tried to seduce third young master Jun and failed, so now shes trying to seduce young master Qi? That woman sure has a lot of messed-up plans! Thank G.o.d young master Qi is smart!

Im laughing so hard! Third young master Jun knows just what the right thing to say is. That girl is still lying around on the floor. She really does look like those scammers!

Shes trying to scam young master Qi! She even complained that he doesnt treat women well!

Lets push aside the fact that she fell on purpose. Even if she did really fall, why is it on the guy to help her up?

Third young master Jun has a girlfriend and young master Qi is a straight man with OCD.

As she listened to everyone gossip and mock her, Xu Pingting felt like a fire had been thrown on her face. She didnt need a mirror to know how red she mustve looked.

Shed never been so humiliated in her life!

Since everyone called her to be a scammer, she could no longer just sprawl her body across the floor.

She scrambled to get up, took her bottle of perfume, and left the restaurant without even eating.

After her departure, the waiters came and replaced Qi Yusens chair and his utensils.
