The Ability to Make Town!? ~Let’s Make a Japanese Town in Different World~ - Chapter 97 – The Beginning Of A New Town

Chapter 97 – The Beginning Of A New Town

Town chapter 97: The beginning of a new town

Two days of victory feast. The feast of the birth of the new king was held the next day. The next afternoon. An appointment ceremony was taking place at the gate leading from the human-residential area to the different races-residential area where the king's coronation was recently held.

"King Edo Fujiwara orders. Reina Grellet will be the Chief Executive Officer of the southern part of Fujiwara Town"

"Haa, I will accept your order!"

On the stage are n.o.buhide who became king and Reina kneeling and wors.h.i.+ping her life. n.o.buhide is dressed with the crown and cloak received from Olivia yesterday and Reina is dressed in a masculine doublet, trousers, wearing and a cloak on top of it. There are no musicians and the guards are only wolfmen who serve as my escort. A lot of people crowded around the platform again today and in such a public eye, Reina was given the role of controlling the human settlement.

Then, the members of the Polo Company mixed within the audience applauded. Of course it is n.o.buhide's preparation. They applauded so that others also start to applaud.

The audience gradually understands the current situation while clapping their hands. That woman, will be the one who control the human residential area. It can't be denied that there was a fear in everyone's heart that a beastman would be involved. Therefore, Reina's presence as the southern part commander was a relief for the people and the claps of their hands were gradually increasing.

"And then this"

n.o.buhide picked up and offered a j.a.panese sword, which was prepared by a wolfman behind him. Reina receives it with both hands while still kneeling.

"In honor of your work to this day, you, Reina Grellet will be given a rank. From now on, you can call yourself a Count"

"Haa, I'm so happy! I will continue to do my best for your Majesty so that I won't be ashamed of myself as Count!"

"Now, stand up. Let everyone see your gallant figure"


Reina stood up and n.o.buhide went backwards. Reina turns her body to the audience. She pulled out the sword she had just received and raised it to the sky.

A single-edged blade is exposed to the audience under the sun. The wavy crest of a j.a.panese sword is something that is never seen in a Western sword.

Who exhaled at that time? The sword, which glows dull by the sun, had a bewitching charm that seemed to suck someone in.

"I swear to King Edo and this sword! The people will live peacefully with me as the southern commander! Also, as a member of aristocracy, I hope I will be a guide to the people!"

A brave expression of determination of a beautiful woman dressed as a man. The beauty of the sword and the beauty of the person who have it. In addition, the only decoration of the platform, the sunlight from heaven. These made the people who were watching feel as if they were in a painting.

Only those who lived in poor areas. They were unfamiliar with clean events, and together with that, it was necessary to admire each one. By the way, today's painting is truly a painting and it has been praised from the world, resulting in Reina turning her face red, but that's a little further away.

When the appointment ceremony was over, n.o.buhide stood up again and gave a speech to everyone with today's day as the beginning of the town. The content was simple, but also very important.

"This Fujiwara Town will start to move in earnest from today! There are so many governing officers that I can rely on, so I don't have much to say to you! That's why be sure to keep what I say now! Good! I don't want to be guilty until today! Instead, the sin from today will be punished severely! First of all, there are four prohibitions that you need to remember! Don't steal other people's stuff! Don't hurt people! Don't be a nuisance to others! Don't pollute the town! These four! For now, remember these four! Those who commit one of them, will be punished severely in the name of Fujiwara, be prepared! Take care of what the mayor says! If you have any problems with the chief administrator, tell the government office!"

Few have doubts about the four prohibitions n.o.buhide has mentioned. Religion sometimes instills wrong values, but it also fostered the morals necessary as a person. It can be said that it was one achievement of Ras.h.i.+a Religion that the people who lived in the continent knew what was evil as general common sense. However, it can be said that the words that n.o.buhide said next was the opposite of the doctrine of Ras.h.i.+a Religion.

"One more! This town was created with the help of the beastmen! The beastmen are my friends! And eventually I hope you will also become friends with them! That's it!"

The closeness of the beastman and n.o.buhide. The people noticed that the escorts are all beastmen, but agitation ran to the audience at once. Humans are the absolute being on the continent. On a continent where the Ras.h.i.+a doctrine is prevalent, the existence of non-humans was still unacceptable.

But does n.o.buhide not care about those people's hearts, nor does he notice them. n.o.buhide stepped down from the platform and disappeared into the beastmen area. After that, Reina will hold a ceremony for the appointment of the guard commander and will talk about the citizens' plans for today.

It was in the early morning of one day, about a week after the battle with the Initia Kingdom. The sky was still dark between night and morning, but people are early in the morning because there is no electricity. Inside Fujiwara Town, the residents had already woken up and started preparing for the morning.

"Uu, cold cold. Even though it's still summer, the morning in the north is still cold"

A man in his early thirties walks under the cold morning sky while rubbing his hands――Thomason. Thomason is a refugee from Dorisben. In the town of Fujiwara, he lived together in a house with a woman he was dating. Now he just woke up in the morning and just added his errand at the toilet in the compartment.

By the way, he thought that it was quite troublesome at first to do business in this toilet. When he was living in a poor town, he couldn't help it because he didn't care about it. However, in this Fujiwara town, the mayor has been sour about the use of toilets and it was even said that they will be expelled from the town if they don't care. Thomason can't afford to let go of his new home. That is why Thomason continued this new practice.

「Oh」 voice. It came from Thomason's mouth, a testimony to someone. In front of his gaze was a man of the same age, who also came from spa.r.s.ely populated areas and now lives two houses further from his house. His best friend in this town.

Nevertheless, they both didn't even know each other before coming here. They don't even know what they were doing, but it would be nostalgia to hear that. They have already been informed by n.o.buhide that their previous crimes aren't questioned.

"What, it's over? Wait a minute"

"Ah, I got it"

Until the man finished his business on the toilet, Thomason looked at the streets lined with houses a short distance from the toilet. He still feels that they are mysteriously made houses. But they are fine houses. How different are they from the houses at the poor town where he lived before?

Smoke is rising from the houses. The smell of potatoes and soup tickled his nose and Thomason's belly rang.

Until just a week ago, he didn't even care about being hungry, but now it's different. He has been eating a lot since he came here. That made Thomason unable to withstand the hunger cravings. He can feel the flesh on his cheeks that he touched unexpectedly.

Thomason, who was vacant as it was, was frustrated by the hunger and the slowness of the man and suddenly looked back. There is no man in the place where urinals are lined up. Twisting his neck where he went, he saw his door closed and Thoma.s.son sighed and sat down.

A woman with a tub by in front of him. With a greeting saying 「Good morning」, Tomason returned with a little nervous saying 「Good morning」. Judging from the merits of goods that cannot be considered in slums, it is likely that this woman has lived in Fujiwara territory for some time.

The woman goes to the well. Speaking of wells, the hand-pump that easily pumps water has become known for the first time since he came here. At that time, he was impressed that there was something useful.

Living in Fujiwara Town, everything is different from poor towns. Thomason is still puzzled by such a life. But that's the puzzle of whether he can live such a good life. That's how much he was blessed with his life now.

"I kept you waiting"

The man has finally finished his business on the toilet and came towards Thomason. He has a soft soapy scent. The source is that man's hands. This was something that could not be done in the slums.

"So, why did you keep me waiting and what was your business?"

"Ah, it's about work. I have decided on a job and started working. You haven't decided yet, right?"

Work, Thomason looked a little nasty. Refugees are given two weeks of time in the name of environmental protection. In the meantime, they have to decide on the job they want to do to the government office. If they don't decide, they will be automatically a.s.signed to a job.

This job choice has been a source of trouble for Thomason these days. In the Royal capital of Dryad Kingdom, he was mainly engaged in transportation. Just carrying heavy luggages every day. There is no skill or knowledge, and it is a job that anyone can do if their body is strong.

In other words, he has no skills to be proud of. However, because it is a special turning point, I want to get a good job. That is why it's troublesome.

"I guess agriculture"

Originally a farmer's child, he couldn't live up to his elder life, so he jumped out of the village and started living in the royal capital. The only job he could do outside of the transportation industry was agriculture.

"Agriculture? If you go to the northern village, you'll be given the same house as here and the taxes will be cheaper"

Villages are indispensable to provide food for nearly 20,000 residents of the city. There were talks about making Fujiwara Town a breakwater against other countries and creating villages on the north side.

"Maybe we go to a place where there are no beastmen"

"Hey, don't say something like that. It was the beastmen who defended the city. And the king here is obsessive with the beastmen. If you say something like that, you'll get hurt someday"

"Ah, that's right. I'm sorry, it's not the story of beastman. Forget it"

Thomason apologized obediently to the man. For those who lived in the slums before, there was no great interest in beastmen etc. in the first place. As common sense of the continent, there is dislike for beings who aren't humans. But the most important thing for those who are poor is whether they can spend the day satisfactory.

For example, even if the king changes, it is not a big deal for them. What they need to care about is what benefits the new king will bring to them. Of course, what they think when they, who were poor, began to get used to a rich life, would be another.

"What about you anyway? You went out of your way to stop me, so I guess you have an idea"

"I? Actually, I talked to you about that"


"Polo Company is looking for more people"

"I know about that. You're talking about people who don't have any education and are only hired for a small price"

There was a paper patch on the main street and Thomason confirmed it. He couldn't read the letters so he didn't know the details, but he could read the numbers. The monthly salary written there was very cheap.

"You're stupid"


Thomson frowns at the man's rude beading. The relations.h.i.+p is short, but he thought they might have to cut off their relations.h.i.+p quickly.

"I guess you have only looked at the numbers on the paper patch. Or is it a receipt from someone? Listen carefully. The Polo Company wants to teach the fundamentals of a merchant to the person who was hired. The low salary is the price of the usable articles"

Indeed, Thomason was convinced. In other words, it is like he becomes the disciple of a craftsman. The man's story continues.

"It can be said that the economy of the town is held by the Polo Company. Reina, who currently manages the southern region, is also a member of the Polo Company. There are not enough people and the breath of other companies let them come to the decision to bring up an unaffected person from scratch. If you do well, you might be able to have one of the shops. Then you'll be a rich man"


When he muttered so, Thomason felt uncomfortable. Merchants are far away worlds. He has sold something on the street before. But he never thought of becoming a merchant. He was desperate to live and didn't even realize that he had such an option.

"Would you like to join us? It's a once-in-lifetime chance for us who have lived a poor life. Let's have one big dream here"

The eyes of the man are s.h.i.+ning like a boy with glitter. The man in front of him and his age was so full of vitality. It was so dazzling that it seemed to illuminate himself.

After this, what Thomason has responded to is no longer talkable. The townspeople have begun to take a completely new path.

One week after the defense battle. n.o.buhide couldn't relax and spent his days immersed in work.

Every day, talking with the town chiefs. The agendas are job mediation, law development, security, and diplomacy. Really busy.

However, this is what n.o.buhide was prepared for. And in a few weeks, the country will be known all over the continent and he will be more busy than now. That's what it's like to create a new country and welcome new residents.

This morning, too, influential humans were invited to the second floor of the government office in the beastmen area, where discussions took place. Partic.i.p.ants from the different races is only the elven chief. However, from the human side, there are indeed a large number, including Reina and Edenstam, guards of the Polo Company and representatives of town chiefs such as Peter.

This is because most of the agenda is about the human area. By the way, Edenstam didn't have any intention to cooperate at first, but he just obliged to follow Olivia's name.

The discussion ended before lunch and as king n.o.buhide left the conference room first. Leaving the government office and proceeding to the special lot where his residence is located. On the way, Mira who was today´s escort asked, 「Are you sure?」. The content can be guessed by talking outside the government office purposely.

"Please tell me"

"Olivia has offered to consult with Fujiwarsama. She wants to work on everything"

Olivia, the former queen. The place where she lives now is a house in the section where the wolf tribe of Chief Jiharu live. The wolfmen are watching over her and are told to be respectful to her as she is a guest. She also talks about being with me, so Jiharu´s wolf tribe won't be rude.

Even so, n.o.buhide was really surprised when he knew she was from the same world as him. Following Reanis and Komatsuna, Olivia is also a j.a.panese. The rate of appearance of j.a.panese people in recent years has to be fateful.

When asked what kind of card she had drawn, she was willing to tell him that it was becoming a king and that it was [★★★★★★★]. Olivia doesn't seem to know any other j.a.panese at all.

"Alright. Let's meet her"

n.o.buhide responded to Mira and changed his destination from his home to the home of Olivia. Shortly after arriving at Olivia's home without much time, they were greeted by a woman of the wolf tribe.

From inside the house, you can hear a child's roaring voice. Apparently, the child plays with something. The wolf-tribe woman tries to call Olivia, but she stops and guides him to the interior.

"Olivisan, Fujiwarsama is here"

The female wolfman calls out to Olivia. After a reply from the inside saying, 「Please wait a moment」, the sliding door was opened.

"Welcome. Pl, Please take a seat"

It is Olivia with a gentle smile that doesn't change. Holding her hand is a young wolf girl. Olivia and n.o.buhide sat on two sheets of cus.h.i.+ons on the room.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come to see how things are going. How is your life here?"

"Everyone is very good to me. I really like it"

Olivia answers with the young wolf girl on her lap. The girl is patted on the head and has her eyes narrowed pleasantly. No, well, n.o.buhide heard that Olivia is doing well, but she's a former queen with too high up-to-date stress. He wants the townspeople to learn from her

"I wanted to talk to you about my job"

"For now, I'm used to my current life. That's why it's hard to just be supported and I want to do a job"

So that's it. She seems to be quite serious. She's completely different from n.o.buhide, who thinks that if he can just stay in the same state. She further said:

"The families are probably bothering you. They want to earn their own food"

That's exactly right. Her relatives are very good at spending every day drinking and eating with a few servants. Really wonderful.

So what should she do? Easy. She just have to make the most of being j.a.panese.

"Then, let's arrange the work here"

"No, there is a job"

Hmm? n.o.buhide thought. What does she mean to work in this unoccupied parcel?

"My hobby is writing novels even if I look like this. I thought I'd make some money by publis.h.i.+ng them"

Haha, I see. Because she was a queen, she would have had the opportunity to read books and other things as entertainment, unlike the private. n.o.buhide understands that such a person yearns for the profession of being a writer.

However, she is a j.a.panese with great pains. Moreover, her nature seems to be very good. This is what it is, but she is a very easy-to-use person.

The right person in the right place. n.o.buhide thought she could be a j.a.panese teacher. However, he doesn't want to force her and let her feel bad.

"All right. Let's publish some of those books and admit them if they seem to be profitable. If that's not the case, you'll be a novelist as a hobby and do the work I have prepared for you"

"I understand"

n.o.buhide thinks it is very difficult to be a novelist. Books are expensive and he doesn't think anyone can get them without advertising. A book written by the former queen might sell a little, but that's it.

"For the time being, I'll be embarra.s.sed if something that's not convenient for me is written here, so I'll let you censor"

"Yes. Thank you at that time"