Town chapter 90: From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 7
A tour through the castle city decided by discussion with n.o.buhide. Partic.i.p.ants are all the tribal chiefs. Because it was not known when the enemy would come, action was taken immediately for the inspection.
"Oh, great! The scenery behind me is so fast! Does such a heavy thing run at such a speed!"
The truck carrier is heading to the castle city. Behind it, Zarzym peeks out from the gap of the hood that was lowered to avoid raindrops. Although the other tribal chiefs did not make a fuss, it can be seen from their faces which were filled with excitement, in the gap between the left and right hoods.
Anyway, this is their first time in a four-wheeled vehicle. They didn't know the existence until they got involved with n.o.buhide and the chief Jiharu and the wolf tribe were riding around. It's strange not to get excited. The tribal chiefs enjoyed their first ride for a while.
However, the original purpose was not forgotten. After enjoying the comfortable ride of the truck for a while, everyone came together at once and entered into a discussion about the future.
"What is everyone thinking?"
In the back seat where there was only a chief clan, the elven chief asked everyone. You can understand the purpose without saying. In other words, they discuss whether to accept n.o.buhide's proposal.
"......I think it's a good idea not to partic.i.p.ate in the battle and keep the current situation. If the enemy army is going to invade the forest where we live, it's a good idea to escape to the north. There will be nothing, we will be forced to live a hard life, but it seems better than fighting humans''
The first person to answer was the Lizard tribe chief. He doesn't have knowledge like the Rat tribe chief or the elven chief and not the strength like the Ox or the Pig tribe chief. However, his abilities aren't greatly inferior. So to speak, average. Therefore, the Lizard tribe chief often share safe thoughts.
"I'm sorry I'm going to run away"
"I too. It doesn't suit my character"
The words spoken by Ox and Pig tribe chiefs were too poor to answer. However, if you read the point of that emotion, you will come to the idea of cooperating with n.o.buhide. Take part in the battle. It was a two-person answer that boasted courage.
"I think it's okay to believe in that Fujiwara. Instead of having done anything until now, we were taken care of in various ways. Although our situation is now in the hands of a human, I feel he is a little different from other humans"
This was the answer of Zazym, the young wolf tribe chief, who sometimes is not happy with his answers, but occasionally hesitates. That opinion is by no means excellent. But there was pure correctness because of youth.
"How about you, Rat"
The elven chief finally asked the Rat tribe chief. Among the beastmen with a lot of short-thinking, the Rat tribe is the only race that thinks calmly. This tribe chief thought that he was on the same position as the elven chief who was not a beastman, but was smarter than himself.
"For three years, Fujiwara had never been unrighteous. It is highly appreciated that the people of the wolf tribe have been around for a long time.He also used the word human a lot, but he rarely included himself in it. You can think of Fujiwara as different from other people. Of course, it's not easy to trust. Maybe it's just for this time that we've given it to us. But for now, I think we should get on the story. We can also learn about weapons. It may be a unique opportunity for our six tribes to make a leap"
"Okay, with this we heard all opinions. By the way, I think that we should agree to Fujiwara's proposal. But we will only decide after looking at the city that he described. And we'll see how Fujiwara's treatment for us is"
Other chiefs agreed to the elven chief's decision with 「Yes, that's fine」. None of them will neglect what was decided in the council. The reason why they have cooperated beyond the races so far is that the system of discussion working well and respect for the answers. In addition, the fact that this conversation was being wiretapped by n.o.buhide was beyond the scope of those who did not know science.
The armored car driven by n.o.buhide and the truck loaded with the tribal chiefs run from north to south. The rain gradually weakens and the field of vision clears up. When the rain finally stopped, the two vehicles stopped and the rear plate of the truck was lowered.
"We've arrived. It's a little before the North Gate. First look at the city from outside"
The tribal chiefs get off the truck according to n.o.buhide´s words. In order from the descending person, their faces were dyed in amazement.
"Th, This is......!"
The last person to descend was the elven chief. HIs eyes were wide open. It was reflected in his eyes. The huge castle city where you can realize how small you are.
"It's the city you're going to live in. How big do you think it is?"
n.o.buhide said so proudly. Huge. The elven chief thought, indeed, huge.
It was heard from n.o.buhide, about 2 square kilometers. However, the numbers are completely different from what they see with their own eyes.
They have never seen a full-fledged castle city. But even then, the elven chief complained that the 2km square city was so big.
"Do you know what is on the gate?"
Again, n.o.buhide talks. There are many buildings on the wall that they have never seen. However, it's clear that its use is for spectators.
So what else is there? Several white clothes are hung on the walls without buildings. The elven chief immediately realized. Those are cannons.
"The rain is bad. I'm trying to keep them from getting wet, but there are cannons underneath that"
"It's a lie, what is that weapon!?"
Zazym utters those words with an astonis.h.i.+ng voice. Yes, that number is surprising.
"There are fifty cannons in the east, west, south, and north gate. I will have you train with these weapons"
There are two hundred cannons in total. I had such a tremendous number of new weapons. If all cannons were directed to a village, it would have been destroyed in an instant.
s.h.i.+ver. And relief. The elven chief knew from the bottom of his heart that he remembered n.o.buhide until today and remembered that there was no hostile.
They continue their inspection and after the two vehicles pa.s.sed through the gate, they got off. The tribal chiefs who sets foot on the earth again and witnesses the scenery outside the vehicle. From everybody's mouth, a sigh of exclamation screamed, 「Oh......」.
"How wonderful!"
n.o.buhide's proud voice entered from the right ears of the chiefs and went out of their left ears. The tribal chiefs were so admired by the scenery in front of them.
A residential area with no sign of people. Buildings that they have never seen are lined up regularly. However, they knew only that each structure was fine, orderly and splendid.
The sun, which appeared slightly from the cloudy sky, reflected by the rain and dew acc.u.mulated on the roof, was beautiful and dazzling. In the southern sky, where the clouds were cut, a rainbow was rising, creating a fantastic moment.
The sight inside the castle was truly another world.
It's not known whose voice it was, but it was the voice representing all tribe chiefs.
"Now, let's walk from here"
Walking in an uninhabited residential area with wet feet under the rainwater, the tribe chiefs were brought to the section where the wolf tribe lived. The reason why it is confusing is that the rain has stopped and the women have come to work outside. They can hear the children's cheerful voices. The people who lived there were more lively than anything else.
"This is where we will live here!?"
Zazym shouted, but all the tribal chiefs feel the same. Looking at the uninhabited residential area, they never thought they would be given the houses till they arrived here. But now that he sees people of the same race living there, Zazym can no longer help shouting.
"Are you unhappy?"
"Ah, no......"
To n.o.buhide´s question, Zazym becomes silent. The elven chief, who was watching it, thought of Zazym's heart, 「It might be the opposite of dissatisfaction」. There can be no complaints. He just couldn't believe it. Living in such a nice house.
"I want to look inside"
"You should look at the empty house there. Don't say inside, just look at it all the time."
With the permission of n.o.buhide, the elven chief entered the house. It smells of wood. The decor is also amazing. He can clearly see that it was created by outstanding technology.
When he took off his shoes and went up the entrance, the elven chief noticed. Even though the rain has stopped from the outside, he can hear the sound of dripping water, but he can't hear the sound of dripping from inside the house. It's a difference from the house where he lives which is leaking.
"It's a fine house"
The elven chief whispered. And he imagined the scenery where his tribe lives here. The faces of the wolfmen he saw earlier are replaced with the faces of elves. What came to the mind of the elven chief were the open faces of his tribe.
"Not bad"
After seeing every corner of the house, the elven chief goes out. At that time, his expression was natural, with a refres.h.i.+ng smile.
The other chiefs have not changed. They saw the future of their tribes in this town. Everyone wanted to live in this castle city.
No. If it is only at this time, not everyone is thinking about the town. There was only one unreachable man who was in the position of chieftain and was utterly different.
"Your name was Lasley-san, right? That's a nice name"
"Ha, Haa"
Only Zazym was eagerly attracted to a woman who happened to pa.s.s by and was flirting with her. The woman's name is Lasley. She was a famous woman in the wolf tribe who had met n.o.buhide before.
"Ah, if you like next time, why don't you eat potatoes with me?"
It's funny to see him talk to Lasley with his face red like a young boy. Everyone was amazed and the elven chief recalled chief Jiharu, also a wolf tribe chief and sighed why there was such a different.
――Thus, the six tribes decided to become residents of the new town created by n.o.buhide and the migration took place quickly.
Next, n.o.buhide went to the village where the lord's mansion is located and explained the current situation to village major Peter and the villagers. He couldn't tell a lie, but he mixed up an imagination and skillfully decided to move to the castle city.
After the beastmen, the villagers were immigrated and the people living in Fujiwara territory were equal to humans and beastmen, completing the migration to n.o.buhide's castle city.
Two months later, a huge number of immigrants from the capital come from the south. Everything is exactly as planned by n.o.buhide. Fujiwara's defense system was steadily in place.
Now, the scene was when immigrants from the capital came to the town. For the time being, the royal family was pushed into a certain mansion and registered for the family register.
"Don't disturb the line! Only the elderly, children or their families should move on!"
The manager raises his voice. The elderly and children were given priority for registering their family registers. Because the number of immigrants was so huge, it was expected that the registration would continue the whole night.
Since the injured people are far from registering their family registers, they were sent immediately to a free building where appropriate measures are taken. Others, such as families with children, elderly couples and those who were strong and children who partic.i.p.ated in this march, etc., who were generally called the weak, went out of line and registered their family registers under the consideration of n.o.buhide.
Of course, Kaoruko Yamada with her orphans are among them. However, since she came to this castle city, somehow her expression looks strange.
"Older sister, what happened to you? Are you tired?"
Following the instructions of the control officer, while leaving the line and heading to the government office, a girl called out to Kaoruko as she was worried.
"Eh, no, nothing. Its okay, I'm full of energy"
In order not to worry, Kaoruko smiled and 「Behaved」 as if nothing had happened. The other party is still less than ten years old. There was no way to read the fine subtleties and the girl laughed back at Kaoruko´s smile. But at that time, Kaoruko's heart was violently upset.
(What is this town......)
An astonishment that only Kaoruko knows. A shock that is completely different from what hit Edenstam and others. That's because she is special.
A nostalgic tile roof is reflected in her eyes. There are only white earthen walls and things that she has seen somewhere in a structure. However, this is not something she has seen in this world.
(That 's right――)
――Is it not j.a.pan? Kaoruko thought so. Old j.a.panese townscape. There was something she knew in her memories from years ago.
Kaoruko is registered in the family register without being surprised and she continues her thoughts. The person in charge asked her about her name, age, family structure, fingerprints and finally asked if she would be a resident of the town. When it was done, she was given a piece of cloth with her address. It seems that she is given a building specially made as an orphanage because she has a large family that has more than 20 orphans.
She looked around to find n.o.buhide´s figure, but she can't find him. She wanted to ask the person in charge about n.o.buhide but she didn't do it. She is not special to him. When she looks back on the current situation, she is just a refugee.
"Now, for those who have completed the family register registration, come here"
Kaoruko who have registered their family register go out according to the instructions of the staff. There were many people there besides Kaoruko and the children.
"I am the head of the section where you live! I will now guide you there!"
Those who have completed registration of the family register are gathered in one place and when the number of people in the same section becomes sufficient, the head of that section takes them there. They walked around the town in a lump. As soon as they got off the main street, there was a residential area.
"Amazing......this all......"
Kaoruko was stunned. Not just the main street. There were also some fine j.a.panese houses in the residential area. Not only Kaoruko, but everyone is walking with a surprised face.
"This is the area where you will live"
The whole group was surprised by these words. Should it be said that it was an expression pinched by a fox if it was a j.a.panese proverb? A place where they are going to live from now on. Because there were exactly the same excellent houses lined up.
"Th, This is our home......?"
"Dad, can we live in this place?"
A family looks at each other to see if they can live in such a place as they lived in a poor city. A large family who had an old man and a child, a mother and child family and the orphans that Kaoruko took care of were all having s.h.i.+ning eyes.
First, explanations of public facilities such as toilets and other cautions were made. If they have any questions, they shall ask the head of the ward or ask the person who lives next door.
The person who lives next door is a person who lived here before. There are already people in this area and Kaoruko and her children were thrown into it.
This is not a special section, but these rules existed in the whole section. It is from the judgment that it is unbearable if only newcomers are gathered and a custom of their own rules is made.
When the explanation of the ward is over, each person's house will be given according to the address. The house where Kaoruko and the orphans will live is at the end, so it is the last.
"This is where you live!"
Finally, it was Kaoruko´s turn and she was guided towards a large mansion that was four times more likely than other houses.
"W, Wowーー!"
"We, We really will live here !?"
The children were so excited and happy. It seems that the fatigue of the march has disappeared into nothing. However, only Kaoruko was stunned in such a situation.
Kaoruko turned her back to the big mansion and looked at the residential area. j.a.panese scenery surrounds her, but there are no j.a.panese people there.
Distorted. It felt like a illusion somewhat and Kaoruko felt that this was a dream.
(Where am I)
Everything is a dream. Where from where? Everything is a dream from the beginning, and if she wakes up, she is in her own home in j.a.pan. But Kaoruko didn't think that was the case.
(Things that I have experienced in this world cannot be cleared up with a word of dreams)
However, it is true that distant j.a.pan was recalled by the scenery in front of her. Suddenly, the faces of her father, mother and younger brother shuddered at Kaoruko´s back. Recently, her family's memory was almost unremembered.
Kaoruko's feelings were high and her eyes were hot. However, it was "just" with a hot eye. That was more sad for Kaoruko.
"Older sister? Does it hurt somewhere?"
The girl next to her stares at her with anxiety. Reiko wiped off the slightly blotted tears and gently stroked the girl's head. She thinks about the children as much as she thinks of her hometown. No, more than that――.
"Okay, okay. Let's go inside the house"
Kaoruko said that, holding hand with the young girl. The girl grabbed Kaoruko's hand with her small hand and responded with a cheerful voice, 「Yes!」.
――In this way, the registration process for migrants is progressing smoothly. However, no one knows yet that the Initia Kingdom is approaching.