The Ability to Make Town!? ~Let’s Make a Japanese Town in Different World~ - Chapter 93 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 3

Chapter 93 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 3

Town chapter 83: About Potatoes and Kaoruko Yamada

The Garden Party was over and the next day after withdrawing from the inn and parting from Romatto, I was leaving the capital city by carriage.

Looking back at the Garden Party, there were a lot of unpleasant things, but everything is fine after it's over. I saw an interesting side-effect of drinking wine with the nose and my heart was very radiant.

We have already talked about potatoes. Each territory and country will send people to my territory to receive the potatoes.

I felt a little annoyed by the Queen's sudden request for potatoes. But when I think about it, there was no particular problem.

Because my main money-making item is pepper. It is true that they thought that potatoes will help develop territories, but this does not mean that potatoes are made and could be sold to other countries. Potatoes are just a means of enriching food in the territory.

In the first place, the idea of ​​giving potatoes as a gift was a chance to become famous for the new crop called 'potatoes'. If the potato spreads, everyone will inevitably know my territory. Becoming famous as the potato production area, trust will be born. If the poor are recruited, they will come and it will be easy to reach a population of 10,000 people.

I also don't intend to distribute a lot of potatoes at once. No, I'm going to give a reasonable amount, but if I'm asked whether it's a lot, I'd have to say that the answer depends on various points of view.

For example, what I promised this time was one carriage of potatoes. This is a lot from an individual's point of view, but it's only a small amount on a territorial or national scale. Potato productivity is high but if I limit the amount I give, it will take several years for the potato to be made into the territory and national food base. In other words, the t.i.tle of the major potato production area will be monopolized by Fujiwara for several years.

What happens if I don't give potatoes to other countries and territories? Since potatoes will circulate in my territory, they will try to get it by hook or by crook. It is difficult to stop schemes. In other words, even if I pa.s.s the potatoes here, the difference is in early or late. Instead of burdening a series of troubles, such as potato robberies, I thought it would be better to give them a certain amount of potatoes and control the opponents to some extent.

I was looking outside through a small window as I was swayed by the carriage while thinking about the future prospects. We were travelling through the main street. More people are concentrated at the sides of the road to avoid the carriages. It was at that time that I heard a voice.

"Emm, wait! Please wait!"

A female's voice was heard from somewhere. There isn't a person who would call out to an aristocrat's wagon even though it seemed like the voice was directed here. So I concluded that it wasn't for me. However, the next words I heard greatly shook my heart.

"Are you j.a.panese?"

"Stop the carriage!"

I was already screaming when I noticed. I certainly heard the word j.a.panese. It wasn't a tense situation, but my heartbeat was pounding.

From the small window, I looked around at the people who were traveling.

There. A black-haired woman standing alone in the wave of people, like a rock jutting out of the sea. In the eyes staring at my carriage, I could see a mixture of tension and fear.

What to do now? The only j.a.panese I have ever met is the man named Sano. The spoken words were frivolous, not trustworthy, and I did not have a good impression of him. At that time, we were in the position of enemies on the battlefield and I couldn't get to know him deeply. The woman who stopped the carriage did not move from the spot and spoke with some fearful att.i.tude. I am a n.o.bleman in this country. She wasn't going to do anything bad, and if anything happened, she would have hidden in the crowd and run away.

"That's right!"

Although I responded late, it was with a loud voice. I answered to admit that I'm j.a.panese. The gazes of the people who were travelling gathered here, but that was only for a moment. For those who were not busy, my voice was just as valuable as the stones they stumbled upon.

But she was different. With a relieved expression on her face, she broke through the wave of people and walked towards the carriage. So I got out of the carriage and greeted her.

"You are?"

"I— I'm Kaoruko Yamada."

In the s.p.a.ce created by my escort group to avoid the human waves, she, Yamadsan, bowed her head down. I knew she was j.a.panese even if I didn't ask for her name. Her appearance was certainly j.a.panese.

I met Sano during the war and the situation was too steep. However, meeting her in this way, I felt very nostalgic as if I had met a relative of my hometown.

"I am n.o.buhide Fujiwara. Let's change the place for the time being."

It's another night in this world today. While thinking about that, I helped Yamadsan enter the carriage.

In a room in a new luxury inn. Yamadsan and I were sitting on chairs facing each other.

By the way, on the way here, I asked Yamadsan whether it was a coincidence that she found me on the main street. According to Yamadsan, the children she was taking care of received a fruit from a n.o.ble. Well, the n.o.ble was me, but at that time, Yamadsan received a report from the children that my hair color and face look similar to her. So she thought that I was j.a.panese and she was watching for me all the way on the main street in antic.i.p.ation of finding me. In addition, it seems that Yamadsan does not remember that I was the man who kneeled down before G.o.d and was laughed at by others.

"I'll introduce myself again, I'm n.o.buhide Fujiwara. Of course, I'm j.a.panese. In this country, I'm a n.o.ble with the rank of an Baron. I also have a territory in the north"

"Fu, Fujiwara......sama"

"『Sama』 is not necessary, but I have a position. Well, if it's not a prominent place like now, you don't need to say 『Sama』"

"I, I understand. I'll call you Fu, Fujiwarsan. Thereupon that......the people here are......"

"My escort, but it's okay if we talk about j.a.pan"

Is she nervous because I'm a n.o.bleman or j.a.panese? Even so, when I meet a fellow j.a.panese, I don't know what to say.

When I first came to this world, I was worried about my family. However, now that I have been in this world, there are no strong feelings. There is a feeling of thinking, but for example, when weighed the people of the wolf tribe and j.a.panese people, I will choose the wolf tribe without hesitation.

Every j.a.panese should have important people in this world by now. The period of eight years is so long.

"How have you been up to this day?"

My words came out with a little silence. I thought it had gone away.

When I look at her appearance, I can see the struggle. Her clothes are beautiful, but the shoes are repaired often and are worn out. Probably she is wearing the best clothes to meet me. She also said she is taking care of the children. In other words, it was the children who I gave fruits before, so it couldn't be said that she is happy. It goes without saying that she was in trouble. It is an act of hurting her to ask this question.

In addition, I am a n.o.ble. When she sees me, she usually thinks I am blessed. Actually, I am blessed. It is no wonder that words from such a person to question the painful current situation make her feel bad about me.

Then she in front of my eyes shed tears. This is her answer. However, I can't see any dislike for me from that expression.

"I, I'm sorry......but, but!"

She apologized herself for crying and talked. Drew the card 【Water Magic】. Using that power, she became someone who sells her own skills to provide water. She can't rely on anyone, she has nourished her own orphans and have lived so far.

She said that. She was lonely and timid. I thought she was going to run away.

It is said that such a large layer of responsibility to support children is not to be able to be held when I am a high school student. But what happens to those children when they are gone? She wanted someone to ask her. To those who understand this suffering. To the same j.a.panese.

Her words swirled with various conflicts were truly imminent. Her eyes seemed to come to mind when her eyes were closed.

If I and her were in the opposite position, could I have lived strong like her until today? I bite my lips and felt the iron taste on the tip of my tongue.

"You worked very well. Yamadsan was great and saved many children. I think it was possible because of you"

When the talk was over, I gently praised her. Her actions are very precious.

Not everyone can do it. Even if you have j.a.panese morality. So I thought I should praise her.


She looked down and cried. She tried to kill her voice, but it can't be helped. She has been carrying a lot of things alone so far. She couldn't cry, so she has been doing my best.

I've been watching her all the time crying. I thought about going out of the room, but I felt something different. Because there was a j.a.panese person called me, she is crying now.

When Yamadsan's cry became much smaller, I handed out a handkerchief while saying 「Take this」. She wipes her tears and turns her face towards me. Her nose is red.

"Th, Thank you. I'm sorry, for showing you a unsightly part"

"I don't care"

"That handkerchief is......"

"I will give it you"

"I'm sorry......"

"I'm sorry to hear about you, but I can't talk much about my abilities. ......I´m sorry"

I sit down on the chair and bow my head. I could have made up a story, but it felt appropriate.

"N, No, it's okay, because I spoke without permission. So raise your head!"

I raised my head after her kind words and thanked her by saying "Thank you".

"Do you know about other j.a.panese?"

"No, but I know about a cloth written in j.a.panese that was affixed. It was written, that 『Those who can read this letter will come to the Wa.s.sali territory of Youju Empire』 and 『If you can't come for some reason, consult with the owner of the Totto tavern on the path next to the Enji cafeteria on Pittsug Street』"

It was my first time. Wa.s.sali territory of the Youju Empire. There might be a j.a.panese there. Is that person in a high position or the lord himself?

It's a possible story. I know the existence of the card [Become a Lord].

But I don't know how he became a lord. It may be that people around the country misunderstood the lord as if they were hypnotized or they were reborn as a lord.

"So what does Yamadsan do?"

"Of course I didn't go. I can't afford to go that far because there are children I have to feed. The Totto Tavern isn't too good, so I'm scared to get close to it"


I think while answering. Powerful j.a.panese. What does it mean to attract j.a.panese people? Maybe there is a good intention to help the same j.a.panese or perhaps for territorial development. However, whether it is good intentions or subtraction, it does not change the fact that it saves so many j.a.panese people. Its something I couldn't do.

In any case, it would be better to have the Polo Company investigate the Wa.s.sali territory once. Come to think of it, it is a story that it has changed from expensive parchment to cheap plant paper recently. Perhaps the j.a.panese are involved in plant paper......the Wa.s.sali territory may be involved.

"Yamadsan. Do you want to take the children you're looking after and come to my territory? I can't treat you specially, but I can guarantee food, clothing and shelter"

There is also a plan to have them live in the town where the wolf tribe and I live to let her become a j.a.panese teacher. But for the time being, I will have her live in a human village and observe her person closely. Then Yamadsan shook her head after thinking about it a little.

"That's not good. I just wanted to meet a j.a.panese. That's it"

As if the possessive has fallen, she said with clear eyes. Oh, I see. She thought she hadn't left j.a.pan yet. Still she works hard. In this world, so splendid.

"Understood. Wait a minute"

I tell one of the wolfman to get money from Reina. After a while, a small bag full of gold coins came to me and I handed it to Yamadsan.

"At least accept this from me. I hope you can think of it as an information fee. I didn't talk much about me. And if you give me your address, I'll have people from the business company I've known go to see you from time to time"

"Thank you......!"

"And this too"

I offered a slightly larger cloth bag.

"Is this a book?"

"Yes, it will be useful for teaching the children"

Yes, the content of the cloth bag is Olive Olive´s breaking off an engagement series that was bought to improve the literacy rate of the villagers. The price of books is still high, although it is cheaper thanks to plant paper. The same goes for studying letters, but if you sell something, it should be worth the money. When Yamadsan received the cloth bag containing the books, she took it out and looked at the cover.

"......Do you like this?"

"Ah, no......"

I was a little embarra.s.sed and no words came out. Anyway t.i.tle is t.i.tle. The Olive Olive work for women is like a Harem novel for men if you just look at the t.i.tle. Apart from that, I don't hate harem. But professing "I love Harem novels" is something that is easily beaten.

"W, Well, it was pretty interesting when I read it"

I confess as I thought. If you read it, it is certain that it seemed surprising, even for me as a man. It was comedy-like from start to finish, or a complete comedy work.


Yamadsan laughs. A smile she showed for the first time today. Strangely enough, she seemed to me like a high school girl wearing a sailor suit who was laughing.