The Young Master's Bride - Chapter 1297: If there's-next time, you know the consequences

Chapter 1297: If there's-next time, you know the consequences

Chapter 1297: If theres-next time, you know the consequences

Translator: 549690339

Feng Yan was a very evil person. The words he said in bed would make you feel embarra.s.sed, and those words made you

Nainai had a stubborn temper. Even if he went to find her now, she would not open the door for him. She would definitely ask him to leave her alone.

Yin s.h.i.+nian wanted to pull his hand back, but he couldnt. Im eating, let go! Feng Yan pulled and made Yin s.h.i.+nian sit on his lap.

Yin s.h.i.+nian didnt expect Feng Yan to pull her to sit down at all. When his back hit his tight chest, he felt pain because Feng Yan had pulled with great force.

Just sit here and eat! Approaching Yin s.h.i.+nians neck, Feng Yan opened his mouth gently.

His warm and moist breath hit Yin s.h.i.+nians neck. Her body stiffened and she didnt dare to move.

Because she was sitting on his lap, her struggle was nothing more than a fire

Feng Yan, dont go overboard. How can you eat like this?

Although there were no servants here, it was not a private s.p.a.ce and people could come in at any time.

Even if Feng Yan didnt want face, Yin s.h.i.+nian did.

you should know that I can do even worse things. Ive always wanted to try it on the dining table

When Feng Yan said such ambiguous and embarra.s.sing words, his tone was always very lazy, seemingly casual, but it made people feel suffocated.

Yin s.h.i.+nian wasnt the kind of person who blushed easily, but in front of Feng Yan, she would always blush and her heart would race at the words he said.

Its not convenient for me today Period! Yin s.h.i.+nians voice was very soft, but Feng Yan heard him clearly.

His body, which had reacted, was instantly doused with a basin of cold water, but at the same time, the fire was ignited even more vigorously, because of Yin s.h.i.+nians words, which could be considered a response.

You still have a mouth

As Feng Yan spoke, he had already turned Yin s.h.i.+nians body over. When he finished speaking, his thin lips had already landed on his.

The domineering kiss was accompanied by teasing. It broke through Yin s.h.i.+nians teeth and swept through every inch of his territory in her mouth.

Yin s.h.i.+nian was forced to lean back, and this position made her breathing become more rapid.

The more Feng Yan kissed, the fiercer he became. Yin s.h.i.+nian couldnt take it anymore and couldnt push him away.

Feng Yans words echoed in her mind, you still have another mouth

It wasnt that she had never done it before, but she felt very humiliated. She didnt want to do it, but with Feng Yan, it was only whether he wanted it or not, not whether she was willing or not

Feng Yan picked up Yin s.h.i.+nian, whose breathing was in a mess, and left the dining room in a hurry.


Im not eating anymore, lets go back to the room! Feng Yans words were burning hot.

When they went up the stairs, they would take two steps at a time

During the few days he had been staying at Feng Yans residence, Yin s.h.i.+nian had understood one thing-he really shouldnt anger Feng Yan, or else his life would be really difficult.

He was like Satan from h.e.l.l in bed, evil and dangerous.

He would always make himself completely put down his self-esteem when he did this, and every time he would make himself cry for mercy

Only then would he stop

Ill come back for dinner in the future!

Feng Yan lay on Yin s.h.i.+nians body with a satisfied expression. No matter how cold this woman was, he would always force her to be hot in bed

Feng Yan was still reminiscing the taste of being wrapped by those wet and smooth little lips

Yin s.h.i.+nians entire face was flushed red, and his full lips were slightly red and swollen

She heard Feng Yans words but did not reply. She was not willing to cook for him.

She didnt want to eat with him either

Didnt you hear what I said? Without waiting for Yin s.h.i.+nians response, Feng Yan suddenly pinched her chin and said in a deep voice,

I know! At this moment, Yin s.h.i.+nian really didnt have the energy to deal with Feng Yan.

She didnt want to do that for him anymore

Ever since he had eaten Yin s.h.i.+nians cooking, no matter how busy Feng Yan was, he would always come home on time.

Looking at the three sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table, he felt very comfortable.

Even Han Bing noticed that the young master was smiling more and more often.

On this day

When Feng Yan came back, Yin s.h.i.+nian hadnt prepared dinner yet, so she was a little uneasy.

Today, she received a phone call from an unknown number.

When she picked up the call, the mans hoa.r.s.e voice came from the other end. little girl

Yin s.h.i.+nians hand trembled and he threw his phone to the ground

It had been five years. Hearing these three words again, Yin s.h.i.+nian felt the blood in his body flow backward

She did not expect Bai Hexun to call her

Hes back? The number was from Yun Cheng. Was he allowed to come back?

When Feng Yan wrapped his arms around Yin s.h.i.+nians waist, the knife in her hand fell on the chopping board

The familiar masculine scent made her body stiffen.

Although the two of them would do very intimate things every day and sleep in the same bed, Yin s.h.i.+nian was still not used to Feng Yans touch.

What are you thinking about? Feng Yan furrowed his brows slightly. He was extremely displeased with her stiff body every time he touched Yin s.h.i.+nian.

its nothing. Ill be done soon. Go to the restaurant and wait!

Yin s.h.i.+nian picked up the knife again, his voice very calm

Compared to before, when they had nothing to say to each other, Feng Yan was still satisfied with Yin s.h.i.+nians response.

After kissing Yin s.h.i.+nian on the cheek, Feng Yan walked out of the kitchen.

Yin s.h.i.+nian heaved a sigh of relief. She was wondering when these days would end.

Even though she was living here, her heart had always wanted to leave.

He took nainai and left

Gu Jue came and asked Feng Yan to go out for a drink with him. Chu baiqing had returned to the country, but he brought back a man, which made Gu Jue very unhappy.

Before Feng Yan left, he hesitated again and again, but still decided to tell Yin s.h.i.+nian.

When Feng Yan returned to the master bedroom, Yin s.h.i.+nian heard the sound of the door opening and hung up.

This was an obvious movement, and Feng Yan saw it clearly.

He walked to the side of the bed and directly s.n.a.t.c.hed her phone from Yin s.h.i.+nians hand.

When he opened the call log and saw Feng Xis name, Feng Yans lips curved into a gentle smile.

A cold light flashed through his devilish eyes.

Yin s.h.i.+nians small, fair hand clutched the bed sheet tightly. He lowered his head and didnt say anything.

Feng Yan threw Yin s.h.i.+nians phone directly on the bed. His clean and slender fingers pinched Yin s.h.i.+nians jaw, forcing her to look at him, and he spoke in a soft voice.

I, Feng Yan, have told you not to do it. Ill never repeat myself. If this happens again, you know what the consequences will be!

Yin s.h.i.+nian bit his lip and closed his eyes, not wanting to look at him.

Ill be back late. Take good care of the child!

Over the past two days, Feng Yan had already gotten used to Yin s.h.i.+nians silent confrontation. Now, it was up to who was more patient.

Feng Yan didnt know why, but after saying this, he felt a little weird.

It was like a husband who was about to go out and telling his wife, late. Take good care of the child!

Ill be back

This strange feeling made him suddenly release his grip on Yin s.h.i.+nians hand.

Yin s.h.i.+nian turned his face away, still silent.

Yin s.h.i.+nian was actually already used to this silent mode.

Previously, when Feng Xi had placed her under house arrest as s.h.i.+ Nian, she had played dumb because she was used to not speaking.

Feng Yan couldnt bear to see Yin s.h.i.+nian like this. It was when she was under him that no matter how he forced her, she would hold back and not cry out.

After Feng Yan turned around and left indifferently, Yin s.h.i.+nians body trembled slightly

The words he had just heard echoed in Yin s.h.i.+nians ears. After dinner, li beixiao came and had something to discuss with Feng Yan.

Yin s.h.i.+nian had also overheard their conversation by accident. So the person in Feng Yans heart was

He would never take good care of himself in this life. The person he wanted to take care of was actually valiant song

She had never known that the person in his heart was valiant song

Feng Xi called again, but Yin s.h.i.+nian hung up. He kept asking her about his boyfriend.

At this moment, Yin s.h.i.+nian wanted to tell him the truth and didnt want to hide it anymore.

It didnt matter if it would hurt Feng Xi or anger him.

She was about to say it out

She sent a message to Feng Xi. my name is Yin s.h.i.+nian, which is s.h.i.+nian

After sending the message, Yin s.h.i.+nian turned off his phone.

She didnt know what was wrong with her, but she suddenly felt uneasy.

What was the reason? Yin s.h.i.+nian didnt dare to think deeply about what he was concerned about

Yin s.h.i.+nian had just sent off a customer, packed his things, and walked out of the wedding dress shop.

She had to go back to prepare dinner, but Feng Yan had called to say that he would be back for dinner.

People were always very adaptable. From her initial unwillingness, she could now obediently say yes to Feng Yans phone call

Yin s.h.i.+nian walked towards the main street and felt a car following him.

She turned around and saw that the car had stopped.

Then, the car window rolled down

As the car window rolled down, a handsome face with chiseled facial features appeared in front of Yin s.h.i.+nian

I was still wondering when you would find me. Little girl, long time no see

Bai Hexun smiled and looked at the stunned Yin s.h.i.+nian

The faint smile at the corner of his mouth was unruffled

Yin s.h.i.+nians heart seemed to stop. She didnt expect to see Bai Hexun again.

This man who had been exiled abroad

He had really returned

That year, in the sealed courtyard, Yin s.h.i.+nian, who had lost his way, saw Bai Hexun for the first time

He said, little girl, are you lost?

When they met again, it was at the airport. He was being detained by a soldier and was very reluctant

He grabbed Yin s.h.i.+nian, who was giving him away, lost little girl, do you still remember me?

Yin s.h.i.+nian nodded. She remembered this big brother, she remembered

the little girl is so beautiful At that time, Yin s.h.i.+nian was already fourteen years old

Later on, she received a letter from Bai Hexun

The two of them communicated through letters during their innocent youth.

The love that was slowly growing, by the time she was 18 years old, she could no longer control it.

She made the boldest decision in her life, to go abroad to find Bai Hexun

However, because of this decision, she went to the wrong room by accident She got onto Feng Yans bed.

This was how fate was arranged.

Ill catch you off guard

When Yin s.h.i.+nian got into Bai Hexuns car, she was in a daze and didnt even open her mouth to say a word to him.

Because he couldnt open his mouth

Bai Hexun gently held Yin s.h.i.+nians hand.

Out of habit, she tried to break free. She was not used to being touched by anyone, but Bai Hexun tightened his grip.

Little girl, did you miss me?

Bai Hexuns eyes were filled with unconcealed affection.

Yin s.h.i.+nian looked at him in a panic

Yes, how could she not miss him? she missed him every day

However, thinking about her current situation, how could she say the word want

She could only remain silent

To be able to see her again, actually It was pretty good

This man was as calm and wise as he had been five years ago.

She didnt know why he had been exiled and not allowed to return to the country

She only knew that this man was so lonely that it made her heart ache.

He would always say to her, little girl, I miss home very much. I miss you very much

Those words reverberated in Yin s.h.i.+nians mind in his dreams

She couldnt sleep all night

Yin s.h.i.+nian didnt say anything, but Bai Hexun opened his mouth, little girl, I missed you so much, so I came back

Yin s.h.i.+nians body stiffened.

Five years ago, she had already told Bai Hexun, Bai Hexun, I dont want you anymore

When Yin s.h.i.+nian said this, she knew that she must have hurt Bai Hexun badly.

This was because Bai Hexun had said that no one wanted him anymore

At that time, Yin s.h.i.+nian had said to him, even if everyone doesnt want you anymore, you still have me. I will accompany you for the rest of your life

At that time, she really thought that she would be with him for the rest of her life.

Their feelings for each other were not as vigorous as those of others, but they were long-term.

Yin s.h.i.+nian was stubborn. If she liked him, she liked him. If she loved him, she loved him.

So, when she found out that she was pregnant with Feng Yans child, she said these cruel words to Bai Hexun. Bai Hexun, I dont want you anymore

She just wanted Bai Hexun to hate her so that he would not feel bad

However, she did not expect that when they met again, his att.i.tude towards her was still the same as before

He even called her little girl so intimately

It was as if they had never lost five years of time

my daughter is five years old now. Her father is waiting for me to come home and cook

Yin s.h.i.+nians voice trembled a little. He didnt know why he had said this

The young master of the Feng sect, Feng Yan, isnt the person he loves Huo qingge?

Although it was a questioning tone, it was a certain tone

Yin s.h.i.+nian looked at Bai Hexun in shock, but he only touched her head indifferently

little girl, I know everything about you. How can I be at ease leaving you alone

Bai Hexun leaned forward and hugged the slightly dazed Yin s.h.i.+nian in his arms.

You Yin s.h.i.+nian didnt know what to say. He actually knew everything about her.

Do you know how hard your life is? do you know how much my heart aches for you?

Bai Hexun had always known about Yin s.h.i.+nians matters. He had sent people to protect her, but he had not interfered in her Affairs.

However, it was different this time. She was living in a sealed house

He had to come back

Yin s.h.i.+nian was about to speak when her phone rang. She took it out and saw that it was Feng Yan.

She answered the phone without hesitation. She didnt want to make him unhappy. If that happened, he would have another reason to torture her in bed.

Feng Yan had said that if she didnt pick up his call, she wouldnt be able to get out of bed

Where are you? Feng Yans cold voice came through the moment the call connected.