Nomarch,--Nome'-ark, governor of a civil division called a nome.
On, Heliopolis,--near the site of the modern Cairo.
Osiris,--Oh-sy'-ris, the great G.o.d of Egypt, the principle of good, the creator.
Pa-Ramesu,--Pay-Ram'-e-soo, a treasure city begun by Rameses II.
Paraschites,--Par-a-shy'-t.e.e.z, embalmers, an unclean cla.s.s.
Pentaur,--Pen'-tor, an Egyptian priest and poet of the time of Rameses II.
Pepi,--Pay'-pee, servant of Masanath.
Pharaoh,--Fay'-roe, t.i.tle given to the Egyptian monarchs.
Pithom,---Py'-thom, a treasure city built by Rameses II.
Ptah,--P-tah', the patron deity of Memphis.
Punt,--Poont, Arabia.
Ra,--Rah, the sun G.o.d, patron deity of On.
Rachel,--daughter of Maai of Israel, beloved of Kenkenes.
Rameses,--Ram'-e-seez, a popular name for Egyptian kings; the name of Meneptah's older son and also the name of Meneptah's father, the Incomparable Pharaoh.
Ranas,--Rah'-nas, the servant of Snofru.
Sema,--See'-mah, an aged servant of Mentu.
Senci,--Sen'-cee, a lady of n.o.ble birth, aunt of Hotep and his sisters.
Set,--the G.o.d of war and evil.
Seti,--Set'-ee, second son to Meneptah, beloved of Io.
Siptah,--Sip'-tah, son of Amon-meses and claimant to the Egyptian throne.
Snofru,--Sno'-froo, priest of Ra at On.
Tahennu,--Tah-hen'-niu, a fair-haired tribe on the Mediterranean, which was exterminated by Seti I.
Ta-meri,--Tam'-e-ree, daughter of the nomarch of Memphis and beloved by Nechutes.
Tanis,--Tay'-nis, the Egyptian name for Zoan.
Tape,--Tay'-pay, Thebes.
Ta-user,--Tay'-oo'-ser, a princess of the realm and beloved of Siptah.
Thebaid,--Thee-bay'-id, civil division embracing Thebes and surrounding towns.
Thebes,--Theebz, capital of Upper Egypt and largest city in Egypt.
Toth,--Tote, the male deity of wisdom and law.
Tuat,--Tiu'-ayt, the Egyptian Hades.
Unas,--Yu'nas, servant to Har-hat.
Wady Toomilat,--Wah'-dee Toom'-ee-laht, great Rameside road leading into the Orient.
Zoan,--Zoe'-an, the capital of the Delta.