The Works of Mr. George Gillespie - Part 63

Part 63

890 Praelect., tom. 1, p. 367.

891 In Apologet.

892 Chemnit. Exam., part 2, p. 121.

893 Calv. Inst.i.t, lib. 4, cap. 10, sect. 32.

894 Calv. Epist. et Resp., col. 478.

895 Manuduct., p. 37.

896 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling, p. 2.

897 Cap. 1.

898 Supra, part 1, cap. 4, 6.

899 Fr. Jun. de Polit. Mos., cap. 1.

900 Apol., part 3, cap. 1, sect. 25.

901 Just., lib. 4, cap. 10, sect. 17.

902 Letter to the Regent of Scotland.

903 Eccl. Pol., lib. 2.

904 Praelect, tom. 1, p. 369.

905 Epist. to the Pastors of the Church of Scotland.

906 Course of Conformity, p. 153.

907 Epist. 118.

908 Com. in 1 Reg. viii. 65.

909 Supra, cap. 1, sect. 6.

910 In 2 Praec., col. 363.

911 Ib., col. 502.

912 Annot. on Phil. ii. 10.

913 Epist. ad Protect. Angl.

914 Causa 11, quest. 3, cap. 101.

915 In 4 Praec., col. 791.

916 De Jud. Controv., cap. 14, p. 76.

917 Of the Church, lib. 4, cap. 34, p. 400.

918 Gerard, Loc. Theol., tom. 6, p. 1280; Polan. Synt., lib. 10, cap.

162, col. 960.

919 Lib. 6, cap. 5, num. 3, 174.

920 Ostens. Error. Fr. Suarez, cap. 3, num. 23.

921 De Rep. Eccl., cap. 6, num. 38.

922 Ostens. Error. Fr. Suarez, cap. 3, num. 23.

923 Lib. 6, cap. 5, num. 174.

924 Ibid., num. 177.

925 J. Wolph. in 2 Reg. xii.

926 Id., ibid.

927 Zanch. In 3 Praec. 575-558.

928 Supra, cap. 6.

929 Prompt Morall, in Domin 1, quadrag. text 10.

930 Proc. in Perth a.s.sembly.

931 Onuphr. de Vit. Hadr., 6.

932 De Imper. aut, lib. 2, cap. 55.

933 Praelect, tom. 1, p. 370, 372; tom. 2, p. 41.

934 Calv. in Psal. ii.

935 Taylor on t.i.t. iii. 1, p. 543.

936 Pareus in illum loc.u.m.

937 Iren., lib. 2, cap. 4, sect. 3.

938 Lib. 1.