The Works of Mr. George Gillespie - Part 61

Part 61

790 Apol., part 3, cap. 2.

791 Eccl. Pol., lib. 4, sect. 1.

792 Ames. Fresh Suite, p. 223.

793 Supra, cap. 4, sect. 4.

794 Ibid., sect. 5.

795 Papal. et Christian., art. 11.

796 On Luke xxiv. 50.

797 Synt. Theol., lib. 9, cap. 38.

798 Com. on Gal. iii. 24.

799 Exam., part 2, De Rit. in Admin. Sacram., p. 32.

800 Animad. in Bell. de Cult. Sanct., cap. 5.

801 Luke xvi. 16.

802 Ames, Fresh Suite, p. 266.

803 Synt. Theol., lib. 6, cap. 10, p. 58, 59.

804 Synop. Pur. Theol., disp. 19, thes. 4.

805 Supra, cap. 4, sect. 9.

806 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling, p. 116.

807 Apol., part 3, cap. 2, sect. 4.

808 Homil. 27, in 1 Cor.

809 Camer. Praelict., tom. 3, p. 37.

810 Calv. in Matt. xxi. 25.

811 Hist. of the Church of Scotland, lib. 1, p. 157-159.

812 Calv. in Josh. xxii.

813 Ibid.

814 On 1 Cor. xi, sect. 6.

815 Com. in illum loc.u.m.

816 Eccl. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 69.

817 On Praec. 4.

818 Epist. to the Pastors of the Church of Scotland.

819 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling, p. 3.

820 Ibid, p. 11.

821 Ibid, p. 4.

822 Ibid., p. 14.

823 Ibid., p. 6, 7.

824 Fresh Suite, p. 153.

825 De Effect. Sacr., lib. 2, cap. 31.

826 In Praefat. Elench. Relig. Papistic.

827 De Cas. Consc., lib. 4, cap. 11.

828 Ames, Bell. Enerv., tom. 1, lib. 3, cap. 7.

829 Ubi supra.

830 Com. in illum loc.u.m.

831 On Matt. xix., sect. 9.

832 Iren., lib. 2, cap. 7, p. 6, 7.

833 Eccl. Pol. lib. 5, sect. 65.

834 De Imag. Sanct., cap. 29.

835 Com. in illum loc.u.m.

836 Com. in Ezek. ix. 4.

837 Ibid.

838 Gram. Hebr., part 1, cap. 1.

839 Com. in illum loc.u.m.