The Works of Mr. George Gillespie - Part 58

Part 58

640 N. Fratri et Amico, resp. ad art. 12m.

641 Ubi Supra, p. 510.

642 Supra, part 2, cap. 9, sect. 14.

643 Infra, cap. 4, sect. 26-28.

644 Of the Cross, cap. 2, sect. 2.

645 Upon Gen. x.x.xv. 4.

646 Expos. in Col. iii. 5.

647 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling, cap. 18, p. 62.

648 History of the Church of Scotland, lib. 1, p. 181.

649 Part 1, quest. 3.

650 Charact. of the Superst.i.t., lib. 2.

651 Com. In 1 Kings ii.

652 A. Polan. Synt. Theol., lib. 6, cap. 3; D. Pareus Explic. Catech., part 1, quest. 71; Scarpius Curs. Theolog. de Peccato, cap. 8.

653 Ibid., ver. 44.

654 De Rep. Eccl., lib. 7. cap. 12, num. 88.

655 Ibid., num. 89.

656 Eccl. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 65.

657 Cornel. a Lapide; Com. in Hag. ii. 24.

658 Confer. with Hart, chap. 8, divis. 5, p. 509.

659 Eccl. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 66.

660 Eram., part 2, de Rit. in Admin. Sacr., p. 32.

661 Lib 1, de Viti. Ext. Cult. Oppos., col. 505.

662 Eccl. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 69

663 Supra, part 1, cap. 1.

664 Supra, cap. 1.

665 Infra, cap. 5.

666 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling. p. 115, 116.

667 De Rep. Eccl., lib. 5, cap. 6, num. 126.

668 De Rep. Eccl., lib. 5, cap. 6, num. 138.

669 Proc. in Perth a.s.sembly, part 2, p. 22.

670 Serm. at Perth a.s.sembly.

671 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling, cap. 10, p. 17.

672 Apol., part 3, sect. 16.

673 Cap. 1, sect. 35.

674 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling, cap. 22, p. 85.

675 Ibid., cap. 23.

676 Annot. on Heb. xi. 21.

677 Expos. Artic. Confes. Angel., art. 28.

678 De Sacr. Euchar, lib. 4, c. 29.

679 Zanch., lib. 1, De Viti. Ext. Cult. Oppos., col. 504.

680 Bell. ubi supra.

681 Cartwright on 1 Cor. xi., sect. 8.

682 De Orig. Imag., p. 245.

683 Ans. to the Les. Chal. of the Real Pres., p. 74.

684 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling, p. 116.

685 Proc. in Perth a.s.sembly, part 2, p. 92.

686 Ubi supra.

687 Ubi supra.

688 Gener. Def., cap. 3.

689 Rejoynd., p. 296.