The Works of Mr. George Gillespie - Part 46

Part 46

44 Lactant., lib. 5, cap. 20.

45 P. Mart. in 1 Reg. 8. de Templ. dedic.

46 Epist. to the Pastors of the Church of Scotland.

47 Serm. at Perth a.s.sem. insert. by Dr Lindsey.

48 Practic. Def. cap. 3, sect. 20.

49 Dr Forb. Iren. lib. 1, cap. 5, sect 6; cap. 7, sect. 1, 9; cap. 9, sect. 6.

50 Ca.s.sand. Ang. p. 270, 11.

51 Ans to the Repl. pref. p. 43.

52 Ib. p. 53.

53 De Cas. Cons. lib. 4, cap. 11, cas. 3.

54 Ubi supra.

55 De cult. Sanct. cap. 10.

56 De Orig. Fest. Christian. cap. 2.

57 Repl. to the Ans. p. 258.

58 Calv. Com. in hunc loc.u.m.

59 De Exam. part 1, de Bon. Oper. p. 180.

60 Synt. part 2, disp. 27, thes. 30.

61 Bell. Enerv. tom. 1, lib. 3. cap. 7.

62 Ubi supra, thes. 31.

63 Annot. in Act. xv. 29.

64 Cens. lit. Angl. cap. 2.

65 Comm. in 1 Cor. vii. 23.

66 Synt. part. 2, disp. 44, thes. 33.

67 Ubi supra.

68 Hom. 1, in Ep. ad t.i.t.

69 Synt. Theol. lib. 6, cap. 38.

70 Inst.i.t. lib. 3, cap. 19, sect. 7.

71 Ib. cap. 10.

72 Chem. Exam. part. 2. de rit. in adm. Sac. p. 33.

73 Zanch. comm. in Col. ii. 20.

74 Apol. part. 3, cap. 1, sect. 5.

75 Comm. in 1 Cor. vii. 23.

76 De haeret. Baptiz.

77 B. Lind. Epist. to the Pastors of the Church of Scotland.

78 Spots. Sermon at Perth a.s.sembly.

79 Of the Cross, cap. 5, sect. 11.

80 Of the Church, lib. 4, cap. 34.

81 Apol. part 3. cap. 1, sect. 4. So Dr Forb. Iren. lib. 1, cap. 11, sect. 5, 6.

82 Manuduct. p. 42.

83 Thes. Theol. de Libert. Christ thes. 10.

84 Prel. in Mat. xviii. 7, tom. 2. p. 340.

85 Ubi supra.

86 Ubi supra.

87 Sermon of the worshipping of Imaginations.

88 Til. Synt. part. 2, disp. 27, thes. 38.

89 Thuan. Hist. lib. 124, p. 922.

90 Of the Church, lib. 4, cap. 33.

91 De Cens. lib. 1, cap. 2.

92 Treat. of Cons. cap. 2, sect. 3.

93 Theol. Cas. cap. 2.