The Works of John Knox - Volume II Part 68

Volume II Part 68

334, l. 4. (_Margin_,) Let Princes note this.--24.

(_Margin_,) Let Court chaplains and unthrifts of the time note this.

335, l. 20 _to_ 336, l. 3. _liked_ not our Queene one whit, for as yet she could not resolve to be wife to the King of Sweden, having been lately Queene of France: And yet she refused not one much inferiour to a Soveraigne King.

336, l. 4. (_Margin_,) The Earle of Lennox and his lady imprisoned in the Tower of London for traffiquing with Papists.

337, (_Margin_,) _Anno 1566 in Maij_, (_omitted._)

338, l. 5, 6. _From_ the Father.--8, 9. _by the Eternall G.o.d_, (_omitted._)--25. _and_ base _service_.--31. _Word and_, (_omitted._)

339, l. 11. _and body_, if you do not repent.

340, l. 2. _for lack of punishment_, (_omitted._)--(_Marginal note omitted._)--15. _neglecting_ the execution _of his_.--20. (_Margin_,) Note diligently.--23, 24. _pay their_ hire, _that_.

341, l. 19, 20. _that some ... releaf and_, (_omitted._)

342, l. 17. _Last_--Sixthly.--22. Seventhly, _we desire_.--33. _Farther, we most_--Eightly, we most.

343, l. 8. _dyttament_--judgment.--15. (_Margin_,) Note that diligently.--20. (_Margin_,) Note this for our times.

344, l. 31. _and wemen_, (_omitted._)

345, l. 8, 9. _hurt, and_ was for a long time _mutilat_.

346, l. 2, 18. broke the prison.--(_Margin_,) _ward_ or prison.

347, l. 10. (_Buchanan subst.i.tutes for the note_)--Note another wavering of the Hamiltons.--21. (_Margin_,) Commissionaris, (_omitted._)

348, l. 3. (_Margin_,) A new Covenant 1562.--6. _and a.s.sist_, (_omitted._)--7. _offered_ and granted _unto_.--21.

Erratum 1552.

352, (_Marginal vote omitted._)

353, l. 25. _malice_--matter.

354, l. 6. _inflammed_--angred.--11. _sone_ to _James_.--12.

_of soldartis_, (_omitted._)--(_Margin_,) the day of Corrichie-fiold, Octob. 22. 1562.

355, l. 9. _houris_ in the morning.

356, l. 5. _foote_ and _maid_.--10. (_Marginal note omitted._)--16, 17. _keapt thame ... The Erle_, (_omitted._)--(_Margin_,) _at Corrichie_, (_omitted._)

357, l. 2. _this day_, (_omitted._)--3, 4.

_injustlie_--justlie.--5. _on_ the _sweird_.--9.

_joyned_--rejoyned.--15. _ney_, (_omitted._)--21.

_over-thorte_ or upon _a pair_.--(_Marginal note omitted._)

358, l. 3. (_Note taken into the text._)--11, 12. _against ... plainess_, (_omitted._)--29. (_Margin_,) Let others that yet live mark this.

361, l. 2. _unhappilie_--truely.--14. _tacken_ upon me _the_.

362, l. 6. (_Margin_,) _Upon_ the Courteouris.--18. _Like MS. G, in footnote._

363, l. 1. (_Marginal note altered_,) The end declared their words to be true.--22. _youth_ amongst them, _whom_.

364, l. 25. (_Margin_,) The tryall of Paul Meffene's fact.

365, l. 6. _oppressed_--suppressed.--30. (_Marginal note omitted._)

366, l. 6. _Edinburgh_--Dundie.

367, l. 1. _light and darknes betwix_, (_omitted._)

368, l. 3, 4. _fa.s.sionis_ not agreeable to the gravity of _honest women_.--7 _to_ 13. _All this winter Chattellet was so familiar_ with the Queen, that the n.o.bilitie being by this means stopped to have so free accesse as they thought fit and due unto them, were highly offended; at length Chattelett having conveyed himselfe privately _under the Quenis bed_.--30. _lyeth in me to_ give your Majestie content.

369, l. 13. _luvaris may devine_--I leave to conjecture.--18. (_Margin_,) death and famine.--22 _to_ 370, l. 1. _the famyn_ in the wheat, the beare or barley, the meale, the oates, beefe, mutton, &c., were exceeding dear and scanty; yea, _all things_.

370, l. 4, 5. _wicked_ rulers.--_suffered hir_--suffered them.--8. _court_--city--_that wicked woman_--the prophane Court,--14. (_Note omitted._)

371, l. 18. _of G.o.d_, (_omitted._)--20, 21. _the Quene_--the Court _she_, they.--22. _she send for Johne_--the Queen advised to send.

372, l. 24-27. _And in this case_--_unpunissed_, (_omitted._)--34. and that not, but in G.o.d ye are bound.

374, l. 23. (_Margin_,) Bishop of Cathnes.

375, l. 13. (_Margin_,) The Lady Argile was naturill Sister to the Queen, as the Earle Murray was naturall Brother.

377, (_After the 7th, insert_) My Lord.--17. _withdraw_ your conversation _from hir_.--21. _unto hir_ in all due benevolence.

378, l. 9. _convict hir of_ any fault _since_.

379, l. 9. the Parliament of Pope's knights appeared. The, &c.--16. _unfreindis_--friends.--19. (_Margin_,) The Clergie did pretend to be free from all Jurisdiction, save the Popes.

380, l. 1. _Norwell_--Horwell.--(_Marginal note omitted._)--8, 9. parenthesis, (_omitted._)--13. _gioun._ At that Parliament, (_new paragraph._)

381, l. 3. _Lairdis_--Earles.--5. _law_ or Counsellor.--5-7.

_in that ... Whytlaw_, (_omitted._)--12. (_Marginal note omitted._)--16. _the_ superfluities of their cloathes, _and_.

382, l. 1. (_Margin_,) Note diligently. And so was _religion_, &c.--8. (_Margin_,) Occasion painted with a bald hind-head.--27. _long_ to.

383, l. 7. _betwix ... Knox_--betwixt them.--11.

_slocken_--slacken.--11. (_Margin_,) G.o.d knowes if our times be better.

384, l. 2. (_Marginal note omitted._)--21. _the_ charges _of Edinburgh_.

385, l. 3. _Queen_ sayes you _will not agree with us_.--6 _with_ them in.--27. But this my Lordis will (I say) note.

387, (_The marginal notes omitted._)