"He was there, madame," replied Chiverni, "but he could not induce the Connetable to join him. Monsieur de Montmorency would be glad enough to overthrow the Guises, who obtained his dismissal; but he will have nothing to do with heresy."
"And who, gentlemen, is to crush these private whims that are an offence to Royalty? By Heaven! these n.o.bles must be made to destroy each other--as Louis XI. made them, the greatest of your kings. In this kingdom there are four or five parties, and my son's is the weakest of them all."
"The Reformation is an idea," remarked Charles de Gondi, "and the parties crushed by Louis the Eleventh were based only on interest."
"There is always an idea to back up interest," replied Chiverni. "In Louis XI.'s time the idea was called the Great Fief!"
"Use heresy as an axe," said Albert de Gondi. "You will not incur the odium of executions."
"Ha!" said the Queen, "but I know nothing of the strength or the schemes of these folks, and I cannot communicate with them through any safe channel.
If I were found out in any such conspiracy, either by the Queen, who watches me as if I were an infant in arms, or by my two jailers, who let no one come into the chateau, I should be banished from the country, and taken back to Florence under a formidable escort captained by some ruffianly Guisard! Thank you, friends!--Oh, daughter-in-law! I hope you may some day be a prisoner in your own house; then you will know what you have inflicted on me!"
"Their schemes!" exclaimed Chiverni. "The Grand Master and the Cardinal know them; but those two foxes will not tell. If you, madame, can make them tell, I will devote myself to you, and come to an understanding with the Prince de Conde."
"Which of their plans have they failed to conceal from you?" asked the Queen, glancing towards the brothers de Guise.
"Monsieur de Vieilleville and Monsieur de Saint-Andre have just had their orders, of which we know nothing; but the Grand Master is concentrating his best troops on the left bank, it would seem. Within a few days you will find yourself at Amboise. The Grand Master came to this terrace to study the position, and he does not think Blois favorable to his private schemes.
Well, then, what does he want?" said Chiverni, indicating the steep cliffs that surround the chateau. "The Court could nowhere be safer from sudden attack than it is here."
"Abdicate or govern," said Albert de Gondi in the Queen's ear as she stood thinking.
A fearful expression of suppressed rage flashed across the Queen's handsome ivory-pale face.--She was not yet forty, and she had lived for twenty-six years in the French Court, absolutely powerless, she, who ever since she had come there had longed to play the leading part.
"Never so long as this son lives! His wife has bewitched him!"
After a short pause these terrible words broke from her in the language of Dante.
Catherine's exclamation had its inspiration in a strange prediction, spoken a few days before at the Chateau of Chaumont, on the opposite bank of the Loire, whither she had gone with her astrologer Ruggieri to consult a famous soothsayer. This woman was brought to meet her by Nostradamus, the chief of those physicians who in that great sixteenth century believed in the occult sciences, with Ruggieri, Cardan, Paracelsus, and many more. This fortune-teller, of whose life history has no record, had fixed the reign of Francis II. at one year's duration.
"And what is your opinion of all this?" Catherine asked Chiverni.
"There will be fighting," said the cautious gentleman. "The King of Navarre----"
"Oh! say the Queen!" Catherine put in.
"Very true, the Queen," said Chiverni, smiling, "has made the Prince de Conde the chief of the reformed party; he, as a younger son, may dare much; and Monsieur le Cardinal talks of sending for him to come here."
"If only he comes!" cried the Queen, "I am saved!"
So it will be seen that the leaders of the great Reforming movement had been right in thinking of Catherine as an ally.
"This is the jest of it," said the Queen; "the Bourbons are tricking the Huguenots, and Master Calvin, de Beze, and the rest are cheating the Bourbons; but shall we be strong enough to take in the Huguenots, the Bourbons, and the Guises? In front of three such foes we are justified in feeling our pulse," said she.
"They have not the King," replied Albert. "You must always win, having the King on your side."
"_Maladetta Maria!_" said Catherine, between her teeth.
"The Guises are already thinking of diverting the affections of the middle cla.s.s," said Birague.
The hope of s.n.a.t.c.hing the Crown had not been premeditated by the two heads of the refractory House of Guise; there was nothing to justify the project or the hope; circ.u.mstances suggested such audacity. The two Cardinals and the two _Balafres_ were, as it happened, four ambitious men, superior in political gifts to any of the men about them. Indeed, the family was only subdued at last by Henri IV., himself a leader of faction, brought up in the great school of which Catherine and the Guises were the teachers--and he had profited by their lessons.
At this time these two brothers were the arbiters of the greatest revolution attempted in Europe since that carried through in England under Henry VIII., which had resulted from the invention of printing. They were the enemies of the Reformation, the power was in their hands, and they meant to stamp out heresy; but Calvin, their opponent, though less famous than Luther, was a stronger man. Calvin saw Government where Luther had only seen Dogma. Where the burly, beer-drinking, uxorious German fought with the Devil, flinging his inkstand at the fiend, the man of Picardy, frail and unmarried, dreamed of plans of campaign, of directing battles, of arming princes, and of raising whole nations by disseminating republican doctrines in the hearts of the middle cla.s.ses, so as to make up, by increased progress in the Spirit of Nations, for his constant defeats on the battle-field.
The Cardinal de Lorraine and the Duc de Guise knew quite as well as Philip II. and the Duke of Alva where the Monarchy was aimed at, and how close the connection was between Catholicism and sovereignty. Charles V., intoxicated with having drunk too deeply of Charlemagne's cup, and trusting too much in the strength of his rule, for he believed that he and Soliman might divide the world between them, was not at first conscious that his front was attacked; as soon as Cardinal Granvelle showed him the extent of the festering sore, he abdicated.
The Guises had a startling conception; they would extinguish heresy with a single blow. They tried to strike that blow for the first time at Amboise, and they made a second attempt on Saint-Bartholomew's Day; this time they were in accord with Catherine de' Medici, enlightened as she was by the flames of twelve years' wars, and yet more by the ominous word "Republic"
spoken and even published at a later date by the writers of the Reformation, whose ideas Lecamus, the typical citizen of Paris, had already understood. The two Princes, on the eve of striking a fatal blow to the heart of the n.o.bility, in order to cut it off from the first from a religious party whose triumph would be its ruin, were now discussing the means of announcing their _Coup d'etat_ to the King, while Catherine was conversing with her four counselors.
"Jeanne d'Albret knew what she was doing when she proclaimed herself the protectress of the Huguenots! She has in the Reformation a battering-ram which she makes good play with!" said the Grand Master, who had measured the depth of the Queen of Navarre's scheming.
Jeanne d'Albret was, in point of fact, one of the cleverest personages of her time.
"Theodore de Beze is at Nerac, having taken Calvin's orders."
"What men those common folk can lay their hands on!" cried the Duke.
"Ay, we have not a man on our side to match that fellow la Renaudie," said the Cardinal. "He is a perfect Catiline."
"Men like him always act on their own account," replied the Duke. "Did not I see la Renaudie's value? I loaded him with favors, I helped him to get away when he was condemned by the Bourgogne Parlement, I got him back into France by obtaining a revision of his trial, and I intended to do all I could for him, while he was plotting a diabolical conspiracy against us.
The rascal has effected an alliance between the German Protestants and the heretics in France by smoothing over the discrepancies of dogma between Luther and Calvin. He has won over the disaffected n.o.bles to the cause of the Reformation without asking them to abjure Catholicism. So long ago as last year he had thirty commanders on his side! He was everywhere at once: at Lyons, in Languedoc, at Nantes. Finally, he drew up the Articles settled in Council and distributed throughout Germany, in which theologians declare that it is justifiable to use force to get the King out of our hands, and this is being disseminated in every town. Look for him where you will, you will nowhere find him!
"Hitherto I have shown him nothing but kindness! We shall have to kill him like a dog, or to make a bridge of gold for him to cross and come into our house."
"Brittany and Languedoc, the whole kingdom indeed, is being worked upon to give us a deadly shock," said the Cardinal. "After yesterday's festival, I spent the rest of the night in reading all the information sent me by my priesthood; but no one is involved but some impoverished gentlemen and artisans, people who may be either hanged or left alive, it matters not which. The Colignys and the Condes are not yet visible, though they hold the threads of the conspiracy."
"Ay," said the Duke; "and as soon as that lawyer Avenelles had let the cat out of the bag, I told Braguelonne to give the conspirators their head: they have no suspicions, they think they can surprise us, and then perhaps the leaders will show themselves. My advice would be that we should allow ourselves to be beaten for forty-eight hours----"
"That would be half-an-hour too long," said the Cardinal in alarm.
"How brave you are!" retorted la Balafre.
The Cardinal went on with calm indifference:
"Whether the Prince de Conde be implicated or no, if we are a.s.sured that he is the leader, cut off his head. What we want for that business is judges rather than soldiers, and there will never be any lack of judges! Victory in the Supreme Court is always more certain than on the field of battle, and costs less."
"I am quite willing," replied the Duke. "But do you believe that the Prince de Conde is powerful enough to inspire such audacity in those who are sent on first to attack us? Is there not----?"
"The King of Navarre," said the Cardinal.
"A gaby who bows low in my presence," replied the Duke. "That Florentine woman's graces have blinded you, I think----"
"Oh, I have thought of that already," said the prelate. "If I aim at a gallant intimacy with her, is it not that I may read to the bottom of her heart?"
"She has no heart," said his brother sharply. "She is even more ambitious than we are."
"You are a brave commander," said the Cardinal; "but take my word for it, our skirts are very near touching, and I made Mary Stuart watch her narrowly before you ever suspected her. Catherine has no more religion in her than my shoe. If she is not the soul of the conspiracy, it is not for lack of goodwill; but we will draw her out and see how far she will support us. Till now I know for certain that she has not held any communication with the heretics."