"Not a bit of it!" Our much tried physician spoke with salutary shortness. "They may be Indian-made but that's all. I'll eat my hat if it's an Indian who has worn them. Did you ever see an Indian with a foot like that?"
Indignation enabled Aunt Caroline to disclaim acquaintance with any Indian feet whatever.
"It's a white girl's moccasin," he a.s.sured her. "Lots of girls wear them in camp. Or," hastily, "it may be a curiosity. Benis may be making a collection."
Aunt Caroline snorted. Her gaze was fixed with almost piteous intensity upon the tent.
"D'you think I might go in?" she faltered.
"You might" said John carefully.
Aunt Caroline sighed.
"How dreadful to have traditions!" she murmured. "There's no real reason why I shouldn't go in. And," with grim honesty, "if you weren't here watching I believe I'd do it. Anyway we may have to, if they don't come soon. I can't sit on this gra.s.s. I'm sure it's damp."
"I'll get you a chair from Benis's tent," offered John unkindly. "There are no traditions to forbid that, are there?"
"No. And, John--you might look around a little? Just to make sure."
The doctor nodded. He had every intention of looking around. He felt, in fact, ent.i.tled to any knowledge which his closest observation might bring him. But the tent was almost empty. That at least proved that the tent belonged to Spence. He was a man with an actual talent for bareness and spareness in his sleeping quarters. Even his room at school had possessed that man-made neatness which one a.s.sociates with sailor's cabins and the cells of monks. The camp-bed was trimly made, a dressing-gown lay across a canvas chair, a shaving mug hung from the centre pole--there was not so much as a hairpin anywhere.
John crossed thoughtfully to the folding stand which stood with its portable reading lamp beside the bed. There was one unusual thing there, a photograph. Benis, as his friend knew, was an expert amateur photographer--but he never perched his photographs upon stands. This one must be an exception, and exceptions are illuminating.
It was still quite light inside the tent and the doctor could see the picture clearly. It was an extraordinarily good one, quite in the professor's happiest style. Composition, lighting, timing, all were perfect. But it is doubtful if John Rogers noticed any of these excellencies. He was absorbed at once and utterly in the personality of the person photographed. This was a girl, bending over a still pool.
The pose was one of perfectly arrested grace and the face which was lifted, as if at the approach of someone, looked directly out of the picture and into Roger's eyes. It was the most living picture he had ever seen. The lips were parted as if for speech, there was a smile behind the widely opened eyes. And both face and form were beautiful.
The doctor straightened up with a sharply drawn breath. It seemed that something had happened. For one flashing instant some inner knowledge had linked him with his own unlived experience. It was gone as soon as it came. He did not even realize it, save as a sense of strangeness.
Yet, as a chemist lifts a vial and drops the one drop which changes all within his crucible, so some magic philtre tinged John Roger's cup of life in that one stolen look.
"Have you found anything?" Aunt Caroline's voice came impatiently.
But to himself he added "everything" for indeed the mystery of Benis seemed a mystery no longer. The photograph made everything clear. And yet not so clear, either. The doctor looked around at the ship-shape bachelorness of the tent, at the neat pile of newly typed ma.n.u.script upon the bed, and felt bewildered. Even the eccentricity of Benis, in its most extravagant mode, seemed inadequate as a covering explanation.
Giving himself a mental shake, the intruder picked up the largest chair and rejoined Aunt Caroline.
"It's Benis right enough," he announced. "He is probably off interviewing Indians. I had better light a fire. It may break the news."
We left the professor somewhat abruptly in the midst of a cryptic e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n of "My Aunt!"
"How can it be your Aunt?" asked Desire reasonably.
"I don't know how. But, owing to some mysterious combination of the forces of nature, it is my Aunt. No one else could wear that hat."
"Then hadn't we better go to meet her? You can't sit here all night."
"I know I can't. It's too near. We didn't see her soon enough!"
"Cowardly custard!" said Desire, stamping her foot.
The professor's mild eyes blinked at her in surprise. "Good!" he said with satisfaction. "That is the first remark suitable to your extreme youth that I've ever heard you make. But the sentiment it implies is all wrong. Physical courage, as such, is mere waste when opposed to my Aunt. What is wanted is technique. Technique requires thought. Thought requires leisure. That is why I am sitting here behind a boulder--what is she doing now?"
Desire investigated.
"She is walking up and down."
"A bad sign. It doesn't leave us much time. The most difficult point is the introduction. Now, in an introduction, what counts for most?
Ancestors, of course. My dear, have you any ancestors?"
"Not one."
"I was afraid of that. In fact I had intended to provide a few. But I never dreamed they would be needed so soon. What is she doing now?"
"She has stopped walking. She has turned. She is coming this way."
"Then we must take our chance." The professor rose briskly. "Never allow the enemy to attack. Come on. But keep behind me while I draw her fire."
Aunt Caroline advanced in full formation.
"Benis. Ben--nis!" she called piercingly. "He can't be very far away,"
she declared over her shoulder. "I have a feeling--Benis!"
"Who calls so loud?" quoted the professor innocently, appearing with startling suddenness from behind the boulder. "Why!" in amazed recognition. "It is Aunt Caroline!"
"It is." Aunt Caroline corroborated grimly.
"This is a surprise," exclaimed the professor. As we have noted before, he liked to be truthful when possible. "How'd'do, Aunt! However did you get here?"
"How I came," replied Aunt Caroline, "is not material. The fact that I am here is sufficient."
"Quite," said Benis. "But," he added in a puzzled tone, "you are not alone. Surely, my dear Aunt, I see----"
"You see Dr. Rogers who has kindly accompanied me."
"John Rogers here? With you?" In rising amazement.
"It is a detail." Aunt Caroline's voice was somewhat tart. "I could scarcely travel unaccompanied."
"Surely not. But really--was there no lady friend--"
"Don't be absurd, Benis!" But she was obscurely conscious of a check.
Against the disturbed surprise of her nephew's att.i.tude her sharpened weapons had already turned an edge. Only one person can talk at a time, and, to her intense indignation, she found herself displaced as the attacking party. Also the behavior of her auxiliary force was distinctly apologetic.