1st. To Mrs. Mary Mackintosh, daughter of my brother Nathan Appleton, the sum of ten thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Mrs. Longfellow, $10,000.]
2d. To Mrs. f.a.n.n.y E. Longfellow, daughter of my brother Nathan Appleton, the sum of ten thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Thomas G., $10,000.]
3d. To Thomas G. Appleton, son of my brother Nathan Appleton, the sum of ten thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Harriot, $10,000.]
4th. To Harriot Appleton, daughter of my brother Nathan Appleton, the sum of ten thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: William S., $10,000.]
5th. To William S. Appleton, son of my brother Nathan Appleton, the sum of ten thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Nathan, $10,000.]
6th. To Nathan Appleton, son of my brother Nathan Appleton, the sum of ten thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: To Mrs. Barrett's children, $30,000, viz.:]
I give and bequeath to the two children of my sister, Mary Barrett, of New Ipswich, State of New Hampshire, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be distributed between them in the manner following, to wit:--
[Sidenote: Mrs. Bent, $15,000.]
1st. To Mrs. Mary Narcissa Bent, daughter of my sister Mary Barrett, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Mrs. Spalding, $15,000.]
2d. To Mrs. Dora E. Spalding, daughter of my sister Mary Barrett, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: To Mrs. Jewett's son, Isaac A. Jewett, $30,000.]
I give and bequeath to Isaac Appleton Jewett, son of my deceased sister Emily Jewett, the sum of thirty thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: To Maria Goodwin, $7000.]
I give and bequeath to Miss Maria Goodwin, niece of my beloved wife, who has for many years resided in my house as one of my family, the sum of seven thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Mrs. Goodwin, $1000.]
I give and bequeath to Mrs. Maria Goodwin, sister of my beloved wife, the sum of one thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Mary Goodwin, $1000.]
I give and bequeath to Miss Mary Goodwin, daughter of the said Mrs.
Maria Goodwin, the sum of one thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Delia Goodwin, $1000.]
I give and bequeath to Miss Delia Goodwin, daughter of the said Mrs.
Maria Goodwin, the sum of one thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: Rev. E. Peabody, $5000.]
I give and bequeath to my friend and pastor, the Rev. Ephraim Peabody, of Boston, the sum of five thousand dollars.
[Sidenote: The servants, $5000.]
I give and bequeath to the servants who may be living with me at the time of my decease the sum of five thousand dollars, to be distributed among them in the manner and according to proportions fixed upon by my beloved wife.
[Sidenote: To his Executors, $200,000 for public uses.]
And I do also hereby give and bequeath to my executors hereinafter named--or such of them as shall accept the trust, the survivors or survivor of them, to be by them applied, disposed of, and distributed, for scientific, literary, religious, or charitable purposes--the following manufacturing stocks at their par value, estimated at two hundred thousand dollars, and situated as follows, to wit:--
1st. _At Manchester, State of New Hampshire._
Fifty shares in the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company.
Forty shares in the Stark Mills.
Ten shares in the Manchester Print Works.
2d. _At Lowell, State of Ma.s.sachusetts._
Twenty shares in the Merrimac Manufacturing Company.
Twenty shares in the Appleton Manufacturing Company.
Twenty shares in the Hamilton Manufacturing Company.
Twenty shares in the Suffolk Manufacturing Company.
Twenty shares in the Ma.s.sachusetts Cotton Mills.
My wishes in regard to the particular inst.i.tutions or objects to which the aforesaid manufacturing stocks are to be applied, and also the time and mode of the application thereof, I intend to make known to my executors; and I feel sure that they will strictly comply with the same; and, in default of any such directions from me, I have confidence in their making such a disposition and distribution of said property as they will think would be most likely to meet my approbation.
[Sidenote: Powers of sale, &c.]
[Sidenote: Estate to be settled in 2 years.]
I hereby fully authorize and empower and direct my executors hereinafter named, or such of them as shall accept the trust, the survivors or survivor of them, or any administrator on my estate, to sell and convey at public auction, or by private sale, at such times and on such conditions as they shall judge best, any and all estate and property, real, personal, and mixed, of which I may die seized or possessed, saving and excepting only such as herein is specifically given to my beloved wife; and likewise the said land and house devised to my beloved wife, in case she shall elect not to take the same; and to make and deliver good and sufficient conveyances and transfers thereof; the purchasers to be in nowise bound to see to the appropriation of the purchase-money: it being my wish that my estate should be settled as soon as convenient after my decease, and, if practicable, within two years thereafter.
[Sidenote: Residue to his nephews, nieces, &c. in sums corresponding to their specific bequests respectively.]