Now there was another reason why the place should have been named as it was. It happened one day that the King was strolling along the river bank, I being in attendance on him, when we came upon the high brow of a cliff falling sheer down into a deep, still pool. As we looked over we beheld several small dark objects floating upon the surface of the water. They were the heads and noses of alligators.
"Ha!" cried the King. "I have an idea, Untuswa, and I think it is not a bad one." Then, turning round, he called to a boy who was herding calves not far off. The lad drew near, and, seeing who had called him, his knees began to tremble and his eyes to start from his head in his terror and awe of the Great Great One. He prostrated himself to the ground, and his tongue nearly clove to his mouth as he stuttered the _Bayete_.
"Rise up, child," said the King, "and go quickly and bring hither yonder calves. Delay not--yet stay; call those within sight to help thee."
The lad sped away, and soon, in obedience to his calls, about a dozen other boys came up, and, making a half-circle, drove the entire herd, to the number of about twenty well-grown calves, up to where we were standing, the King and I, leaning upon our sticks.
"Make them leap," said Umzilikazi. "Make them leap."
But this was not so easy, for the calves were big, and, their instincts of danger warning them, they all bunched together, nor would they suffer themselves to be driven to the edge of the cliff, notwithstanding the yells and sticks of the boys who strove to drive them; and, indeed, I myself had to seize two of them and drag them to the brink, and even then I only pushed them over at the greatest risk of falling after them myself. Then the whole herd followed with a mighty splash, which echoed like thunder from the face of the rock.
The splash subsided, the surface was dotted with the heads of the animals swimming for the other side; and then the pool was in a boil, and the calves, swimming quietly before, heaved themselves up in the water with frantic bellowing as the alligators rose to seize them. They were dragged under wildly, to reappear again but for a moment, and soon the surface was dyed red, and the tranquil water lashed into foam; and the wild bellowings of anguish mingled with the snap, snap of bony jaws, followed by a hideous crunch; and as the long, grim, ugly bodies turned with their struggling prey, we could see that these alligators were of enormous size. It was over at last, save here and there a livid head, or a mangled quarter, or other fragment floating on the surface; but the shakings of the water, and the long strings of red bubbles which came streaming up, showed that the hideous brutes beneath were tearing and devouring their welcome, though unexpected, prey.
"_Hau_!" cried the King. "That was a good thought of mine. Now we have a new way of disposing of evil-doers, Untuswa. Not long have the alligators taken to dispose of twenty large and well-grown calves; not long would they take to dispose of a man, or of twenty men. In truth, it was a great idea!"
To this I agreed, of course. But, looking into that horrid pool and its b.l.o.o.d.y surface, where even now two or three of the alligators were reappearing, turning their eyes upward as though looking for more, I thought of the secreted captive and the hiding-place away on the mountain, and wondered if my death would come to me down in that horrible hole; and the thought, _Nkose_, was not a nice one.
"Go now, children," said the King, waving away the staring and terrified boys; and go they did, for I believe they thought they were to be thrown in after the calves. "The idea is great; yes--great!" continued Umzilikazi, in high good humour, as we walked back. "They shall be kept there, those alligators, and from time to time I doubt not but we shall find them some food."
During this time, _Nkose_, I have neglected to speak of my father, Ntelani. Him the King had still suffered to live--I think, because he desired to spare two such brave fighters as Mgwali and myself the disgrace of being henceforth the sons of n.o.body; for had our father died the death of a convicted traitor we could never more have been known as his sons. But, though his life was spared, Ntelani was adjudged to spend it in a state of banishment. He was allowed to erect a small kraal, and here with such of his wives as chose to cleave unto him, and just enough cattle to keep him and them alive--but only just--he dwelt, soon sinking into a state of premature old age and foolishness. Indeed, he pa.s.sed out of the life of the nation, and his voice from its councils.
Once settled in our new country, the King lost no time in establishing cattle outposts and military kraals, of which latter I was appointed administrator, being held responsible for their order and efficiency.
We fighting _indunas_, too, were required to form new regiments, levying upon the youth of the nation at a far earlier age than had hitherto been customary among us; but our losses during our wars were beginning to form a serious gap, and the King preferred, where possible, to recruit our fighting strength among our own blood, rather than among that of our miserable, poor-spirited slaves. But these youths made up in martial ardour what they lacked in years, for they were continually worrying the Great Great One, through us _izinduna_, to allow them to go forth--it mattered not where--and wet their spears. But Umzilikazi would dismiss them, laughing, and bidding them be patient; yet at their importunity he was not ill-pleased. However, they little knew there should shortly befall that which would give all their fiery mettle as much outlet as it could take care of.
Just then I was very busy, travelling from kraal to kraal, inspecting, and, at times, reviewing, the regiments, numbering the cattle and possessions of the King and the nation--for here, in this land, we intended to dwell, and already the women--who preferred peace and plenty to wandering and war--were making the land re-echo with their songs of gladness, as they laid out new gardens for their corn and melons, and daily saw the cattle milked at the same place. And the chiefs and heads of other tribes--learning of the fate which had overwhelmed Tauana and the Bakoni--hastened to come in and _konza_ to Umzilikazi, realising that the tread of the Black Elephant of the Amandebeli stamped far, and that from it there was no escape.
It happened that I was returning from one of my rounds to make my report to the Great Great One. The morning was yet young; indeed, the sun had only just risen, and the forest path along which we travelled--I and Mgwali, who accompanied me--was bright with a golden network of sunshine through the leaves, and joyous with the song and whistle of birds and the chatter of monkeys. We were drawing near a pile of rocks, overhung with forest trees and trailers. Suddenly, my brother, who was walking behind me, touched my elbow.
"Do you hear nothing, son of my father?" he whispered.
I listened long and hard. I was about to reply, "Nothing," when I heard the sound as of a voice--the voice of a man murmuring--even as the voice of one of our _iza.n.u.si_ engaged in making _muti_. Now, there were caves in those rocks, _Nkose_, caves which were not una.s.sociated among ourselves with _tagati_; wherefore, with the instinct of a warrior in the presence of evil, I gripped my broad a.s.segai, and stole silently forward, eager to see through this mystery--if mystery there was--Mgwali pressing close behind me. The murmuring of the voice sounded plainer now; then we heard a low musical tinkling, as of the ringing of a bell.
_Whau_! Here was a strange thing. What could such sounds mean, here among the rocks and caves? The voice, too, was murmuring in a strange language; soft, though not so soft as ours, yet immeasurably softer than the croaking tongues of those inferior peoples which we had destroyed or enslaved. Stealthily we drew nearer, and, peering out through the trees, this is what we saw.
A great slab of rock out-hung from the cliff, forming a shallow cave.
In the mouth of this a man was standing, his back towards us. He was clothed in a great cloak, red in colour, and bearing a broad crossed bar down its entire length, while showing below it was a long white garment which seemed to cover him from neck to foot. His movements called to our mind those of our own _iza.n.u.si_ when sacrificing cattle to the ghosts of our fathers on solemn occasions; yet not. But this could be no _isa.n.u.si_, for he was a white man! Still he must be an _isa.n.u.si_ of some sort, for he was undoubtedly engaged in offering sacrifice. In front of him and further in the cave was a great block of stone or a ledge in the rock formation--we could not determine which--and upon it were two little pillars tipped with flame. Moreover, upon this the man's words and actions seemed centred, for upon it was something else, which from there we could not see. But here, if possible, was a more surprising thing. Behind him, bending low, knelt another man--a dark man, one of ourselves, and of the same race, for he wore the ring upon his head, and his other adornments were as ours. He, too, seemed in some way to be a.s.sisting the other, for his movements were much the same, and a few words would now and again drop from him as though in reply to the one who was sacrificing. _Hau_! it was wonderful! In rigid wonder we stared, not knowing what was to come next.
But a dead silence had fallen upon these two now, and the murmuring had ceased. Then the tinkling of the bell rang out once more, and the _isa.n.u.si_ in the red cloak, having bent low, straightened himself up, raising both hands high overhead, and in his hands there flashed forth a Something--a Something upon which a ray of the newly-risen sun now glinted with dazzling whiteness. And the man behind--the black man-- bent as one dead--even as a man might lie who awaits the sentence of the Great Great One himself.
_Whau, Nkose_! I know not how it was, but something seemed to cloud the brain of Mgwali and myself, binding us to the spot, staring at this strange and marvellous mystery, so unlike aught we had ever beheld before. We watched, confused by what followed, but of it we have but small recollection, save of one thing. The white _isa.n.u.si_ turned full towards us, more than once, still murmuring, and, while we shrank in dread lest he should be putting upon us the spell of his _muti_, we took note of his face and that keenly. It was the face of a white man, very dark and burned as though by many suns; but it was a strong face, that of a man to whom, we could see at a glance, fear was unknown. The eyes were black and piercing as those of an eagle, and a long, thick beard fell low upon the breast, its dark plentifully streaked with grey.
We stood watching this marvellous performance, we two fearless and armed warriors, and yet there was that in it which laid upon us a kind of awe.
At length it came to an end. Then we saw the white man extinguish the fire upon his stone of sacrifice and wrap up carefully in coverings such things as had been upon it. But our astonishment was greatest when we watched him take off his outer cloak of red and then the long white garment which was girded around him. We saw him then in a large loose robe of black, and this he did not take off. [Note 1.] The other dresses, however, he carefully rolled up in coverings, and while he was doing this the man who was with him--the _kehla_--lighted a fire, and set upon it a joint of game to roast, evidently the quarter of one of the smaller kinds of buck.
Few, indeed, _Nkose_, were the white men, except Amabuna, we had seen in those days, and that this was not one of those we felt certain. Mgwali was the first to recover from his astonishment.
"_Whau_!" he grunted. "I know not how yon _isa.n.u.si_--white though he be--dare come here and make _muti_ without leave from the Great Great ONE. It may be _tagati_."
"No hurt lurks beneath such _muti_, son of my father: of that I feel sure," I answered. "But I think it is time to have speech with these."
"_Yeh-bo_," a.s.sented Mgwali, grinning. "And I think that quarter of meat roasting yonder seems too large for only two men. _Au_! but the smell of it is good."
We went forward, and as we discovered ourselves but small was the surprise shown by these two strangers. The head-ringed man, who was attending to the fire and the roast, returned our salutation in the usual form, not heeding us much. But the other, speaking with our tongue, though haltingly, said:
"Welcome, my sons! Draw near, and seat yourselves; for our morning meal is nearly ready, and there is enough for all."
Mgwali's eyes glistened, and his mouth broadened into a grin; for he was younger than I, and hungry; and, in truth, the meat smelt good. He uttered a word or two of emphatic a.s.sent, and made a movement to comply.
But I, remembering my dignity as an _induna_ of the King, still stood.
Then I said:
"First tell me, O white stranger, by whose leave you have entered this country, and made _muti_ in the land of the Great Great One by whose light we live?"
"By whose leave?" he echoed; his face brightening up. "Ha! By the leave--nay, by the order--of the Great Great One in whose light we live." Then, seeing that I frowned, and looked suspicious, he explained. "I will not pretend to misunderstand you; but I came into the country of your King by favour of even a greater than he."
"_Hau_! You are joking, my father!" I answered, with a sneer, though my first thought was that he was speaking of Dingane. "Yet such words uttered here are dangerous, and would mean death to him who uttered them. Where, now, is he who is greater than Umzilikazi, the Mighty Elephant? Our young regiments are consumed with a longing to wet their spears; and there, I think, is the chance. Where is he who is greater than our king?"
"_Pezulu_!" [up above] replied the stranger, simply, pointing upward to the heavens.
Then I partly understood. I had heard strange tales of certain men among the whites who taught that a great, though invisible, King sat above the blue of the sky, and caused the sun to shine and the rain to fall; whose might was such that beside it the might of Tshaka himself was less than the might of a child. This, then, must be one of them.
Yet--the strange ceremonies we had witnessed?
"Wherefore, then, wert thou making _muti_ yonder, beneath the rock, O father of the red _muti_ cloak? To what end was this?" I asked.
"To the end that all good might fall upon your King, and his people, and his land. With that object and intention were we making _muti_, as ye call it, children of this nation," he answered, looking us fearlessly in the eyes.
And there was that about his glance which satisfied me that we might safely eat meat with him; nor did the ceremony which he and the other went through before partaking of it, and which was very like what we had seen during their strange act of sacrifice, avail to destroy this a.s.surance. And, indeed, when, having finished, we rose up, to proceed at once to the presence of the Great Great One, we left nothing behind us but bones; for Mgwali had a fine appet.i.te--nor came I far behind him in that way--and a quarter of buck is not quite too much among four men.
Note 1. From Untuswa's description, it seems certain that he and his brother were witnessing an open-air celebration of Ma.s.s; and the strange white man would appear to have been a travelling missionary-priest of French nationality--probably a Jesuit.
We were not far from Kwa'zingwenya, _Nkose_, when this meeting took place, and as we came in among the people on the outskirts of the great kraal the excitement was intense. All gazed curiously to see whom we had brought with us, and we could hear the cries of wonder which broke forth from the people as they beheld a white man. Yet, though they gazed in astonishment, they did not draw near and crowd around us to gaze, for such is not our custom as regards strangers.
Now, this white man and he who attended him, bearing their burdens, walked on contentedly by our sides, and as we entered the gates of Kwa'zingwenya I sent a message to the King, reporting the strange discovery we had made. Then, having taken the strangers to my own hut, where my wives speedily set _tywala_ before them, I went at once to learn the Great Great One's pleasure concerning them.
"And the man is not of the Amabuna, son of Ntelani," he said, when I had told my tale.
"Not so, Black Elephant. He says he is of a race which comes from far over the sea."
"Ha! And the man with him, he is of ourselves?"
"He is, Father, and yet not. He is of the Aba-gaza."