The Way Of The Immortal Master - Chapter 2265

Chapter 2265

As soon as Meng Zhang jumped into this blister, he immediately had a completely different feeling than before.

This bubble is also a small world, the level is far higher than the small world he entered before, not to mention those ordinary independent spaces.

When he entered other blisters, he used the space shuttle technique to easily enter.

In fact, not to mention him, even those True Sovereign Yuanshen won't encounter too much resistance in this process.

But when he entered this small world, he felt as if there was a huge net that firmly blocked this small world.

In addition to the high level of this small world, there are also special arrangements left by the indigenous gods.

At least the general Primordial Spirit True Monarch, if he wants to break into it alone, it is basically impossible.

Meng Zhang felt as if an invisible wall was blocking his progress in front of him, and an invisible giant net was constantly pulling him around his body.

With Meng Zhang's strength, it is not difficult to break these obstacles.

Before he started to exert his strength, he found that there were many flaws around him. You don't need to forcibly break the resistance, you can enter the small world ahead from these flaws.

It seems that these flaws should be left by the previous interlopers who forcibly broke the resistance, which is convenient for the latecomers.

Meng Zhang was not in the best condition because he had not recovered all the strength he had consumed before.

He doesn't want to waste his energy, he wants to save every ounce of strength to adapt.

According to his own induction, he followed a flaw in front of him and easily entered the interior of this small world.

This small world was much larger than all the small worlds and independent spaces he had entered before.

With Meng Zhang's sensing ability, it was difficult to detect the boundaries of this small world for a while.

Since this small world is so vast, find a secluded and far away place to hide, slowly recover your vitality, and then do your best again.

Meng Zhang's abacus is good, but the reality is not satisfactory.

He just appeared in this small world, and a **** descended at the level of returning to the void rushed towards him like crazy.

While parrying the opponent's attack, Meng Zhang observed the surrounding situation.

This small world, which was supposed to be peaceful and peaceful, was now full of beacon fires.

In the sky, on the ground, there are battlefields everywhere, and there are cultivators fighting against the enemy everywhere.

Wang Puchen was right, this is indeed the headquarters of the remaining indigenous gods.

There are many gods living here, and many of them are strong.

The last homeland has been invaded, the ethnic group is at stake, and it may be completely wiped out at any time, and all the gods are desperately trying.

Meng Zhang found that the state of these gods was obviously wrong.

They seem to be stimulated by some kind of secret technique, which stimulates the combat power far beyond the normal cultivation base.

Many gods have obviously lost their minds, and they only know how to desperately pounce on the enemy and fight the enemy in a deadly posture.

Of course, this secret technique to stimulate the final potential is not without a price.

Many gods were still fighting to the death with cultivators one moment, and suddenly died suddenly the next moment.

The reason for their sudden death was naturally that they exhausted all their vitality.

Meng Zhang didn't want to waste his energy in vain, instead of fighting recklessly with the gods in front of him, he mainly avoided.

The surrounding gods are not the worst enemy of cultivators.

In Meng Zhang's induction, this small world seemed to have its own will, instinctively repelling and suppressing the cultivators who entered it.

Generally speaking, at least one must be a very mature big world in order to have a relatively complete will of heaven.

Like the current state of this small world, it should be some kind of special case.

With Meng Zhang's eyesight and insight, he soon discovered the mystery.

It should be an indigenous **** who used the method of combining the Tao to completely integrate himself and this small world.

Over the long years, this indigenous **** will slowly lose his sense of self, leaving only his instincts.

And the whole small world will run according to the pre-set rules.

Judging from the current situation, the rules for the operation of this small world are to strengthen the indigenous gods and gods, and reject the invading cultivators.

To a certain extent, this small world is a giant domain.

In fact, after the realm of some powerful true gods has been fully unfolded, there is really nothing smaller than this small world.

Now that the cultivators have invaded this small world on a large scale, the indigenous gods have obviously fallen to an absolute disadvantage, and they are in danger of destruction at any time.

This seems to have inspired some kind of contingency mechanism in this small world, allowing it to explode at any cost.

Those gods who were originally stimulated by the secret method to their final potential, but also strengthened by the power of the small world, did pose a great threat to the intruding cultivators.

It was as if the current Meng Zhang was dodging the attack of a Void Return-level **** descendant, but a **** descendant flew around and rushed to his side and exploded.

The original cultivation base of these gods is estimated to be at the level of Jindan at most. After multiple enhancements, they self-destructed, and even Meng Zhang could not ignore them completely.

Although these self-destructors can't consume Meng Zhang's strength, at least they are a kind of restraint for In this special small world, it is difficult for ordinary cultivators to mobilize the power of the Dao and control the vitality of the world. , greatly reducing the power of your own spells.

Meng Zhang couldn't absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth to replenish himself. Only by absorbing and refining the medicinal pills and Yuqing spirits that he carried with him could he slowly recover his vitality.

Of course, although this small world seems to be independent, it cannot completely cut off the connection with the main world of Junchen Realm. It is still restricted by Junchen Realm and influenced by its rules of heaven and earth.

Powerful cultivators cannot mobilize the power of this small world, but they can mobilize the power of heaven and earth in the Junchen world.

Even if there is a barrier in the middle, the impact is not too great.

In the distance, towns and cities are on fire, and some have been completely razed to the ground.

There are corpses of the godborn everywhere, real corpses littering the fields and rivers of blood.

Of course, the invading cultivators also suffered casualties.

However, the casualties of the cultivators were limited, far from hurting their vitality.

The actions of all of you who returned to the virtual world have seriously shaken the foundation of this small world, and its restraint on cultivators will only become weaker and weaker.

It took Meng Zhang a little effort to get rid of the opponent who was trying to entangle him.

This small world is full of battlefields, and there are few places of peace.

Meng Zhang identified a direction where no strong aura appeared, and flew over quickly, hoping to get out of the battlefield here as soon as possible.

As long as he is far away from the enemies of the Void Return level, ordinary enemies will not cause much loss to him.

Meng Zhang flew very fast, and many gods on the road tried to pounce on him, but they couldn't keep up with him.

Along the way, he encountered many battles between cultivators and gods, but Meng Zhang was too lazy to pay attention.

In his heart, this clean-up operation is mainly about the major holy land sects and the remaining indigenous gods, dog-biting dogs, which has little to do with him.