The Way Of The Immortal Master - Chapter 1904

Chapter 1904

Standing outside the dusty world, Meng Zhang displayed the magical powers of pupils and looked down.

I saw that the entire dust world was filled with yin qi that was almost everywhere, and there was a strong devil qi in the middle, but there was no vitality.

As for the auras, such as aura and popularity, it was invisible at all.

Most of the original human towns have become ruins.

The original owners of the few surviving human towns have long since disappeared and become a paradise of different kinds.

The disappointed Meng Zhang withdrew his supernatural powers and was about to leave.

Suddenly, several lights and shadows flew towards here in the distance.

The light and shadow flew to the limit, showing a few figures.

Among them, the figure headed was a Taoist Yun Bo, a long-lost acquaintance of Meng Zhang.

When the two met here, they both felt a little sudden.

They have not seen each other for almost sixty years, and both sides are a bit strange.

Seeing Taoist Yun Bai's wary look, Meng Zhang took the initiative to say hello.

Next, Meng Zhang still has a place to ask for help from the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds, so naturally he has to lower his posture.

Taoist Yun Bai did not relax his vigilance, as if inadvertently asked about Meng Zhang's experience over the years.

Even if the two had known each other before and were still relatively familiar, Taoist Yun Bai still regarded Mengzhang more seriously.

But Meng Zhang has been missing for so long, and there is no news. Who knows if he has taken refuge in Demon Repair, or has been demonized by Demon Repair altogether.

Meng Zhang understood the concerns of Taoist Yun Bai, and was unwilling to misunderstand both sides.

Meng Zhang let go of his defenses very calmly, letting out his energy, and letting Taoist Yun Bai check.

Meng Zhang's vitality is majestic, with a breath of clear rhyme.

Obviously, Meng Zhang is an authentic Taoist monk, with an extremely pure aura, without the slightest impurities.

Meng Zhang selectively said part of his experience over the years.

Although he didn't tell the whole story, he didn't say half a lie.

In order to avoid the siege of powerful monsters, he had to escape into the origin of the dust world.

Although he had been trapped for many years and experienced countless dangers, he finally escaped by chance.

He had just left the heaven and earth origin of the dust world, he was ready to contact the Floating Cloud Saint Sect.

Taoist Yun Bai had not found the slightest yin or demonic energy in Meng Zhang's body after careful inspection.

Although he could not verify Meng Zhang's experience, what Meng Zhang said and the situation he knew could confirm each other, and it seemed that he did not lie.

After hesitating for a while, Taoist Yun Bai still chose to believe in Meng Zhang.

After all, when Meng Zhang was assigned to that team to complete the task of cleaning up ghosts, there were also some of his opinions.

Meng Zhang and his team were in danger, Taoist Yun Bai couldn't say that he was guilty, but he was still a little uncomfortable.

The return of Meng Zhang, who has been missing for a long time, is also a good thing.

Since Taoist Yun Bai chose to believe in Meng Zhang, he was not so wary, and slowly relaxed.

Meng Zhang keenly felt the change in Taoist Yun Bai's attitude, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

If Taoist Yun Bai refused to believe him, then his trouble would be great.

Now that Taoist Yun Bai began to accept Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang also asked a little bit anxiously about the events of these years.

How did the dust world become like this?

Also, what happened to them when they encountered an ambush?

Anyway, these things are not secrets. Taoist Yun Bai organized the language and began to speak slowly.

Back then, after Meng Zhang and his team were ambushed, most of the monks fell. Only a few lucky ones escaped.

From the mouths of these lucky people, Taoist Yunbo and others learned the traces of the advance team of Yunzhong City.

According to the speculation of Taoist Yunbo and others, the advance team of Yunzhong City colluded with the demons and demons of the dust world, and used the power of ghosts to cover up their deeds.

The reason why Meng Zhang and his team encountered the siege of the enemy brigade was because they discovered the whereabouts of the advance team in Cloud City, just like stabbing a hornet's nest.

Although Meng Zhang and his team suffered heavy losses, almost all losses, but this did not harm the overall situation.

Their findings are even more significant.

Just as Taoist Yunbo and others began to gather monks from all walks of life and prepare to act, the entire dust world had undergone a sudden and great change.

The advance team of Yunzhong City took the initiative to show up, entangled with various ghost repairs and demons, and led countless ghosts and monsters to launch large-scale attacks on various human towns in the dust world.

Among the human forces in the dust world, there are many advance teams who have already taken refuge in Cloud City.

With the help of these internal responses and the leading party, the human cities and towns in the dust world have fallen one after another, and the family cultivation forces have perished one after another.

Taoist Yun Bai and other monks from the top forces in the four-pointed star area had to abandon the original plan and actively organize resistance first.

After a series of battles, the Taoist Yunbo suffered heavy losses and retreated steadily.

The vast majority of the cultivation forces in the entire dust world have been destroyed, and most of the entire world has fallen.

In the past, countless efforts were spent searching for the enemy's whereabouts.

Now the advance team of Yunzhong City took the initiative to attack, but the four-pointed star area could not resist it.

As a last resort, Taoist Yun Bai and others had to ask the forces behind their own for help.

The resources produced in the dust world are very important, and the advance team of Cloud City is even more troublesome and must be eliminated.

As a result, the top forces such as the Flowing Cloud Saint Sect drew a powerful force to go to the dust world for reinforcements.

In order to ensure its own advantage, the four-pointed star area even dispatched true immortals.

After the reinforcements arrived in the dust world, they immediately fought fiercely with all enemies.

Originally thought that the real fairy could easily smooth out the enemy and restore the original state of the dust world.

But I didn't expect because of the help of the advance team of Cloud City, among the local ghosts in the dust world, a very terrifying existence was born.

The rules of heaven and earth in the world of dust are extremely disordered. Due to the years of efforts of ghost repairers and ghosts, the sun of the world of dust is affected by the rules of heaven and earth in the underworld, and many places are slowly transformed into ghost domains.

Relying on the convenient location and making full use of the power of the ghost domain, these terrifying ghosts can barely match the real fairy.

In this way, the fighting continued, and the development of a protracted war, the true immortals sent by the four-pointed star area were temporarily held back.

At the time when the two sides were at a loss, the main force of the advance team of Yunzhong City, led by the two true immortals, raided the wormhole tunnel under construction.

Because many forces were drawn to go to the dust world, not only the nearby guardian power was greatly weakened, but the team that built the wormhole passage was also greatly affected.

Several true immortals who are wholeheartedly building wormhole tunnels can hardly distract him, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly affected.

As for the advance team in Yunzhong City, it is obvious that they have been planning for a long time before they can successfully use their strategy and attack the west.