The Voyage of the Beagle - Part 19

Part 19

Salado, Rio.

Saladillo river.

Salinas at the Galapagos Archipelago. in Patagonia.

Saline efflorescences.

Salt with vegetable food. superficial crust of. with elevated


San Carlos. Nicolas. Felipe. Pedro. Pedro, forests of. Lorenzo Island.


Sand, hot from sun's rays, at Galapagos Archipelago. noise from friction of.

Sandstone of New South Wales. reef of.

Sandwich Archipelago, no frogs at. Land.

Santa Cruz, river of.

Santiago, Chile.

Sarmiento, Mount.

Sauce, Rio.

Saurophagus sulphureus.

Scarus eating corals.


Scenery of Andes.

Scissor-beak, habits of.


Scoresby, Mr., on effects of snow on rocks.

Scorpions, cannibals.

Scrope, Mr., on earthquakes.


Sea, open, inhabitants of. phosph.o.r.escence of. explosions in.

Sea-pen, habits of.

Seals, number of.

Seaweed, growth of.

Seeds transported by sea.


Sertularia, protecting reef.

Shark killed by Diodon.

Shaw, Dr., on lion's flesh.

Sheep, infected.

Sh.e.l.ley, lines on Mont Blanc., land, in great numbers. elevated. tropical forms of, far south. fossil, of Cordillera. decomposition of, with salt. of Galapagos. at St. Helena.

Shepherd's dogs.

Shingle-bed of Patagonia.

Shongi, New Zealand chief.

Siberia compared with Patagonia. zoology of, related to North America.

Siberian animals, how preserved in ice. food necessary during their existence.

Sierra de la Ventana. Tapalguen.

Silicified trees.

Silurian formations at Falkland Islands.

Silurus, habits of.




Smelling power of carrion-hawks.

Smith, Dr. Andrew, on the support of large quadrupeds. on perforated pebbles.

Snake, venomous.

Snow, effects of, on rocks. prismatic structure of. red.

Snow-line on Cordillera.


Society, state of, in La Plata. state of, in Australia. Archipelago. volcanic phenomena at.

Soda, nitrate of. sulphate of.

Soil, frozen.

South American bit.

Sp.a.w.n on surface of sea.

Species, distribution of. extinction of.

Spiders, habits of. gossamer, killed by and killing wasps. on Keeling Island. on St. Paul's.

Spurs of Guaso.

Springs, hot.

Stevenson, Mr., on growth of seaweed.

St. Helena. Jago, C. Verds. unhealthiness of. Paul's rocks. Fe. Maria, elevated. introduction of spirits into. Louis, Mauritius.

Stinging animals.

Stones perforated. transported in roots.

Storm. in Cordillera.

Streams of stones at Falkland Islands.


Struthio rhea. Darwinii.


Suadiva atoll.

Subsidence of coral-reefs. of Patagonia. of Cordillera. of Coasts of Chile. cause of distinctness in Tertiary epochs. of coast of Peru. of Keeling Island. of Vanikoro. of coral-reefs great in amount.

Sulphate of lime. soda with common salt. soda incrusting the ground.

Swainson, Mr., on cuckoos.



Tahiti (Otaheite). three zones of fertility. Fatahua fall. Christianity in.



Tambillos, Ruinas de.

Tameness of birds.

Tandeel, pumas at.

Tapacolo and Turco.

Tapalguen, Sierra, flat hills of quartz.

Tarn, Mount.



Temperance of the Tahitians.

Temperature of Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Islands. of Galapagos.

Tercero, Rio, fossils in banks of.

Terraces in valleys of Cordillera. of Patagonia. of Coquimbo.

Tertiary formations of the Pampas. of Patagonia. in Chile, epochs of.

Teru-tero. habits of.

Testudo, two species of. Abingdonii. nigra, habits of.

Theory of lagoon-islands.

Theristicus melanops.

Thistle beds.