The Villainess Enjoys Her Seventh Life as a Free-Spirited Bride (hostage) in a Former Enemy Country - Chapter 127.2

Chapter 127.2

Harriet said with a somewhat vacant cheerfulness, pasting an awkward smile on her mouth.

And then she narrated it herself, telling Rishe about the past as if it was nothing.

When I was twelve years old, I got engaged to His Majesty WalterAt that time, I went with my father, brother and mother, who was still alive, to Fabrania to greet him. Back then, His Majesty was still a prince

Arent I disgraceful? I was so excited at the time that I couldnt help but dress up in a way that was ill-fitting

Rishes eyes narrowed at her words.

Sigh, no matter how many times I reminded myself, I still didnt figure out my own worth. Im a fool, and I couldnt possibly be dressed up and look like a beautiful doll. Why did I ever show His Majesty my bad eyes that caused people discomfort? I often wonder to myself, hehehe

She laughed dryly, as if to deceive her wounded heart.

So, Rishe spoke.

It is the one who hurts others who should be ashamed, not the one who is hurt.

Harriets shoulders shook with astonishment.

Harriet must have quoted what His Majesty the King of Fabrania had said.

Rishe resisted the frown creeping up her face and continued.

Harriet-sama, what did you mean by having a bad eye?

I-I find myself squinting and frowning or glaring at the people around meI didnt mean to do that, but I unconsciously strain my eyes. Thus, I often come off as angry or scary

Rishe had a hunch that her assumption was right.

Thank you. For this next question, I would like to ask something about Harriet-samas childhood.


When you met, when you were all dressed up. Were you a little happy?


Harriet gasped.

I-I, No. What I remember is that I was really, really embarrassed

Harriet bowed, and Rishe took her hand in a soft, enveloping grip.

Harreit-sama, did you feel the same way when you were a child?


Her small lips were pursed tightly together.

Harriet hunched down fearfully and whispered in a whispery, almost weepy voice.


She uttered mutedly.

I was shybut I wasnt embarrassed. I was nervous, but just a little, for that person. I was hoping that he wouldnt detest our marriage.


In fact, I-Ive heard that His Majesty really wanted to marry the Princess of Garkhain, but that fell through.

This unexpected information surprised Rishe. However, Harriets issues were paramount at the moment.

Harriet-sama, you didnt always dislike dressing up, did you?

Harriets hand that Rishe was gripping trembled.

I-I think its unseemly. Even the current me, with my disheveled hair covering my facemy bare face is almost the same.

Harriet took her time voicing out and mincing her thoughts.

Anyway, the mere thought I can dress up and changeis still shameful.


I know it very well. Im terribly presumptuous. How embarrassing

Rishe gently removed her hand from hers.

And instead, she caressed Harriets head softly.


Please pardon my impertinenceIm sorry I made you tremble like this and share to me something so painful.

Rishe felt like Harriet blinked behind her bangs.

Even if Im trembling, its a great relief that theres someone patting me on the head.

Rishe was reminded of how Arnold stroked her head when she was afraid of ghosts yesterday.

Harriets blonde hair was still well groomed and silky to the touch.

Hmm, strange, isnt it?

Harriet was nonplussed and gaped at her in surprise.

I feel safe.

Im glad to hear that.

When Rishe smiled in relief, Harriet bowed and spoke in embarrassment.

Rishe-sama, um, why are you doing this to me?

Im sorry. But I just couldnt leave you alone.


Rishe smoothly stroked her golden hair.

If you dont mind me saying, Harriet-sama.

Under Harriets stare, Rishe flatly commented, Your eyes are dry.


Harriet couldnt believe her ears.

But it was neither a misheard or a misspoken.

With clear intent, Rishe clarified it again to her.

Theyre probably absolutely dry. You probably read whenever you can find the time and stay up late reading by candlelight, right? If anything, youre in the middle of your bridal training, plus the head maid seems to be very strict. Hence, you probably read by moonlight so that people wont notice that youre awake. Did I get it right?

M-My God, h-how did you know?!!

When people concentrate on their task at hand, they blink less often, and the surface of their eyes tend to dry out. Moreover, there are these bangs. Not only is it very stressful on the eyes to have objects in close proximity to the eyeballs, but it can also cause minor scratches.

Harriet grew paler as Rishe seriously educated her.

Perhaps she got the idea.

Try it, Harriet-sama. Can you keep your eyes open and not blink for more than ten seconds?

No, I cant. T-Thats impossible!

Ordinary people can keep their eyes open with no problem at all.


Rishe reiteratied to Harriet, who appeared shocked.

When the eyeballs are dry and suffer fine scratches on the surface, they are more susceptible to glare. In addition, to keep the eyes from drying out as much as possible, you have to limit how much you can open them. Do you have any idea what this means?

C-Could it be

Thats right. Your brow furrows, and you frown unconsciously.

Rishe remembered. When they were walking in the city yesterday, Harriet tended to keep her head down.

It was probably part of her personality, but that probably wasnt the only reason. In the port town of Vinleys, the walls of the city were painted white, thus reflecting the early summer sunlight.

It must have been too bright for her eyes.

She was probably looking at her feet, which had little reflection, to escape the irritation as much as possible.

I have a bit of a background in pharmacyI hope that I can be of some help to Harriet-samas health.

Ah-eh, t-thats

Do tell, Harriet-sama.

Rishe looked into her eyes through her bangs and smiled.

If you want to be fashionable, but feel embarrassed to even wish for it For the sake of your health; can you be brave enough to use this reason as an opportunity?


At Rishes call, Else stepped forward from the door where she was standing.

Elise placed the box beside her which contained a few dresses that she had just ordered from the Aria Trading Company.

Excuse me, Harriet-sama.

Oh! Oh wooow!

A faint squeal echoed fragilely in the guest room.