The Villain Of Destiny - I Am the Fated Villain Chapter 775

I Am the Fated Villain Chapter 775

Chapter 757: Hand over the gourd and I'll spare their lives, Lin Wu's heart hurt like a knife

Give me the Immortal-Slaying Gourd and I can promise to spare their lives.

Gu Changge then said again. As soon as he stretched out his hands and feet, he grabbed Luluo at his feet and lifted her up.

Luluo's face was pale, her aura was sealed and she couldn't even commit suicide. She knew that this mysterious Immortal-Slaying Gourd needed special means to subdue it.

If it was too strong, it would cause him to escape and he would directly escape into the depths of the ground, making it difficult to find its trace.

Otherwise, Gu Changge could have taken it directly. With Lin Wu's current ability, it was impossible to block him. Even if a miracle happened, it wouldn't work if the protagonist's halo exploded.

Let go of Miss.

Granny Lu Cui of the Lu clan gritted her teeth tightly and her face was cold, she couldn't help shouting. She couldn't calm down at all, Luluo, who had been the jewel in the palm of the Lu Clan since she was a child, had never suffered such humiliation.

Grandma, don't worry about me, you are not his opponent. Luluo's face turned pale, and she felt that she was almost out of breath.

But she was still very stubborn and didn't ask for mercy. This expression made Lin Wu's heart tingle and the rest of the young geniuses also fell silent.

I'm not very patient. Gu Changge shook his head slightly, his tone was flat, I don't like to repeat one thing twice.

Lin Wu's complexion was cloudy and uncertain for a while and he was struggling very much. The preciousness of the Immortal-Slaying Gourd needed no further explanation.

This was the treasure that shined brilliantly during the war with the Upper Realm. Countless powerhouses of the Upper Realm were beheaded by it and buried in the sea of boundary monuments.

Now how could he be willing to just hand it over to Gu Changge? But if he didn't give it to Gu Changge, Luluo would definitely be killed by him.

He had seen Gu Changge's cruelty with his own eyes, he could suppress and kill even the most powerful people with a terrifying talent of his world without changing their expressions. What else in this world couldn't he do?

Lin Wu, leave me alone, the Immortal-Slaying Gourd can't fall into their hands, especially Gu Changge. Otherwise no one can keep him in check

With a firm face, Luluo endured the fear in her heart and persuaded Lin Wu. But she wasn't done yet.

Gu Changge pinched her chin and removed her jaw with a snap. The pain made her face turn pale and her body tremble. Even then, Gu Changge's expression didn't change much, his indifference was unwavering.

In his eyes, the worthless pink was no different from a skeleton.

It won't be her jaw next time Gu Changge said lightly.

Lin Wu felt pain in his heart, wishing he could roar up to the sky. Especially seeing Luluo's painful appearance, his heart trembled and he couldn't help it.

You! Put Luluo down, and I will give you the Immortal-Slaying Gourd. But you must swear by your heart, otherwise I won't believe it.

Lin Wu's heart was full of pain and hatred and he forced himself to calm down. He could not be impulsive at this time.

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard the words, Luluo was both moved and sad, but Lin Wu actually planned to agree.

Now is not the time for you to negotiate terms with me. You are not qualified. However, Gu Changge did not agree and still shook his head slightly.

You! Don't take it too far! Lin Wu gritted his teeth, and almost became mad with hatred.

The calm state of mind that had been cultivated for so many years couldn't be calmed down at this time. It was the first time he had seen such a terrifying opponent that made him feel powerless and hopeless.

Before that, no matter what kind of danger he encountered, he was able to turn danger into opportunity. And this time, it was obviously the biggest crisis he had encountered since he started cultivating.

At this moment, the grumpy old man of the Fire Clan suddenly moved his eyes slightly and looked up to the high place in this space.

This is! He was a little shocked, he didn't expect to feel the aura of that heavy treasure.

If something happens to us here, you will never leave this space. Now our world has activated the great treasure, the Divine Mirror of Heaven and Earth, gathering the energy of a hundred thousand stars. If there is a slight change in this place, the Divine Mirror of Heaven and Earth will be destroyed.

Everyone, including you, will die here. We have a bad life. It doesn't matter if we die. For a person like you, you will not be willing to die like this, right?

For a while, his heart suddenly settled down and with confidence, he said to Gu Changge with a sneer. After all, he was dead anyway. If he could drag Gu Changge into the water, they won't be at a disadvantage.

In terms of Gu Changge's strength and status, there was absolutely no one in the Upper Realm who could compare with him. If he died here, it would definitely be a terrible blow to the Upper Realm.

For the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, it was also an exciting event.

Divine Mirror of Heaven and Earth Hearing this, the faces of the people in the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions were shocked.

Including Lin Wu, their hearts were also shaken and they suddenly remembered something.

It was a supreme treasure, which was the combination of the painstaking efforts of countless Ancestors in the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions. It took millions of years to forge it, and it could be called mighty and terrifying.

With one blow, all living beings would disappear and turn into ashes. A True Enlightened being would not dare to say that he could resist a blow head-on and would retreat in fear.

With the power of the Divine Mirror of Heaven and Earth, it was not difficult to destroy this place. So when the time came, everyone would be buried here.

With Gu Changge buried with them, what else could they be dissatisfied with?

The Divine Mirror of Heaven and Earth? So this is your confidence? But where did you get your confidence that it could kill me. Hearing this, Gu Changge just smiled faintly.

Since he dared to appear in the territory of the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions, he was not afraid of being targeted by all of them.

Although the blow of the Divine Mirror of Heaven and Earth was strong, if he wanted to kill him right away, that would be too ridiculous.

Even if you don't die, the people behind you will definitely die. Lin Wu said coldly, thinking that people like Gu Changge definitely have flaws.

He couldn't care less. Wasn't there a woman in a blue skirt in front of him, who was from his clan?

Do you think I care about any of this? Gu Changge still shook his head, with a mocking expression, as if he heard a very stupid and ridiculous sentence.

Okay, then I'll hand over the Immortal-Slaying Gourd to you.

Lin Wu's face showed struggle and entanglement. He was fighting between heaven and man in his heart, so in the end, he could only say unwillingly. As Gu Changge said, he was not qualified to negotiate terms now.

Don't worry, I will do what I say, and I will naturally let you go. It was not surprising that Gu Changge still had a calm expression. He had known for a long time that Lin Wu would succumb.

As the Son of Luck, Lin Wu was still affectionate and righteous after all. But this friendship was insignificant compared with the so-called righteousness of the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions.

Afterward, Lin Wu gritted his teeth and without any hesitation, he took out a palm-sized, yellow gourd from his bosom. Wisps of purple mist moved above it, as sharp as a sword.

It continuously diffused from the mouth of the gourd and then continued to flow into it. From the outside, it looked quite strange, with mysterious fluctuations intertwined.

In a daze, everyone saw a divine sword stained with the blood of countless beings, which could be drawn out of its sheath at any time.

Is this the Immortal-Slaying Gourd of the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms?

Everyone from the Upper Realm was also shocked and their eyes couldn't help being attracted by this yellow gourd. Before that, they had only heard of the legend about this gourd.

Once in the battle with the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions, the Immortal-Slaying Gourd could be said to shine brilliantly. Many of the powerful powerhouses were separated under the flying sword that would see blood, lost their lives and buried their bones in the sea.

I'll give it to you. Lin Wu threw the Immortal-Slaying Gourd to Gu Changge. He didn't dare to play tricks, because Luluo was still in Gu Changge's hands and the other party could kill her at any time.

It's refreshing. Gu Changge smiled, took the Immortal-Slaying Gourd, and a black avenue rune immediately fell into it.

At this moment, he could clearly feel the terrifying resistance coming from it. Although it was thrown over by Lin Wu, the owner it had just recognized, it still resisted and did not want to recognize Gu Changge as its master.

This thing was worthy of being born innately. It contained amazing spirituality. It sought good luck and avoided bad luck. Knowing who to follow and would not be enslaved.

Gu Changge didn't intend to refine it now and after sealing it up with special means, he threw it directly into the Storage Ring. After doing all this, he looked at Lin Wu with interest.

Now it's your turn to redeem your promise. Lin Wu stared at him fearfully, for fear that Gu Changge would backtrack.

Don't worry, I will do what I say. With a wave of Gu Changge's hand, all the restrictions that had been placed on Huo Rong and the others were immediately lifted.

But when his eyes fell on Luluo, he stopped.

What do you mean? Seeing this scene, Lin Wu was taken aback for a moment, and then he was puzzled and furious, feeling very uneasy in his heart, Are you planning to go back on your word?

I promised to spare their lives, but I didn't say that I would spare her. Gu Changge's tone remained unchanged.

Luluo was also taken aback, and then deep despair appeared in her eyes.

You're mean and shameless Lin Wu was shocked and angry, he never expected that Gu Changge would let everyone go, but only Luluo would not be let go.

The rest of the people were also shocked and extremely angry at the same time.

If you want to save her, come to Boundary Monument Sea to look for me in half a month.

Gu Changge's face didn't look too turbulent, he looked up at the endless high sky and felt the vast fluctuations gradually enveloping there.

Then with a wave of his sleeves, a vast golden fog rose up, turning into a golden road, tearing apart the space and leading everyone away from this place.

Luluo Lin Wu clenched his teeth, his eyes were red, and he was filled with hatred.

Especially the look of despair when seeing Luluo being taken away by Gu Changge. It was as if a knife was twisting in his heart as if thousands of roads were tearing apart.

Let go of my miss! Granny Lu Cui let out a roar, gritted her teeth, and chased after her, brandishing the Green Staff, and shooting out streaks of divine lights, trying to save Luluo.

However, Gu Changge didn't look back as if he didn't hear it. Alpha, who was beside him, swept down his spear, like a punishment from heaven.

The rumbling black divine light flooded in like stars, shaking her all over, making her spit blood. And at the moment when Gu Changge tore apart the space, the terrifying and massive pressure of destroying the world descended from the sky, turning into endless beams of light and was about to bombard this area.

The mirror of heaven and earth has revived and it is planning to bury us here together with each other.

Someone from the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions reacted to this scene, their faces changed drastically and they felt as if they were frightened by the mighty power of heaven.

What a cruel heart! Many people were outraged and felt aggrieved.

These were cultivators from the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions, who intended to sacrifice them and leave Gu Changge and others here together.

It was a pity that Gu Changge's reaction was quick. The moment he felt the aura, he had already torn apart the space and left this place, not staying for long.

It's a pity that he reacted too quickly, so he just left and took Miss Luluo with him.

Someone sighed, the vast fluctuations in the sky were also slowly dissipating at this moment and finally did not fall down.

The recovery of the Divine Mirror of Heaven and Earth required massive energy support. After seeing Gu Changge leave, it was obvious that such a blow would not be wasted again.


Lin Wu raised his head to the sky and screamed, heart-piercing, fists clenched, furious, eyes red like a beast, Gu Changge, I will kill you in the future!

He was angry at his own weakness and powerlessness. If he was stronger, he wouldn't have to witness his beloved being taken away with his own eyes!