The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance - Part 20

Part 20

163. Madonna, Francis, Jerome, and Donor.

CAPITOL, 203. Christ and Adulteress.

COLONNA, 22. Madonna, St. Peter, and Donor.

=Serina.= CHURCH, Polyptych.

=Venice.= ACADEMY, 310. Christ and Adulteress.

302. St. Peter enthroned and six other Saints.

315. a.s.sumption of Virgin. L.

QUIRINI-STAMPALIA, SALA IV, Unfinished Portrait of Young Woman. L.

SALA XVII, Portrait of Man.

GIOVANELLI, Sposalizio. L.

S. MARIA FORMOSA, St. Barbara, Altar-piece.

LADY LAYARD, Knight and Lady (a fragment).

=Vicenza.= S. STEFANO, Madonna and Saints.

=Vienna.= 134. John the Baptist.

139. The Visitation, (finished by Cariani.) 140. Santa Conversazione.

143. Portrait of Lady. L.

137. Violante. L.

133, 138, 141, 142, Busts of Women.

329E. Portrait of Old Man.

136. Lucretia.

LICHTENSTEIN, Santa Conversazione.

Holy Family and two female Saints. L.


1485 circa-1547. Pupil of Giovanni Bellini, Cima, and Giorgione; later, influenced by Michelangelo.

=Alnwick.= DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, Visitation.

=Berlin.= 237. Pieta. L.

259A. Portrait of a Knight. L.

259B. "Dorothea."

=Broomhall, N. B.= LORD ELGIN, Portrait of Roman Lady.

=Buda-Pesth.= Portrait of Raphael.

=Cracow.= PRINCE CZARTORYSKI, Portrait of (?) Raphael.

=Florence.= UFFIZI, 1123. "Fornarina," 1512.

592. Death of Adonis.

PITTI, 179. Martyrdom of St. Agatha, 1520.

409. Portrait of Man. L.

=Linlathen, N. B.= COL. ERSKINE, Portrait of Cardinal Nincofort. L.

=London.= 1. Resurrection of Lazarus, 1519.

24. Portrait of Lady. L. 1450.

Holy Family and Donor.

MR. BENSON, Portrait of Man. L.

DUKE OF GRAFTON, Carondelet and his Secretaries.

MR. LUDWIG MOND, Portrait of Pietro Aretino.

=Naples.= SALA GRANDE, 56. Portrait of Ecclesiastic. L.

SALA VENETA, 15. Head of Clement VII. L.

SALA DEI CORREGGIO, 2. Holy Family. L.

=Paris.= 1352. Visitation, 1521.

1500. St. John in Desert.


=Parma.= 302. Clement VII. and a Chamberlain. L.

=Rome.= PRINCE DORIA, Portrait of Andrea Doria. L.

SIG. DEL NERO, Portrait of a Prelate.

FARNESINA, SALA DI GALATEA, Frescoes in 8 lunettes, 1511.

S. MARIA DEL POPOLO, Birth of Virgin. L. (in part.) S. PIETRO IN MONTORIO, Frescoes first Chapel Right.

=St. Petersburg.= Portrait of Cardinal Pole. L.

=Siena.= PALAZZO SARACINI, Portrait of Man. L.

=Treviso.= S. NICCOL, Incredulity of Thomas. E.

=Venice.= ACADEMY, 95. Visitation. (?) E.


S. BARTOLOMMEO IN RIALTO, SS. Bartholomew, Louis, Sinibald, and Sebastian, on separate panels. E.

S. GIOVANNI CRISOSTOMO, St. John Chrysostom enthroned, and other Saints. E.

=Vienna.= 17. Portrait of (?) Cardinal Giulio di Medici.

=Viterbo.= Pieta. L. 1525.


1515(?)--1565. Imitator of t.i.tian; influenced by Bonifazio and Pordenone; later, by Paul Veronese.

=Ashridge.= LORD BROWNLOW, Christ and the Adulteress.

=Badger Hall= (Shropshire). MR. F. CAPEL-CURE, Madonna and kneeling Jerome.

Madonna, St. Elizabeth, and Children.

=Bergamo.= MORELLI, 96. Holy Family.