The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance - Part 18

Part 18

[Note 1: All the Lottos at Jesi are presently to be transported to the Palazzo della Signoria.]

=London.= 699. Portraits of Agostino and Niccol della Torre, 1515.

1047. Family Group.

1105. Portrait of Prothonotary Giuliano.

BRIDGEWATER HOUSE, Madonna and Saints. E.

DORCHESTER HOUSE, Portrait of a Lady.

MRS. MARTIN COLNAGHI, Madonna with SS. Jerome and Antony of Padua, 1522.

SIR W. M. CONWAY, Danae. E.

=Loreto.= PALAZZO APOSTOLICO, 30. SS. Christopher, Sebastian, and Roch.

34. Christ and Adulteress.

42. Nativity.

25, 27. SS. Lucy and Thecla.

24, 28. Two Prophets. L.

31. Michael driving Lucifer from Heaven. L.

32. Presentation in Temple. L.

21. Baptism. L.

20. Adoration of Magi. L.

50. Sacrifice of Melchisedec. L.

=Madrid.= 287. Bridal Couple, 1523.

478. St. Jerome.

=Milan.= BRERA, 244. Pieta, 1545.

253. Portrait of Lady.

254. Portrait of Old Man.

255. Portrait of Man. All L.

GAL. OGGIONI, 16. a.s.sumption of Virgin. E.

67. Portrait of Man.


MUSEO CIVICO, 83. Portrait of Young Man.

BORROMEO, Christ on Cross with Symbols of the Pa.s.sion.

DR. FRIZZONI, St. Catherine.

=Monte S. Giusto= (near Macerata). CHURCH, Crucifixion, 1531.

=Munich.= 1083. Marriage of St. Catherine. E.

=Nancy.= Head of a Man. L.

=Naples.= SALA VENETA, 56. Madonna with St. Peter Martyr. E.

Bust of Man in white cap and coat (?). E.

=Osimo.= MUNICIPIO, Madonna and Angels.

=Paris.= 1349. Christ and Adulteress.

1350. St. Jerome, 1500.

1351. Nativity.

=Ponteranica= (near Bergamo). CHURCH, Altar-piece in six panels.

=Recanati.= MUNICIPIO, Altar-piece in six parts, 1508.

Transfiguration. E.

S. DOMENICO, Fresco: S. Vincent in Glory.


=Rome.= BORGHESE, 193. Madonna with S. Onofrio and a Bishop, 1508.

185. Portrait of Man.

CAPITOL, 176. Portrait of Man.

DORIA, 388. St. Jerome.


PRINCE DORIA, Portrait of Man.

=Sedrina= (near Bergamo). CHURCH, Madonna in Glory and four Saints, 1542.

=St. Petersburg.= LEUCHTENBERG COLLECTION, St. Catherine, 1521.

=Trescorre.= SUARDI CHAPEL, Frescoes, 1524.

=Treviso.= SALA SERNAGIOTTO, 20. Portrait of Monk, 1526.

S. CRISTINA, Altar-piece, Dead Christ (lunette). E.

=Venice.= CARMINE, S. Nicholas in Glory, 1529.

S. GIACOMO DALL' ORIO, Madonna and Saints, 1546.

S. GIOVANNI E PAOLO, S. Antonino bestowing Alms, 1542.

=Vienna.= 214. Santa Conversazione.

215. Portrait of Man.

220. Three Views of a Man.


1450 circa-1523. Pupil of Alvise Vivarini; influenced by Gentile Bellini and the Paduan sculptor Bellano.

=Belluno.= 34. Madonna. E.

=Bergamo.= LOCHIS, 128. Madonna with SS. Roch and Sebastian, 1487.

MORELLI, 44. St. Jerome.


=Berlin.= 44. Madonna, Saints, and Donors, 1500.

=Bremen.= KUNSTHALLE, 16. Head and Hands of Madonna from an Annunciation.

=Certosa= (near Pavia). Madonna, SS. John, Onofrio, and three Angels.

=London.= MR. C. BUTLER, Madonna.