He (the Guardian) feels that the great point is to confirm people of true capacity and ability-from whatever social stratum they may be, because the Cause needs now, and will ever increasingly need, souls of great ability who can bring it before the public at large, administer its ever-growing affairs, and contribute to its advancement in every field.
As the Guardian's thoughts are very often with the English friends, and he feels deeply conscious of both their trials and the wonderful Baha'i spirit in which they are meeting them, he feels they have almost a special right to call on him, and he welcomes their letters and any news of them he receives. So you must feel free to turn to him whenever you feel the necessity of doing so....
Letter of 14 March 1942
14 March 1942
He also approves of the idea of advertising the name "Baha'i" as widely as possible, as we can never tell at what future date the remembrance of that word may aid some soul to seek and find the Faith.
At present people are too engulfed in hopes, events, desires, and various partizanships, to realise that there is no way out for humanity except to accept the Divine Plan for this Day, and put its healing principles and laws into practice. But gradually their eyes will be opened, and it is for this time that the friends must labour to bring the knowledge of the Cause before as wide a public as possible. September 1942
He (the Guardian) fully realises how much strain you are subjected to, but he also feels that in so far as is compatible with your health you should persevere in all your Baha'i activities, as your services could ill be spared in any field at this time.
Letter of 25 September 1942
25 September 1942
There is an answer in the teachings for everything; unfortunately the majority of the Baha'is, however intensely devoted and sincere they may be, lack for the most part the necessary scholarship and wisdom to reply to and refute the claims and attacks of people with some education and standing....
It is hard to foresee at present the way in which humanity is going to become spiritualised. At present it seems, the increased sufferings yet to be borne, combined with a far wider diffusion of the Divine Message, will bring about unbelievable changes in the days to come....
Letter of 5 May 1943
5 May 1943
Unless and until the believers really come to realise they are one spiritual family, knit together by a bond more lasting than mere physical ties can ever be, they will not be able to create that warm community atmosphere which alone can attract the hearts of humanity, frozen for lack of real love and feeling. May 1943
If, however, you find your health affected by keeping the Fast the Guardian would advise you to consult a physician, and if he tells you you are unable to fast then of course, you should abstain from doing so.
Letter of 26 May 1943
26 May 1943
He (the Guardian) feels that Baha'i children like you have a lot of wonderful work to do for others in the future. But you don't even have to wait until you grow up, you can help your dear Mother teach the Cause to others right now, and also tell your playmates about it. The Guardian is going to pray that you may grow up to be a shining light in the Cause of Baha'u'llah.
Letter of 6 August 1943
6 August 1943
The Master reflects the qualities of the Manifestations as if He were a mirror. He reflects not only those of Baha'u'llah but also of Christ as He is the exemplar of the spirit of the Prophet....
...These matters are left to the discretion of the N.S.A. The principle the Guardian has stated ... the addition of further regulations and rulings to those already laid down in the bye-laws he strongly discourages; he feels it is better, as far as possible, to settle problems as they arise rather than create too much red tape and hem in the spirit of the Cause into a rigid form.
Letter of 17 October 1944
17 October 1944
There is a difference between character and faith; it is often very hard to accept this fact and put up with it, but the fact remains that a person may believe in and love the Cause-even to being ready to die for it-and yet not have a good personal character, or possess traits at variance with the teachings. We should try to change, to let the Power of G.o.d help recreate us and make us true Baha'is in deed as well as in belief. But sometimes the process is slow, sometimes it never happens because the individual does not try hard enough. But these things cause us suffering and are a test to us in our fellow-believers, most especially if we love them and have been their teacher!
The Guardian would advise you to leave your friend to himself, to a.s.sociate with him, his wife and sister-in-law with love and forbearance in every way possible, but not to agonise over the past or let it cloud your Baha'i life. You have given him the greatest gift in the world: the Faith. Now he must be responsible for his own soul. Your prayers and example can no doubt reach and help him.
It is true the Baha'is should try and live a normal healthy life. But we cannot for a moment overlook the abnormal state of the world. If there had not been believers ready to give their health, comfort, pleasure-everything, for the Cause in these dark days, the work would not have gone on. What are these sacrifices compared to keeping a beacon of the Light of Baha'u'llah burning in dark London all these war years?
The Guardian is very glad to hear you are so active, both in teaching and administrative work, and he will pray that Baha'u'llah may bless and guide you and enable you to serve the Cause in an ever increasing measure. He will also pray for your personal happiness....
Letter of 27 November 1944
27 November 1944
The work in England has, indeed, progressed slowly from the standpoint of enlarging the Faith's membership and establishing new centres and a.s.semblies. On the other hand, however, the British Baha'is have consolidated the administration and thus prepared the way for intensified teaching activities when conditions make life easier for the people in that country. They have also built up a very helpful inst.i.tution in the Publishing Trust, one calculated to impress the public and aid greatly in their own and other countries' teaching programmes. The Faith there needs more active, devoted, young believers like yourself.
Letter of 27 January 1945
27 January 1945
He was very happy to hear of the marked progress the Cause has made in ...
and that you have not only a number of new believers but also are actively conducting fireside cla.s.ses and hold public meetings. All these are evidences of progress, and you should feel happy and encouraged about them.