The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll - Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Translated by Wealthy Whale

Edited by Iris Sakura

Her slender shoulders trembled helplessly. Tears ran down Sezhs pale cheeks, and a small sob escaped from her lips.

Take it. Its yours, Raytan said while handing it over to Sezh.

What he brought out was a painting a painting of Luna.

Where Sezh cried. This Where did you get it?

I asked a painter and then described Lunas appearance one by one.

Raytan had gone out as soon as the sun rose.

He had to search through all the streets to find someone who could finally make this painting. He then had to commission the painter with a lot of extra money.

Since the painter had never seen Luna in person, Raytan described Lunas appearance in words bit by bit.

This picture feels so real. And she is smiling, Sezh spoke while still crying.

Luna in the picture was smiling brightly. It was a smile that sparked endless love just by looking at it.

In my memories, Luna was always smiling like that.

This was the way she always looked at you.

During the years Raytan had known Luna, it had always been that way. Both of her eyes were always busy chasing after Sezh, and there was a warm smile on her lips.

Raytan wanted Sezh to know Luna was always happy during all of the time she spent with Sezh.

Now you can remember it, right? Lunas smiling face.


Sezhs hand was shaking a little as she touched the painting. Scared that itll get wrinkled, she couldnt even hold it tightly.

While sitting next to her, Raytan observed the mesmerized Sezh. For the past few days, he didnt know what to say to Sezh. He had never been comforted by anyone, nor he ever offered comfort to anyone.

So, at this moment, Raytan didnt know what he was supposed to do. But, he wanted Sezh to be a little less sad. Raytan hesitated but eventually reached out to Sezhs head. He fixed her tangled hair and stroked it. He then wiped away the tears that had soaked her face. Raytan wondered if her soft skin might get hurt if its stroked by his big, ugly hand, so he did it as softly as he could.

Its too small for a birthday present, Raytan tucked a ruffled strand of Sezhs hair behind her ear. Tell me if you want anything else. Whatever it is, I will-

No, Sezh shook her head. This is enough..

It wasnt a lie. It was both the best birthday present and the most effective consolation Sezh has ever received.

Even if someone brought her any precious jewel, it would not be as valuable as the painting. Sezh sincerely thanked him from the bottom of her heart.

Thank you so much, Brother.

Okay, Raytan replied softly.

He stared down at Sezh then gently pulled her lean body to lay her tiny head on his thigh.

You better close your eyes a little bit, Sezh.

But then Brother will-

I wont go. Ill stay here by your side until you fall asleep.

Instead of replying, Sezh gripped Raytans shirt.

Her hold left unpleasant wrinkles on his clothes, but that wasnt what caught Raytans eyes. It was her small, soft hand that was still slightly trembling.

Raytan wished that he was a more warm type of person so that he could comfort her better.

However, he couldnt think of any proper words to say. Instead, in a clumsy effort of comforting, Raytan slowly patted Sezhs back.

Even if you feel lonely Its a better choice.

He could hear his voice from the past. Raytan knew for sure that he had to draw a line.

Whatever the outcome, he knew that the more time they spent together, the more they would harm each other. However, Sezh stayed by his side too back then in the past.

She comforted him with clumsy words, and with her hands, she stopped his anxiety.

Even if there was nothing he could do for Sezh, Raytan wanted to be by her side. For this moment right now.

When the sun sets and the moon shines its light again, its also a sign for him to do something

He had to do something hed been procrastinating on: Killing Johan Franz. There have been many opportunities to get rid of him in the last few days. However, he didnt want to come to Sezh with the smell of blood on him.

Tomorrow I cant come.

Sezh, who was lying down, froze. She looked up at Raytan while still clutching his clothes.

Dont skip meals because there is no one to take care of you. I will check on everything with your maid.

Do you have something to do?

Sezh had a hunch that if he successfully completed his work, another prestigious nobleman or member of the Imperial family would die.

Its something you dont have to think about, Raytan looked away and answered in a low voice.

He would sometimes avoid her gaze like this. It was his habit. He does that every time he hears a question he doesnt want to or can not answer.

Brother, I

Sezh, who was about to say something, hesitated and bit her lips.

What should she say? Should she be honest? I know everything. I know who the person who killed the nobles is. Or should she ask him whose life he is going to take this time? Or maybe ask, Why are you doing such a thing?

I I hope Brother doesnt get hurt.

Sincere words flowed out her lips at an unexpected time.

And I also dont want you to feel sad or lonely.

Sezh still remembered it clearly: What he said about the smell of blood, his cracking voice, and those empty red eyes.

She didnt know what was going on and what Raytans actions were supposed to accomplish. Regardless, her words were earnest. Sezh hoped that he would never wear that kind of expression again.

Raytan gently caressed Sezhs cheek.

I hope you dont cry, His low voice creaked. Because if you cry I dont know what to do.

Sezh put her hand on top of Raytans, who was stroking her cheek.

I told you already. I I think this is enough.

Alright, Raytan replied. It was all he could say.

Raytan pulled out the blanket and arranged it to cover Sezhs body so the cold wind wouldnt seep into her.


When Sezh woke up, Raytan was nowhere to be seen.

Sezh recalled that she slept on Raytans thigh at the edge of the bed before. But when she opened her eyes, Sezh found herself lying at the center of the bed.

It seems that he left after confirming that she was sleeping deeply.

Sezh was still absentmindedly fiddling with the blanket that covered her body when she suddenly turned her gaze to the side table.

On the side table was the framed picture of Luna. Sezh reached out, picked it up, then held it in her arms. Luna and Raytans smiling faces flashed through her mind.

Sezh blinked slowly with an exhausted face.

I dont know, Luna, Sezh muttered to herself. I dont know what I can do and what I can prevent

The feeling of losing Luna was making Sezh feel helpless.

Everything just feels heavy.

She couldnt stop Lunas death, and this is not the end. More terrible things were about to happen. No, it must be already happening in the place she didnt know.

The future I really dont know anything.

What will happen if her mother kills Lady Lize? Will Raytan stage a coup again?

And also

Sezh touched her neck.

Its not just you, Sezh. I will kill all the blondes with blue eyes.

The emotionless red eyes staring at her invaded Sezhs mind.

I hope you dont cry. Because if you cry I dont know what to do.

Now, it is his soft gazes, the hand that gently patted her back, and his low cracking voice that took over her mind.

Sezh closed her eyes tightly. She rolled and kept changing her position to feel comfortable, but she felt so stuffy. Her eyes automatically went to the window.

Through the half-open window, the cold winter breeze was blowing.

Even if its wind, its quite

Is it a thief? Sezh, who had been blankly thinking, paused.

It was because someones shadow fell on the white curtain that swayed in the wind.

Sezh got up from her bed. Following that, with slow and cautious steps, she walked toward the window.

Long time no see.

A pair of red eyes that look just like Raytans, hair color that seemed to have gotten lighter as time passed


Hello, Sezh.

Eton lightly smiled.