The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll - Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Kill them all, Lize stretched out her hand. All people with blonde hair and blue eyes. All of them. This is Gods will. Take revenge, kill, and end it all.

She then grabbed Raytans trembling hand with all her might. On his wrist, where blood was splattered, the emerald bracelet shone under the moonlight. Lize pulled hard on the bracelet. With a snapping sound, the broken bracelet fell to the floor along with its jewels.

Dont be shaken, Raytan.

The bracelets fragments reflected his shocked red eyes.

You must never be.

Even if you have to die.

Ending with those words, Lize got up from the bed and left the bedroom without even looking back.

Left alone, Raytan slumped down in front of the bed. He blankly stared at his hand. On his trembling hands, blood was still there. It was like he dipped his hands into a bucket of blood. He couldnt even tell if it was his or Duke Lirans.

If all of this was Gods will

Was it also the will of God that he was born with red eyes and dark hair like the legend? Was everything really already decided from the beginning?

Then why

Am I like this?

Raytan covered his face with trembling hands.

I came here because I was worried. Because I think something might have happened to you.

Sezhs weeping voice passed through his ears. Her blue eyes full of tears came to his mind as well.

Like that day again, you looked lonesome

Then, the fact that he has to kill Sezh is that Gods will too?

Raytan slowly lowered his hand. He then held the ruby necklace that hung on his neck and closed his eyes tightly.

Sezh, His pained voice echoed through the silent room.

Brother Raytan!

He could hear her cheerful voice. Her eyes curled when she smiled, and her movements Raytan didnt make any other moves and only held the necklace devotedly.


After that day, Sezh spent more time sitting alone since she had more spare time. Raytan still didnt come to Sezhs palace, and neither did Sezh go to his.

And during this period, she heard something unimaginable: a servant from the Regent family had gone to Raytans palace.

It was clear what was going on, but Sezh couldnt understand. Did Carolyn Regent approach him like this before her return? Sezh thought hard, but at that time, she had never paid any attention to Raytan. Thats why she had no memory of it.

Princess, I have received another letter from Lord Mathias.

There was a neatly folded letter in Lunas hand.

In the past few days, Sezh hadnt sent any letters to Mathias. She just didnt have the energy to write one.

Sezh, who finally opened the letter, slowly started to read it. Mathias concerns were abundant in the letter as he was worried about the lack of replies.

At the end of the letter, these words were written:

[If you are not feeling well, you can reply slowly. Is there anything I can do to help? The physicians I know are excellent. And I dont know if youve heard, but the rumors have been very horrifying the last few days. It may be discourteous to dare to say this to the Princess, but I think it would be better to refrain from going out for the time being.]

Sezhs eyes narrowed.

Luna, whats going on these days? Whether inside or outside the Palace

Lunas face hardened for a moment, then she spoke in a small voice, Lady Yulias father passed away yesterday, Duke Liran.

Duke Liran? Why all of a sudden?

Come to think of it, since morning the Imperial palace seemed to have been noisy. However, she didnt know the news about Duke Liran being dead.

I dont know the details. but I think it was probably an assassination. I heard everyone talking about it earlier. They found Duke Liran in his bathroom in a sea of blood

He was murdered?

Yes. Its not just Duke Liran. Baron Eind, General Hayden, Prime Minister Horn and many more. All have died in the last few days.

Sezhs face hardened. It was because they all had one thing in common. All of them supported Bern as the next emperor. They were close with the current Emperor, Rowain III, and had a good relationship with Yulia Liran.

The atmosphere has been a bit uncomfortable lately. His Majesty is also not in good health. Things keep happening

Sezh stayed quiet. She only recalled Raytans figure the other day. He was doused in blood and held a sharp sword with fresh blood dripping down from it.

However, please dont worry too much. After all, it has nothing to do with the Princess, right? Nothing will happen. Please dont concern yourself, Luna said in a gentle voice.

Perhaps she thought that the silent Sezh was frightened.

Ah, thats right. Princess, you will reach adulthood soon.

.Ah, correct. Sezh was so alone in her thoughts that she didnt even notice her birthday was approaching. Now that Sezh thought about it, theres only a week or so until her 17th birthday.

Is there anything you would like to eat or something you would like to have?

Nope. I dont want anything in particular, Sezh shook her head.

If her 17th birthday was on the way, it meant that the time when her neck was slashed was very near.

And there was one more thing

It was around this time that Luna died, right before Sezh turned 17.

Sezh still remembered it clearly. The 17th birthday that no one cared about. That day, Sezh cried until dawn. Embracing the gift Luna had prepared in advance but never got the chance to give her personally. So there was nothing to wish for. If only she could spend her birthday with Luna, that was enough.

I just want to eat cake with Luna. Dont bring any gifts. Im serious.


And the cake Luna makes is the best in the world. I really love it.

Flustered, Luna laughed.

Do you need anything? Theres still quite a bit of money left from selling jewels last time.

Im fine, Princess.

Or maybe something else

Then, its embarrassing, but can I ask you one thing? Luna asked cautiously.

Sezh nodded anticipatedly.

Its not a big thing I want to go out for only a couple of days.

Instantly, Sezhs blood turned cold.

My sister had a baby a few days ago. My parents live right next door, but they are both old, so its difficult to take care of them.

Of course, Ill be back before the Princesss birthday!

Y-You cant! Without realizing it, Sezh screamed.

She hurriedly grabbed Lunas sleeve. She was afraid Luna would disappear right now.

Princess? Luna made a puzzled expression.

Are you uncomfortable anywhere? Are you okay? Luna asked a few times, but Sezh didnt answer.

Sezh could only feel her body trembling.

Everything is all starting to happen.


In the end, Luna couldnt go home even though she tilted her head at Sezhs refusal.

Dont ask me the reason, and just stay by my side.

Another few days passed, and Sezh stuck close to Luna for almost 24 hours. She was scared. Sezh was afraid that something unexpected would happen. Something that ended with the same result as the past.

The kind and gentle Luna couldnt even ask why Sezh was displaying such a ridiculous act, but she always stood by her side.

During this time, Sezhs birthday quickly approached.

Yerena, who usually doesnt bother to pay attention to her, summoned Sezh to her palace early in the morning. Sezh thought it was finally the time Yerena told her about the old Duke.

Her guess was right on the mark.

Youll be an adult soon, Yerena put down her teacup.

Sezh just stared at the table silently without even bothering to drink her tea.

Within this month, someone from the Franz house will come.

I see.

After all, Sezh was already aware of that. Its time. Even before her return, Yerena did the same thing as soon as Sezh came of age.

Is that your answer? Yerenas eyes narrowed.

Perhaps she didnt like her reaction. Sezh, who came to her senses late, stuttered and asked, Oh, no. What happened? Franz Dukedom

You remember that I said there was someone who took a liking to you in your debut last time, right?


Hes Duke Franz. The Duke wants you to be his second wife. Hes old, but hes a good guy. Im sure hell be nice to you.

Is a person who has spare time to beat his wife and concubine a good person? Sezh nearly couldnt hold back her laughter.

The preparations are done. You may feel that this is too sudden, but the marriages of the royal family are all like that.

Yes, mother, Sezh nodded and replied.

Yerena looked slightly baffled as she didnt expect her daughter would accept the marriage this graciously.

Sezh was optimistic. Duke Franz will die anyway, and its going to be caused by a disease.

Since Lunas death was an accident, she could prevent it. But death due to chronic disease is probably unavoidable. Even if it was preventable, there was no way to do it easily. Theres no need to upset Yerena for no reason by saying that she doesnt want to get married.

Alright, then the marriage talk ends here.

Yerena sipped her tea.

Youre not meeting with that Raytan kid again, are you?


It seems that the wedding will happen quickly, so I wont let it pass if you create useless rumors in the meantime. Do you understand?

Looking into Yerenas gleaming eyes, Sezh nodded slowly.

Stop going out for now. If anyone from the Franz Dukedom comes, I will call you back.

Yes, mother.

Sezh slowly stood up from her seat then politely bowed before walking out of the room.

Im sorry, mother, you wont get what you want from Duke Franz.


From Yerenas palace to her own, Sezh tried to figure out what time it was. It was because she hoped she would be able to meet Raytan like last time. However, she couldnt even catch sight of his shadow.

Their last encounter was when Sezh saw him drenched in blood at the training ground a few days ago. He seemed not to realize how worried she was. Sezh wondered if she should go and talk to him again, but she didnt have the courage.

Sezh guessed it was Raytan who killed the nobles.

Can she really stop it? What if even though she succeeded in preventing Yerena from killing Lize, the coup still happened?

Whenever Sezh was shaken by that uncertainty, what came to mind was Raytans face as he stared at her.

And never come here again. Anyway, now you too are afraid of me.

Why was he making such a hurt face Sezh didnt know. She only sighed and fiddled with the cloak he gave her that day.

First, she has to stop Lunas death. Thats her priority now. If Luna lives, if she can change the future Its something that she could only bet on. Will she stop that tragedy?

Sezh walked into her bedroom with staggering steps.


At that very moment, Sezh froze.


Luna wasnt there. But she kept telling Sezh she would stay there A sudden feeling of anxiousness crept into her heart. Sezhs face turned blue, and she ran out into the hallway.


A maid, walking in from the opposite side, opened her eyes wide as Sezh rushed towards her. She was Kaen, a maid who was the same age as Luna.

Sezh could hardly even breathe and urgently asked her, Kaen, Luna- Where did she go?


She didnt leave the palace, did she? Shes still here, isnt she?

Sezhs voice sounded like she was begging for a yes.

What happened? If you tell me, Ill instead-

No, no. Just tell me where Luna is.

But Kaens answer was unbearable.

Luna went away for a little while


Its the Princesss birthday in a few days, so she said she wanted to personally choose the ingredients for the cake.

She wont take long. Shell be back before the sun goes down, so if the Princess needs anything, Ill-

Sezh didnt waste her time hearing the end of Kaens words and only hurriedly started running down the hallway.