The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Lises palace was located inside the innermost part of the Imperial Palace on the northern side, to be precise. Simply by living in such a place, she had been insulted throughout her life and was fated to receive the jealousy of the other concubines in this next life. The other concubines traditionally lived in the southern area, but the location of Lises palace placed her in closest proximity to the Emperor.

Of course, Lise hadnt originally lived there from the very beginning. It was the emperor and his desire that caused this problem to arise. He had favored Lise and visited her on a daily basis. Thanks to his actions, the bullying she received worsened day after day.

Only after Lises countenance had ruptured with blood from a stone thrown at her by the other concubines, perhaps Yerena or her lady in waiting, did the emperor realize how serious the situation had become. He quickly proceeded to move her palace to the one that he used when he was a prince. It was located in the most secluded part of the Imperial Palace and fitted with the best security, greatly reducing the possibility of encounters with others.

As Sezh made her way to Lises palace, she dug through her memory for something that she had never taken interest in before. As she had recalled earlier, the Emperor had favoured Lise before she had given birth and even after Raytan was brought into the world. It did not bode well for the Emperors favourite concubine to have a cursed child such as Raytan.

Yerena would sometimes gossip about how the shallow, young dancer got his Majesty wrapped around her little finger, or that she was good at warming His Majestys bed because she was a dirty wench who is used to shaking her body on the street.

Although Sezh didnt understand it as a child back then, she gradually realized why the other concubines including Yerena hated Lise so much. It was natural to be jealous of her because she had the Emperors love, and they were afraid that they would lose their chance to fill the vacant empress seat. Additionally, it would have been even more disgraceful for them to lose to someone like Lise, who was originally from the lower class.

But according to her memory, Lise was not a shallow woman even Yerena had said so.

She was always prudent and respectful to the princes and princess. She chose not to live in luxury and excess, unlike the other royal concubines. Lise was also very beautiful, and if Sezh had been asked to name the most beautiful woman in all the Denhelder Empire, she would have pointed at Lise right away without any hesitation.

She was just like an angel, with beautiful, fairy-like, silver hair and a pair of emerald eyes which shone as bright as a pair of jewels. Even after giving birth, she was still the most beautiful woman.But something was quite interesting about this, Sezh muttered to herself.

Who the hell did big brother inherit his black hair from, then? Such a trait was something far out of ordinary.

In the Denhelder Empire, all the members of the imperial family bloodline have had blond hair and blue eyes. No matter how far back they traced the generations, there wasnt anyone who did not inherit these traits. Raytan was an abnormality that appeared once out of 100 cases, so it was truly strange that he had been born with black hair from a blond father and a silver-haired mother.

It was only after Sezh stopped all her useless thoughts that she realized she had already reached Lises palace. The palace was really different from the residences of the other royal concubines in the Imperial Palace. None were as heavily guarded as Lises

Sezh started to look around as she stood in front of the entrance.

Princess Sezh

Sezh turned her head towards the familiar voice. It was Orson, the Grand Chamberlain. When she saw his familiar face, she felt relieved.

Oh, Orson.

What brings you here? Orson asked with a puzzled look.

Well, of course he would wonder about it. Sezh, who had never held a proper conversation with Lise, had suddenly come to this place out of nowhere.

Its nothing Its just that today is big brother Raytans birthday.

I prepared a present for him, and my brother has always spent his birthday at Lises palace, so

There was no answer from Orson for a good moment.Should I come up with a more plausible excuse?

Sezh immediately regretted what she said, but the water was already spilt.

I will talk to Lady Lise first. Would you please wait here for a while?


Orson then bowed and walked inside the palace. Sezh now stood there, left alone and glancing at the guards.I must look a little weird right? No, not a little, but really weird I was worried about this, but this is the only way for me to see him again.

Sezh sincerely hoped that Lise wouldnt send her away from the gate.

Around ten minutes or so later, Orson appeared in front of her with a slightly brightened expression.

Please follow me, Your Highness. Ill show you inside.

Sezh secretly patted her chest triumphantly.