The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll - Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Unlike the banquet hall that was full of people, the balcony was quiet. Sometimes someone would come out, but once they saw Carolyn, they went in again. Contrary to her actual age, Carolyn was radiating a mature aura. And unlike everyone else, she didnt seem terrified of Raytan. In truth, she seemed to be the opposite.

She was looking straight at him with curious eyes. She didnt look to have a shitty personality like Lillian. Instead, Carolyn Regent truly had a distinctive aura different from the ordinary noble young ladies.

Is it because she is the daughter of the Duke of Regent? Raytan thought to himself.

Anyway, Im happy to meet you like this, Carolyn said with a small smile.

Under the shining moonlight, she looked beautiful. However, that was it. She couldnt catch his eye. He couldnt resist his own eyes from continuing to stare at Sezh, who was standing alone.

The maids said that Prince Raytan is very close to Princess Sezh.

The sudden mention of Sezhs name forcefully brought his vision to Carolyn.

When I saw you escorting her, it seems it wasnt just empty words.

The child is not engaged yet. So, theres nothing wrong with her brother escorting her.

Oh my, I didnt intend to say that it was wrong. I just want to say that the Prince seemed to care a lot for the Princess. Isnt that right?Is that so?

I thought it was Princess Lillian, turns out it was Princess Sezh.

Raytan felt like there was a thorn slipped between her words. His expression became cold.

It looks like people are surprised a lot. I also never even thought about it. I didnt know the Prince would appear at this ball, but more than that, I didnt know you would appear with Princess Sezh.

I didnt think about it either, Raytans lips twisted up, and he continued to speak. That the daughter of the Regent family was interrogating people in the Imperial Palace to gain more knowledge about me.

Really? Carolyn laughed. But thats not wrong. Thanks to it, I learned a lot about you.


Raytan came closer to Carolyn and looked down at her. Those crimson eyes illuminated by the moonlight shone darkly like blood.

Raytan gradually opened his lips and spoke in a low and subdued voice.

A person who already knows so much like this

For what reason would you be interested in me.

Its impossible for Carolyn to not know about the legend that passed around the Imperial Palace from time to time. And the fact that Raytan lived under persecution in the Palace all his life.

Besides, the Regents were one of the Denhelder Empires founding descendants. There was no reason for Carolyn Regent to be interested in him. It was Raytan who actually should have approached her first.

Wasnt the sole purpose of coming to this debut to attract her attention and favor? He finally achieved it now. However, the answers that came back from her mouth were somehow offensive to his ears.

Theres something that caught my interest.

. your interest?

Princess Lilian told me that no matter how much they bully the Prince, you never cry and cave in under the insults. She said she doesnt like it very much.

So, thats the reason youre curious about me? From gossip like that?

At first, it was just curiosity. But not now The more I listened to the story, the more I became fascinated. Even more, after seeing the Prince in person like this.

You have peculiar tastes for a noble lady. Dont you know the legend in the Imperial Palace?

I dont care about the legend or whatever you call it.

Legend or whatever? Raytans eyebrows furrowed.

Its just crap made by stupid people. I just Carolyn shut her mouth for a moment and reached out her hand. She then caressed Raytans cheek delicately.

I just prefer a strong man rather than those luxuriant men. Like my father.

Raytan had also heard the story about the Regent family. Carolyns father was the child of a neglected concubine, and he had lived ignored his whole life.

However, the enormous number of soldiers owned by the Regent family for generations became his. Due to the Dukes efforts, the Regent family, who had hardly been able to survive in high society before, has now established itself as the most powerful family in the Empire.

Sometimes there was gossip amongst the nobles that, in truth, the eldest son of the Regent family was murdered at the hands of the current Duke Regent. However, that never became the hottest topic in society as everyone was afraid of him.

A strong man? Raytan sneered without knowing. Maybe what Carolyn sought wasnt strength

I see, the Lady likes madness. Like the Dukes.

Do I? Carolyn replied with a bright face. But its cooler, isnt it? She smiled lightly.

No matter the reason Carolyn was interested in him, it wasnt important at all. What Raytan needed was not Carolyn herself but her family. Carolyn, like Lize already said, was the most valuable woman now. If she came to him on her own, there was no downside for Raytan.

Raytan casually smiled as he stared at Carolyn, who still fixed her gaze on him.

If the Prince is okay, shall we make a toast to celebrate this meeting? Carolyn said while holding a wine glass.

Raytan nodded, and soon she began to pour the wine. The color was blood red, which perfectly resembled his eyes.

I wish I could often see you like this in the future.

We can do that, cant we?


Carolyns eyes gracefully curled as she handed him the wine glass. Raytan stared down at her and bumped their glasses.

However, the moment Raytan was about to drink his wine, below the balcony, he saw something he had never imagined: Mathias and Sezh.


Sezh already declared she was okay, but Mathias was stubborn. He supported the stumbling Sezh as they left the banquet hall. There were too many people in the banquet hall, and there was no space to rest.

He brought her to the courtyard located in front of the banquet hall and carefully seated Sezh on a large rock.

Princess, are you in a lot of pain? Mathias asked with a worried face.

Sezh once again said Im okay, so please dont mind, but she unknowingly made a distressed frown.

It seemed she sprained her ankle terribly. Sezhs ankle was throbbing unbearably and swelling rapidly. It was upsetting.

Im going to ask an attendant to call the physician now, Mathias stood up and stated.

No, no! I can just go back to my palace and get some treatment. I can still endure this

It was a pure lie. Forget about enduring, the pain kept increasing gradually, and it hurt so much. Nevertheless, she didnt want to trouble the kindhearted Mathias anymore.

Also, didnt she witness peoples stares when Mathias supported her while walking out of the banquet hall? Their gaze, directed towards her, felt like deadly arrows. Sezh didnt wish to get any more attention.

Then how about I accompany you to your palace? Mathias asked, and Sezh quickly panicked.

If both of them went together to her palace and encountered other people from the Imperial Palace on their way, it would surely reach Lillians ears. Besides, what if Raytan was waiting for her?

He put up with all the things he didnt like to come here with her. She couldnt leave him alone.

No, Im really fine. Please go back to the banquet hall. Didnt you say that you came here with your cousin? Your cousin must be waiting.

However, Mathias looked like hell never consider going back to the banquet hall. He looked down at Sezhs swelling ankle and bent down on his knees in front of her.

If its okay, can I take a look?


Of course, compared to a physician, Ill be lacking, but at least I know how to do some first aid.

That, you dont have to be bothered by me like this.

Im not, so please dont feel burdened. Then excuse me for a second.

Mathias slowly reached out his hand and held Sezhs ankles very carefully.


He didnt even in the slightest bit hold it hard, but a groan came out of her mouth.While looking at her ankle, Mathiass expression was serious. It really hurts so much. However, when Sezh looked down at Mathias whos still calmly examining her ankle, it made her feel embarrassed.

No, this is so embarrassing. Why did she have to be in this state in front of a person she just met for the first time today? While Sezh was captivated by her thoughts, Mathias seemed to be busy looking at her ankle. He squeezed it a little and then gently pressed the swollen area.

Sezh clenched her fists, trying to endure the pain. After a while, Mathias exhaled a sigh of relief and parted his lips.

It looks like you stretched your ligaments. But I am glad there is nothing wrong with the bones.

A-are you sure?Certainly, but you will have to bear with the pain for the time being. If you immediately go back to your palace and get treat-!

Mathias couldnt finish his words. Someone who just ran over suddenly grabbed his collar tightly. Mathias, who was bending his knees, was roughly dragged to his feet in a flash.

.You. His crimson eyes shone brilliantly under the moonlight. Now what did you dare to do?.

From Raytans lips came a chilly voice.