The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll - Chapter 43

Chapter 43

The atmosphere was freezing her to the bone.

Even if it was her seventeen years old self inside her body, in this situation, the thing that you would only feel is trembling in fear. The stiffen face of Yulia, Bern who was standing beside her, the terrible look of Lillian, and Yerena who closed her own mouth tidily.

Sezh was putting an expression like she was a real criminal herself. Really, this is the worst godawful nightmarish spine-chilling thing that ever happened to her. However, Raytan didnt look frightened at all. His flat face looked unbothered while standing upright beside Sezh.

Yulia, who was sitting on the chair up to now, got up from her seat. After that, she walked until she reached the place in front of Raytan. Suddenly, her palm was already landed pitilessly on his cheek.

Tak the horrifying sound made Sezh close both of her eyelids firmly. If she didnt confront back and just accept the bullying before, even if she will get a permanent scar However, those regrets were too late to be reflected now.

This foul thing.

She could feel an uncovered disgust at Yulias voice.

So you really seem to already forget your place. You dare to make my daughter into that kind of condition?

Yulias eyes staring at Raytan were cynical. Sezh really wanted to bite her own tongue and die.

You. The one who should be grateful for not being thrown away from the Imperial Palace

Yulia continued to utter her rants, but Raytan didnt budge. He didnt lower his head like Sezh or even apologize like what they wanted. His cheeks started to swell a little. As far as one could tell, Yulia was getting more enraged because of that attitude.Lets see. After His Highness knew your criminality. Will you still be able to hold that calm face!

Sezh screamed loudly inside. Without even any cases that he made before, The Emperor hated him so badly. If The Emperor knows about this matter

Im so curious too. If The Emperor knows that Sister Lillian was acting like a dog. What will he say

However, Raytan replied with a more atrocious manner.


The scream came from Lillian who was standing behind Yulia. Exactly sounds like a mad wild ox. Lillian gave a death stare together with Yulia who relentlessly kept up her cold gaze towards him. But Raytan didnt stop and continued his speech.

Sister Lillian who was tormenting the quiet Sezh first. Plus, she said something too. She called Lady Yerena as a pimp.

As soon as that words spouted. Yerenas face turned red like a tomato.

Clearly, The Emperor wouldnt punish her after he heard about Lillian beat Sezh up. However, The Emperor had no idea what Lilian was like. This is thanks to Lilians natural talent to act as a Polite and Gentle Princess so far. He will not punish her, but maybe could be disgusted by it. And there was nothing good about being disgusted by The Emperor.

Yulia and Lillian impossibly didnt know about that.


Lillian approached until she stood up right in front of him.

Bow your knees. Then I will forgive you. Raytan, Sezh. You two.


Couldnt withstand anything that she was watching, Sezh collected her spirits.

All of this is my fault. I was impolite against you, Sister. I will kneel down and apologize


Yulia called Yerena who was standing at the back from the start.

You didnt know about this? While The Princess Sezh got friendly with Raytan you do things that dont even work.

Yerena walked towards her while clenching her fist firmly. She looked so furious and embarrassed at the same time.

I know youre busy with matchmaking the nobles. I think the marriage season has already begun these past days, hasnt it? Dont you really have no shame? You cant even manage your daughter properly. Am I right?

Ah, please Sezh was shaking so greatly and holding her own hands.

Why this thing occurred is one of your responsibilities! Say something! Yerena!

Yerena sealed her lips tightly at Yulias screams. Although Yerena made connections with numerous aristocratic families, and thanks to it, she was influential in the imperial family, but it was still incomparable to Yulia, who had a great and strong family.


Yulia restlessly yelled out Yerenas name. Sezh also pulled her sights towards Yerena. Yerena slowly stepped to the direction of her daughter. She lifted her hand then she grabbed Sezhs thin wrist as hard as she could. Long-grown nails dig through the tender flesh without mercy. Sezh groaned silently.

Sezh. Apologize to Lady Yulia and Princess Lillian.

Bow your knees. Quick!

Right. It would be better to be eaten up cheaply. If I get on my knees and plead for forgiveness, it will end up just by this. Sezh, with her eyes closed, was about to kneel.

Tell that kid to bow too!

That was Lillians deafening shouts.

Raytan put my hair on fire! Its blatant that it was his acts!

No, its not Brother Raytan who caused that but Eton However, she couldnt even tell them about it now. Sezhs face hardened.

Put a fire, sister?

Raytan gradually parted his lips. Sister he said. For someone who beforehand threatened her that if she doesnt want her legs and hands to be cutted apart first, it was a vast character change. His acting skill is even better than Lillian.

I did nothing except turned the fire off. Am I right? If Im the one who really burn your hair. I will let it until you become bald because of a complete hair loss.

Yulia and Lillians face got distorted. Its because this is the first time in forever occasion that Raytan fought back. Sezh was shocked in tune. She couldnt see Raytan who always faced those harassment just with silence.

On the spur of the moment, Bern was running hastily towards him.


Suddenly appeared Bern without letting a single word out, punched Raytan in the face with his fist. Sezh thought it was the roughest one ever. Dark red liquid trickled down from the side of his mouth.

In this Imperial Palace, who else can do such a thing if its not you?

It was so obvious, its you. Only you, the cursed kid that has an ability to create something like that!


That instant, Raytan made a small grin. It seems like he has really no clue either. Why suddenly there was fire on Lillians hair and why everybody was automatically blaming him for that.

. Moreover, that small grin made Bern even getting more incensed.

Bow your knees! Kneel in front of us! Before I really kill you!

The outraged Bern kicked Raytan in the stomach. Ah, thats the part where the wound existed Sezh screaming and screaming inside, her face turned cadaverous.

Bern mercilessly began beating Raytan. Raytan simply took the beat in silence. After all, no matter how much Raytan suffered, it seemed that he could not make a fist clash in front of everyone now.

There was no one talking. Yulia was hugging Lillians shoulders, Yerena of course became a bystander.

It was only Sezh who was quaking in her shoes.

P-Please Brother Bern, It was all my fault I will plead

Whatever words that Sezh was going to tell, Bern wouldnt buy it.

Not long after that. There was an airing voice coming out from outside the room..

I think its enough with that.

Its Lize with her pale complexion.

As soon as Lize made her appearance, the coolness of the atmosphere was getting more intense. The faces of Yulia, Lillian, Bern, and last but not least Yerena were distorted once again. Its because they didnt expect Lize to appear like this. All of his life, no matter how hard people chastised Raytan, Lize never ever even once presented before.

Raytan, get up.

Lize spoke in a calm voice. She was looking at Raytan who got up from his place first, then switched her vision to everyone.

I already heard everything from Orson. That a fight happened. It seems like there was a misunderstanding here. However, thats right that the one who is below should apologize first. Raytan, give your apology.

Im sorry.

What is this trick. With that sorry not sorry face, Raytan immediately apologized.

Lady Yulia and Princess Lillian. I of course was deeply sorry too. Please accept my apology.

Lize bowed her head with a composed face. Absolutely, Yulia was not going to just let it through so effortlessly.

Lize this is not something that can be passed easily just by a simple apology! You blurted those words even after looking at Lillians condition?

Yulia shouted shrilly.

I will tell His Highness about this! Prepare yourself, Lize.

Even if they werent talking about Lize who was cherished by The Emperor, Yulia was too invisible in his eyes in the first place. This may be a great opportunity to appeal to The Emperor. She will tell about Raytan and Princess Sezh taking sides together to bother Lilian. Of course, if you want to be believed completely, you have to make up a story with tears! Lilians acting skills are quite engaging, so its a play worth trying.

I already told everything myself to His Highness.

Wha- What did you say?

Everyones eyes shook up hard. Sezh was obviously in the line of them.

His Highness said I should apologize to Lady Yulia for making up the trouble.


Of course I didnt tell His Highness that Princess Lillian who beat Princess Sezh first. Just tried to let Lady know.

At Lizes last sentences, Yulia locked her lips tightly.

Princess Lillian. I apologize for one more time. Im truly sorry. If its okay, I would like to send you the medicines to cure your injuries.

No need.

Lilian replied while setting face like she was chewing a bug. If Lilian was using a bug-chewed face, Bern was more like a shit-chewed face. Bern stared at Lize with the most disgusting expression in the world, but Lize only smiled with her distinctive subtle smile.

Bern! Lillian!

Yulia, who was already feeling hot under the collar, shouted at her childrens name. She planned to take her feet leaving the room first. Well, she couldnt do anything more in this situation. The Emperor already remarked previously that she has to settle down with the problem after Lize and Raytan apologized.

After taking a few steps, Yulia turned her head back and looked at Lize.

You think you will have His Highnesss favor forever?

A cold dripping atmosphere raised because of Yulias voice.

Lize, its better to be aware of where your place is. Once you lose that favor, you will turn into a miserable thing here.

The words have meaning in so many ways. Lize answered with a calm face.

Im greatly thankful for your hearts earnest advice.

Yulia gave Lize a glare of contempt then followed her children to walk away from the current place.

Finished looking at Yulia who stepped outside from the opened door. Lizes stares now, were directed towards Yerena.

Lady Yerena.

Yerena didnt give even a single reply. Since holding Sezh from earlier, she only stared at Lize in a solid expression.

If its all right. Would you with pleasure allow Princess Sezh to learn Kazaki language from Raytan?

What did you say? Who to who?

The lesson will not take an excessive amount of time.

Now, you think I will allow-

Of course this matter has already gained permission from His Highness. Does Lady still have any trouble occuring?

This time, it was The Emperors command. There was no mightier command in this Imperial Palace above The Emperors command. Yerenas face got distorted but she couldnt answer it with rejection anywise.

Thank you for your consent.

Lize thanked while bowing her head down. Yerena was just staring at her and started to walk towards the door alone.

Sezh was watching anticipatedly from the start. Lize was keep showing a soft smile and Raytan rested an uninterested face like he had no business there.

Sezh! What are you doing? Come here!

Yerena shouted, ordering Sezh to follow her quickly.

Yes. Yes

Sezh moved her body and paced without any delay. She was stealing glance to look back at Raytan while mouthed.

Brother are you okay?

Sezh asked by setting her mouth in motion. Raytan didnt answer but instead nodded his head.

Im relieved. Sezh inhaled a little breeze. She was really losing her horse sense that day. But importantly, Raytan didnt get a big injury.


I-Im coming, Mother

Sezh, like a shot, followed Yerena behind immediately. There was Lize and Raytan only that left in the room.

Lize stared at Raytan under her light emerald irises. Lize slowly stretched out her hand. She gently patted Raytans swollen cheek.

Mother, I am fin-

I should have come a little bit late, right.

So Princess Sezh could feel more extremely sorry for you.Lize openly expressed her uneasiness. Raytan lowered his head while beating his lips.

Im tired. I will go back to the palace.

I will escort y-

No need.

Marie.Marie, who was waiting outside, entered the room looking scared. Supported by Marie, Lize began to stagger and move. Thats how she turned away, leaving her son alone.

Raytan, who was left alone in the room, stood in the same position for a while. His cheeks were tingling, his ears rang, and there was a fishy taste invading his mouth. Its a familiar thing. Its all familiar, but he couldnt figure out why it felt so terrible this time.

The view of Sezhs pale face suddenly without warning interrupted his mind, walking freely in it.

Brother are you okay?

Words that she sneakily spat out, that silent worry.