The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll - Chapter 37: “I think there is no indication of a big disease here…”

Chapter 37: “I think there is no indication of a big disease here…”

I think there is no indication of a big disease here

The physician who tried to make a diagnosis ended his talk cloudy. Seriously. He already examined Sezh several times but never something strange popped up. But why did his back feel so cold? The source is a person who kept supervising him since earlier. When he turned his head, he saw a pair of frightening scarlet eyes. The physician reflexively coughed.

No indication then why this kid in this condition?

Raytans morbid cold voice rang up all over the room. The voice that creeped the spine of anyone who heard it. The psychian trembled.

I-I already e-examined her thoroughly. B-but there-there are still no weird symptoms that can be found.

Heuk. Then why did the Princess suddenly like this.

This person looks like he is on his way to kill me and this person keeps self-blaming herself to the point she could not stop her weep . The psychian stares directed to Luna who is crying.

But she is still fine in the morning

No, its because there are really no weird symptoms. This situation looked more serious because of the doctor. The psychian who already did it back and forth, again and again started to examine Sezh.

Eub. ub. ub.She doesnt hurt anywhere. Its just she cant open her mouth. Sezh with all of her strength trying to scream it out but of course she got nothing from it.

A while ago, Raytan who couldnt find whats wrong with Sezh, lifted her to his embrace and took her by running . He brought Sezh to her palace. Fortunately, there is no one who saw them.

Luna, who never expected Raytans arrival was quite shocked. When she saw Sezh who was hugged in his arms, her face turned purple speechless to the max. Sezh thought she could never fix Lunas dumbfoundedness.

Raytan layed Sezh down on the bed, he then explained everything that just happened to Luna. Truthfully, Luna is still scared enough of Raytan. Sezh thought that she couldnt answer properly with just her feet. However, the results were very unexpected.

[Its like Raytan explaining, Sezh help him with demonstrating lol]

Luna asked carefully.

Do the Princess happen to ate something unusual? I think it could be because of food. Psychian. I would call the psychian first!

Thats the thing, so the psychian came but as everyone can see, there is no outcome.


The psychian who seemed like he already made a diagnosis speak cautiously.

These days have been a rough day I see.

What do you say? What is this again? Sezh made a confused face. The psychian looked hesitant a little. Then he spoke again.

Miss Luna, you also know about this. Im talking about the aphasia that the Princess has suffered.


Luna answered lowly. Raytan, still without a word, took his glance at Sezh.

Ah! Its all in the past, why bring it back again! Sezh didnt know why but felt a little embarrassed and tried to avoid Raytans stare. Its alright but its just kind of those feelings. The feeling when your private story has been caught.

*[I dont actually sure about this sentence. But what Sezh meant is she felt kinda awkward but somehow like more intimate that Raytan knows about her aphasia]

I think there is a huge possibility that the Princess has a mental distress. Its because she couldnt even say a word. If people get an extreme shock it could be like this.

No! No! I didnt get shocked by anything. Rather I feel more delighted these past days. She really wants to shout but her mouth keeps getting blocked.

First, it will be good to get some rest for a day and she has to consume some medicines before sleep. Then we will find out more tomorrow.

Perhaps, The Princess needs to take more medicines?

I think we need to see it more. And I know I dont need to say this but in order to make The Princess not feel pressured for the time being. I hope Miss Luna would put more care to The Princess.

Yes. I understand. Then the prescription.

The psychian rose up from his seat to walk towards his bag. He then gave Luna something that he fetched up from there. My Goodness. Thats plenty of medicines. Since young, she used to eat medicines but never got familiar with the distastefulness. Sezh made a disapproving face.

Then I would go off first now. If something happens in advance, please contact me.

The psychian greeted in a fine courtesy but Raytan didnt answer it. He just stared at the psychian. He looked so scared by his red gleamed stare. The psychian walked to the door without looking back and ran off.

I will process your medicine now, Princess.

Luna, who was still sniveling, wiped her eyes. Ugh, why is everything like this. Sezh was feeling so stuffy by all of this but seeing Luna drowned in tears like that, Sezh felt her inside was burning black.

I am really fine So please dont worry. She really want to say that but the sound that keep coming is eub eub

And Master Raytan. Thank you so much.

Luna politely gave her greetings then spoke like that.

If Master Raytan didnt help out this much. I dont know if there would be bigger things happening or not.

Bigger things?

A few years ago. The Princess was often to be fainted.

Ah! Why are you even telling him that Luna. Sezhs face already depressed. You have to read this at novel update.

Fainted. Is that to the point that its so serious?

The Princesss mind and body originally is not that weak. Its just The Princess has anguished so many difficulties that affected her mind

However. Thank you so much. I cant even give you anything aside from thankful words.

Its alright.

And the last time

Luna paused her speech for a moment

The last time I have committed such an impudent behavior. I wish Master Raytan could forgive my rudeness.

What rudeness that Luna referred to, Sezh thinks she knows it. Its when the dogfight happened at the library. Luna hurriedly hid Sezh behind her back as soon as she realized that Raytan was staring at Sezh. But, shes not sure. Will Raytan receive that apology?

Its already happened in the past.

Raytans answer was quite surprising.

Hurry, get the medicine. I will be the one who will look after her here.

Sure. Excuse me.

Luna who already gave her farewell greeting stepped outside the room. Only Sezh and Raytan that were left now. Suffocating silence filled the whole room.

Raytan came closer to the bed. Somehow he looked so nervous that his face was pale like a sick person. He watched Sezh who was laying in bed. Raytan opened his mouth a little.

This stu-

Raytan suddenly beat his lips. Stu what? Stunning? Stuffy? Ah, its not that. He want to say stupid. Then why hesitating? He wont say that? Sezh eyes widened.


Hm? I what?


Raytan keeps mumbling I, I, for several times. He even hardly took a breath for a few times too.

Youve been suffering this much stress. I dont know.

He is soughing like a mosquito.


And about me saying you are an idiot uh Fuck. Sorry. Shit.

It was a terrible apology.

Still, it was really an unexpected experience to get an apology from Raytan. Sezh didnt know if she should laugh or say anything right now.

Honestly about stupid plague, No.


Actually youre following the lessons quite well. Youre not that imbecile. And also not as dumb as you cant understand anything. No, its not this . Shit. So I want to say that youre surprisingly quite useful No, Its not surprising Damn.

Raytan seems to get a complete misunderstanding now. He thought that the cause of shock that Sezh had was himself. It was because he kept trying to say something in a terrible language of communication.

But that is totally a false assumption. On the contrary, Sezh felt like her days were filled up with contentment. She believed that this is the first time life at the Imperial Palace was fun before or after her regression. And then Raytan now apologized to her in judgement that Sezh got extreme stress because of him. Somehow she felt kind of guilty.

Eub, eub.



Sezh gived up on things that shes about to say. She waved her hands, trying to say Its not your fault. But it looks like Raytan didnt get it. Stifled Sezh nervously pointed at the table. On top of it, there was a mess of paper and pen. It hasnt been organized since her morning practice.

You want me to bring it?

Sezh nodded. Raytan shockingly brought those things to her in a gentle approach. Sezh with a very serious look wrote something. Following that, she gave the paper to Raytan.

Its not brothers fault. And I will always like brother. So, please meet with me again tomorrow.

Raytans face slightly distorted. Raytan raised his head and stared at Sezh who also put her gaze on him. Sezh who was staring at him then giggled. Because of her closed mouth, the chuckles sounded vaguely.

Anyway hes really sure that shes a stupid kid. No, shes not stupid but, what is this In that condition of her, she said lets meet again tomorrow, I will always like brother. What on earth she is so excited to talk like that when she cant even be careful of her own body.

If you know what shit that happened to you right now, or even if not I really dont know about it, that you.


Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we will definitely meet again. So, recover soon.


Really? Sezhs eyes are gleaming full of happiness. Her condition was quite abnormal right now but after everything this incident proved that Raytan put his care a lot to her. Her pile of hard work was resulting a positive upshot.

Speaking the truth, Sezh really wants to dance around like a crazy person immediately. Obviously she couldnt do it because of her condition and shes in front of Raytan right now.

Princess, I brought the medicine.

At one time whenLuna who came brought Sezhs medicine, Raytan stared at Sezh once again then spoke.

Then tomorrow I will come again.

Master Raytan are you going back?

Yes. Please take care of that stup- No, Princess.

Finished his sentence, Raytan left the room. Luna who closed the door watched Raytans back who started to fade away by distance for a while, after she took her glance back at Sezh.

Princess, I think Master Raytan is concerned about you a lot.

Right? So Luna thinks like that too? Sezhs eyes were sparkling.

So, please get well soon, Princess. I am so worried

No, why are you crying like this, Sezh felt guilty. Whether she realized it or not but Luna has done crying so many times that she kept wiping her eyes.

However, you will recover soon enough. That time was also like this. Princess is a strong kid. This time you will. Ill help you. Then, lets eat the medicine first then go deep into sleep.

Luna delicately helped Sezh to sit up on her bed. Following that, she brought the brown colored medicine that has been prescripted before.

Hold on.


Eub eub.

Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?

Eub, u eub.

No, my lips were rigidly sealed. How can I eat these medicines!

Which channel-

S-should I consume it by my nose?Princ-

Sezh who cant talk at that time alternatively pointed her finger at the medicine bowl.


She was so determined that Luna must already have a big misunderstanding right now.

UhWhats wrong with the bowl?Distressed Luna and Sezh looked at each other absent-mindedly.

I told you, Luna. This wasnt a problem caused by mental stress, so of course this wasnt a problem with the body too. For now, there was only one possible explanation. Sezh was so frustrated.

Eton! All of these things must be because of that freaky Uncle!

And, it will be better to keep this promise. Goodbye.

Sezh who finally retrieved her memory back about Etons words gritted her teeth.