The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll - Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Translated by Wealthy Whale

Edited by Iris Sakura

Scarlet and luminous blue eyes reflected each others faces.

A quiet, unfamiliar silence breezed in again.

Raytans breath that drifted over her face felt warm. It seemed to come a little faster than usual and slightly shake.

Sezh faced Raytan with a blank expression. The crimson eyes staring at her had a different hue from usual: they didnt hold their usual serenity. Somehow, his eyes looked murky, like an unfathomable night sky.

Then, a large hand gripped her slender waist.

The flower fell from Sezhs hand. The torn petals reflected in her blue eyes. She couldnt understand it, but it felt like her pounding heart had fallen to the floor instead.

Then A strong wind blew all of a sudden.


Surprised, Sezh let out a small scream. Raytan looked outside the greenhouse with narrowed eyes. Through the greenhouse glass, they could see the snow tumbling through the air with the howling wind.

It snowed all day and now the wind is blowing.

Raytan muttered a little, but Sezh only looked down at her hands without saying anything.

But I did not intend to do that.

It was the same.

It was the same as the wind that broke the window the day the coup took place.

So even then It was also me

Something was strange. Sezh would always use her hands to create the wind since thats how Eton taught her

After using magic that way, she would always feel the heat at her fingertips. However, that didnt happen now. Her whole body felt hot, as if she had used all parts of it to create the wind.

And now dizziness attacked her like what happened that day.

Sezh closed her eyes tightly and then opened them.


Sorry, Im sorry. You already told me to be careful

Sezh hastily removed herself from Raytan.

As expected, its better for me to stand. Im also heavy

I dont mind, Raytan answered in a cracked voice.

Sit again. Youre not heavy at all. And if you lose your balance again, its okay. I will hold on to you again.

Thats it Thats exactly why

Sezh pressed down her true thoughts and swallowed the words.

She was truly bewildered and didnt know where to rest her eyes. The blue eyes that had lost their way flickered to and fro.

Your face is red.


Do you have a fever?

Raytan touched Sezhs forehead with his other hand, and she flinched without realizing it.

In the past, Sezh would flinch whenever Raytan approached her like this. However, the reason why seems to have changed. She was scared, thinking that Raytan would be able to hear the sound of her beating heart.

I didnt commit a crime, so why

Sezh couldnt find the answer.

I dont think you have a fever. Are you cold?

No! Im okay, Sezh replied determinedly.

But Raytan took off his cloak and put it on Sezhs shoulders. It was the cloak she had given him in the past, and it was covered with Raytans scent: the scent of wet grass leaves. It felt familiar but also strange at the same time.


When Sezh didnt respond, Raytan squinted at her. Sezh, who sat absent-mindedly, focused back on Raytan in surprise. What caught her eye was his necklace: the ruby necklace she gave him as his birthday present long ago.

That necklace youre still wearing it.

It doesnt bother me. And now I feel like my neck is empty without it, Raytan said as if making an excuse.

But there are many other prettier necklaces. Oh, right, since Brother is a man Not a pretty necklace, but a cooler necklace

She was embarrassed that Raytan, the Emperor, was wearing her humble gift.

And also the cloak Of course, Im happy, but since youre the Emperor now

There must be something you can wear thats better than that.

I like this.


Im fine with these. This necklace and cloak. I dont need anything else.

In response to his unyielding answer, Sezh only blinked, unable to find anything to say. At the same time, Raytan stared at her and then touched her nape.

Can I buy you a necklace?

A necklace?

You are not requesting anything. Its okay if its not a necklace. It doesnt matter if its any other accessories. Whatever you want

Its- Its okay. If I demand something expensive like that I dont think Ill be comfortable. I will be anxious about losing it.

If you lose it, I can buy it for you again.

Can you stop worrying about that kind of thing? You can even fill your palace with jewels if you want.

He was a great man. Seeing as such a wonderful garden was created in a day just because Sezh said she likes flowers.

Sezh shook her head.

Im truly okay with everything I have. Ill let you know if theres anything Id like to have later. For now, this garden is enough.

Sezh didnt need those gems. In the past, she secretly stole Yerenas jewels to secure a way out of the Imperial Palace, but now things have changed. Besides, she didnt have the personality to delight in luxuries like Yerena or Lillian. Sezh thought that what she had in the present was enough.

Alright. We have plenty of time ahead of us, Raytan smiled lightly. Anyway, as of now, youre in charge of caring for this garden.

Huh? Me

Because you are the owner. If you dont have enough workers, Ill hire someone. So you dont have to worry about that.

Honestly, it was just a mere excuse.

This garden was just behind the palace where Raytan lived. Sezh would need to visit this place often to keep the flowers from dying. Also, even if he doesnt go to Sezhs palace or she doesnt come to his, there will still be a lot of encounters between them.

And, if Sezh spends her time gardening Correspondence with Mathias Kareem will also decrease. At least, thats what Raytan believed.

Okay, Ill try my best. Its the first garden Ive ever owned Sezh nodded without knowing anything about Raytans thoughts.


After some more time passed, the two of them left the garden.

On their way back, Raytan and Sezh walked hand in hand. Sezh got flustered again but didnt shake off Raytans hand this time. Nevertheless, her heart raced uncontrollably. It beat so loudly she could hear the pounding in her ears.

Fearing that she might create another strong wind, Sezh had difficulty calming her trembling heart. And before she knew it, they had already reached the front of her bedroom.

Get a good nights sleep, Sezh.

Sezh took off her cloak and started to lay down on the bed. She then glanced at Raytan.

Today is he going to sleep here again?

Sezh was worried that Raytan would ask to lend her legs again.

It wasnt because she was afraid. Its just For some reason, if these days continued, Sezh felt like she would fall ill.

Yes, not Raytan, but her since it seems her heart problem would continue in the future.

Raytan approached the bed and carefully tucked the blanket over her. Sezh covered half of her face with it and stared at him.

Is he just going today?

As if he had already read her mind, Raytan parted his lips with a small sigh.

Im sorry, but I have to go back today. There are still unfinished things to do.

Its not something to be sorry about.

But Sezh still nodded anyway.

Of course, people wont get sick just because of a narrow bed, so dont worry about that. If youre really worried, feel free to11112 ask me to change it to a bigger one.

Yes- Yes?

And didnt you see the wind blowing earlier? Dont leave the window open. There might be a blizzard.

Only after making sure the window was closed did Raytan begin to walk towards the door.

Good night, Sezh, Raytan said while looking back at her.

Good night, Sezh replied softly.

Soon the door opened and closed, and only Sezh remained in the bedroom.


The sound of footsteps echoed through the empty hallway.

Sezh guessed that Raytan would leave her palace and return to his chamber in the Emperors residence, but she got it wrong.

The dark hallway Raytan currently walked through was a secret passage that connected the Emperors palace to Sezhs bedroom, that is, to Lizes palace. On the day he had a strange dream, Raytan used this passage to visit Sezh.

There seemed to be more secret passages like this one, including the passage Sezh used to escape when the coup happened.

Anyway, it was ironic. Raytan couldnt believe he was now using the secret passage that the Emperor had built to invade Lizes privacy.

Ha, Raytan sneered.

Thank you, Brother. Im really happy.

Suddenly, Raytan recalled Sezhs words and her bright smile. A faint smile appeared on his face, replacing the previous stone-cold expression.

I didnt know that youd be so happy

He wanted to make Sezh smile like that as much as possible in the future; he wanted to let Sezh enjoy things that shes never had before, and he wanted to give Sezh things that she never thought she would have in her hands.

He will always have her by his side.

Raytan then strode away. He reviewed all the things he hadnt finished yet in his mind. Things he had to tell to do Philip separately, and the ones he had to see to by himself

Raytans gaze, which had landed on the front door of his bedroom, suddenly switched to the innermost corner of the secret passage.

There was a door that he had never encountered before

Instead of stepping closer to his bedroom, he moved to the door.

Another passage?

But there should be nothing in this direction.

Raytan pushed the door with a puzzled look.

The unlocked door swung open with a squeaky sound.

The door turned out to not bring him to another passage but a small room. However, all he could see was darkness. Raytan approached the window and moved the dusty curtain aside. The twilight moon quickly poured into that small room.

Raytan then looked back again.

And his body instantly froze.