The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll - Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Translated by Wealthy Whale

Edited by Iris Sakura

Hes coming.


Your new teacher.

As soon as Eton replied, the door swung open.

Hello, Belkiel. Good morning, Eton cheerfully greeted.

Instead of answering, Belkiel frowned, showing that it was not a good morning for him.

Sezhs eyes widened as she looked at the person who entered the room.

He gave off a mysterious impression: his light blue hair that reached his shoulders glistened like a clear sky, and his silver-blue eyes somehow emitted mystifying energy.

And he was a boy.

Such was Sezhs first impression of Belkiel.

Why is that girl here?

It was the first thing the boy said. A little unlucky for her.

Theres nothing I can do here. You know Sezh is special, right?

What? Im speechless. And Se- What did you say?

Its Sezh, Sezh replied to him herself.

Whats with that name?

For a brief second, Sezh only glared at Belkiels insult while Eton giggled at their interaction. After that, Eton told them to greet each other.

Give your greeting, Sezh. This is Belkiel.

I heard that you will be my new teacher? You look much younger than me.

Well, its a complicated circumstance.

Arent you like 14 or 15 at the most? I think I should keep learning on my own, Sezh sulkily stated.

She thought it was a little harsh, but the other party attacked her first.

As Eton said, you truly are such a lively little girl. Belkiel walked over and came closer to her. With a stiff face, he said threateningly, But youre a human being. How dare you What did you say to me?

Frankly, Sezh had overcome many scarier threats than the one he was giving. She also had been beaten countless times. In other words, Sezh had training with this kind of thing. However, the pressure of the boy in front of her seemed to loom a little differently. He seemed more menacing than Bern or Raytan.

Sezh withdrew a little.

Then- Then You- Are You Not A human being?

That was the sound of her last bit of pride.

The two non-human men looked at each other. Belkiel was still frowning, and Eton was still giggling.

Nonetheless, Belkiel will help you in the future.

What? Eton!

We need someone to teach Sezh magic, Belkiel. As you know, I-

Wait. Magic, you said? Belkiel cut Eton off.

Yeah, magic. It wont be that difficult since she already knows how to do it to some extent.

You never said that before.

But if I told you my plan beforehand, you wouldnt have taught her.

Im not talking about that.


Why didnt you tell me in advance that this kid can use magic?

Should she not have been able to use magic? Even though Belkiel looked younger than her, it seemed that he could already do it, though. Sezh withdrew her body while still disapprovingly glaring at him out the corner of her eyes.

Give me your hand.


Give me your hand. Cant you hear me? Belkiel said sternly.

Sezh naturally moved her gaze to Eton. He smiled and nodded as if telling her not to worry. Hesitant, Sezh carefully stretched out her hand.


When Belkiel grabbed her hand, a strong wind suddenly blew. She had never caused such a strong one like this before. Sezh was left bewildered.

Wind? Belkiel sniggered. He looked somewhat astonished.

Yes, wind.

Sezh will be a good student. She has enough talent. Right, Belkiel?

Belkiel didnt answer. He just looked down at his hand still holding Sezhs.

Eton wasnt lying when he said she was qualified. No, her mana was not only more than enough, but it was actually overflowing. The moment he held Sezhs hand, he felt it for sure mana filled that small and fragile body.

Belkiel knows how to handle water, so in terms of element characteristics, Belkiel will be closer to you than I am.

Is- Is that so?

Sezh peeked at Belkiel, who stared at her while slightly biting his bottom lip.

Although he is young, his personality is quite

Sezh thought this was all crazy. She never expected to live and meet a new person some days after when she should have died. The fact that she was still alive in this world No. From now on, she should start living her life and meeting more new people.

So, Belkiel is the one who will be in charge of teaching you magic from now on. Just keep that in mind. Have you finished drinking your milk?

What? Oh, yes.

Good. I think someone is here.

Here? Who But didnt you say before that no one can come to this place?

Belkiel chimed in coldly, To be honest, youre not some kind of exception, you wild girl.

Dont mind him, Sezh. Belkiel is such a cynical friend when it comes to anything, Eton said casually.

Anyway, its a guest who has come to your palace, not here specifically. I think they have to deliver something to you. You should go back now.

I got it.

Sezh got up from her seat. If she didnt do that the situation would most likely become uncomfortable. She will come to see Eton again next time. As he said, its easier to visit him now

But Sezh also wished there was no such person named Belkiel.

With that thought, she gave her farewell to Eton, turned the door handle, then stepped out of the room.

As Sezhs presence left, silence descended in the room. Belkiel stared at Eton, who gleefully sipped his tea, then sat in the chair where Sezh vacated.

How can that kid be alive and well like this?

Maybe its because she knows how to use magic? Or is it because she went beyond time? Eton replied.

I told you, Sezh has a distorted soul because she returned to the past. Thats probably why she can use magic. Since traveling beyond time broke her soul, it remains influenced by something. There is no other explanation than that.

Thats not what I was talking about.

Then what do you mean?

The one who frowned this time was Eton.

Her whole body is overrun with magic. If she were a normal person She wouldnt have been in that good a shape.

Overrun, huh? A few years ago.

He knew that Sezh could use magic, but that was all. The amount of mana she had was not sizeable. At best, it could only create shallow winds.

Maybe teaching her magic served as a trigger. She must have continued practicing her magic by herself even after you left. But no matter how much she practiced, there should be a limit. You know it too. That level of magic is not something achieved just by learning.

Eton, that kid is not normal, Belkiel stated firmly.

Her magic grew that much in those few years? It was impossible for an ordinary person. And what if that magic continues to grow? However, because it was also Belkiels first time seeing someone who traveled back in time, he didnt have any other information to be sure about what was going on.

Besides, didnt you also not know about mana level being that high?

Eton shook his head while furrowing his brows.

Belkiel pondered deeply. He bit his lip and remained silent for a long time. He finally pulled his lips apart to say something in a low tone.

Alright. Ill teach Sezh magic.

Okay, but if you have any problems with her, you have to let me know immediately.

What can a weak guy like you do to help?


Eton shouted, but Belkiel did not respond. He only stared at the closed door.

Its not as easy to go out as it used to be, so youll have to visit Sezh when shes alone.

Why should I do that?

You just promised to teach her magic.

Im going to tell you something.


It seems that the Archmage doesnt acknowledge the new Emperor.

Belkiel suddenly switched to another topic.

He didnt even come to the coronation. You noticed too, right?

I know.

He will die soon.


I have no intention of sneaking into that kids bedroom every day. Instead


Ill keep my promise. I have my own thoughts, so you just shut up and rest. That way, you can at least hold out for a long time.

He might be fine now, but Eton would gradually grow weaker. So Belkiel wasnt sure, but maybe doing teaching Sezh was a good thing.

Worrying about Eton wasnt the sole reason why Belkiel came to Denhelder. He had another objective. A purpose that Eton will never know.

And the weird girl he just met

Why does she have to know how to control the wind.

That, too, bothered him.

I dont know what youre thinking, but dont put Sezh in danger. Got it?

Youre being noisy, Belkiel replied bluntly.


Etons statement that a guest had come matched reality. Sezh found a servant of the Kareen family bearing a new letter and an unexpected gift.

Lord Mathias seems like a very considerate person, Princess. Dont you think so?

Yes, even if he only sent me a letter, I would still be grateful

The gift was a small flowerpot. Sezh noticed that a small note was attached to it.

[Since he is a silent friend, he cant be as good as me who can talk, so I dont have to worry about losing my place, right? Im keeping what kind of plant it is a secret. That way, itll be more fun. I hope that a new friend will alleviate the Princess loneliness.]

Chuckles broke past her lips as she finished reading that playful note. Sezh then picked up the flowerpot with a bright smile.

It will be good to put it here, Kaen.

Sezh placed the pot Mathias gave in front of the window, next to Lunas portrait.

We still have some time before dinner, so why dont you write a reply?

At Kaens words, Sezh took a look at her table stacked with letters that she had never decently read, including the one she received today.

Yeah. I guess so.

If not, she would feel bad for him. Sezh soon sat down on the chair.

Ill bring you a cup of tea, Princess. Please wait a moment. However, no cookies or cakes since youll have your meal in a short time, Kaen smiled.

Sezh nodded as a reply.

Turning around, Kaen opened the door to get the tea. No, she was going to open it, but the door suddenly opened on its own.


Kaen, who bumped her head against someones chest, let out a grunt. Surprised, Sezh looked back, and she found crimson eyes staring at her.

Your- Your Majesty

Kaens face turned blue when she realized that the person she hit her head against was Raytan.

I apologize for not paying adequate attention

Kaen chanted her apology, but Raytan didnt say anything. He just walked forward and approached Sezh.

What are you doing, Sezh?

Numerous letters reflected in Raytans blood-red eyes, and he stared at them for a while before eventually stretching his hand to pick up one of them.

Mathias Kareem?

Raytans voice, which recited Mathias name, was notably unwelcoming that day.