[Note 36: duin NBM]
37. Tri slebe Herenn: Sliab Cua, Sliab Mis, Sliab Cualann.
[Note 37: sleibte BM]
38. Tri haird Herenn: Cruachan Aigli, Ae Chualann, Benn mBoirchi.
[Note 38: hard N cich Cualann L benna LN]
39. Tri locha Herenn: Loch nEchach, Loch Ri, Loch nErni.
[Note 39: Rib BM Rig N]
40. Tri srotha Herenn: Sinann, Boand, Banda.
41. Tri machaire Herenn: Mag Midi, Mag Line, Mag Lifi.
[Note 41: maige HBM]
42. Tri dorcha Herenn: uam Chnogba, uam Slangae, dercc Ferna.
[Note 42: doirchi L uaim Chruachan NL uaim Condba B uaim Cnodba HM Slaingai BM Slaine N Slaine [et] uaim Chruachan no dearc Fearna _add._ H]
43. Tri dithruib Herenn: Fid Mor hi Cuailgni, Fid Deicsen hi Tuirtri, Fid Moithre hi Connachtaib.
[Note 43: dithreba BM Fid Dexin N]
44. Tri dotcaid Herenn: abbdaine Bendchuir, [A] abbdaine Lainne Ela, rige Mugdorn Maigen.
[Note 44: dotchaid LHLec [A] .i. ar imad argain air L abdaine Slane no Colmain Ela BM Laind Ela BM]
27. The ... of Ireland--Dairchaill.
28. The Stability of Ireland--Moville.
29. The Martyrdom of Ireland--Dulane.
30. The Reproach of Ireland--Cell Ruaid (Ruad's Church).[23]
[23] 'Ruadan's Church,' L.
31. The Chast.i.ty of Ireland--Lynally.
32. The three places of Ireland to alight at: Derry, Taghmon, Kilmainham.
33. The three rent-paying places of Ireland: Clonard, Glendalough, Louth.
34. The three stone-buildings of Ireland: Armagh, Clonmacnois, Kildare.
35. The three fairs of Ireland: the fair of Teltown, the fair of Croghan, the fair of Colman Elo.
36. The three forts of Ireland: Dunseverick, Dun Cermna,[24] Cathir Conree.
[24] On the Old Head of Kinsale.
37. The three mountains of Ireland: Slieve Gua,[25] Slieve Mis, Slieve Cualann.[26]
[25] _i.e._ the Knockmealdown mountains.
[26] The Wicklow mountains.
38. The three heights of Ireland: Croagh Patrick, Ae Chualann,[27] Benn Boirche.[28]
[27] 'The Liver ('Pap,' L.) of Cualu,' either the Great Sugarloaf or Lugnaquilla.
[28] _i.e._ Slieve Donard.
39. The three lakes of Ireland: Lough Neagh, Lough Ree, Lough Erne.
40. The three rivers of Ireland: the Shannon, the Boyne, the Bann.
41. The three plains of Ireland: the plain of Meath, Moylinny, Moy-Liffey.[29]
[29] _i.e._ the plain of Kildare.
42. The three dark places of Ireland: the cave of Knowth, the cave of Slaney, the cave of Ferns.
43. The three desert places of Ireland: Fid Mor (Great Wood) in Coolney, Fid Deicsen (Spy-wood) in Tuirtri,[30] the Wood of Moher in Connaught.
[30] The Hui Tuirtri were settled in the four baronies of Upper and Lower Antrim, and Upper and Lower Toome in county Antrim.
44. The three unlucky places of Ireland: the abbotship of Bangor, the abbotship of Lynally, the kingship of Mugdorn Maigen.[31]
[31] Now Cremorne barony, county Monaghan.
45. Tri huilc Herenn: Crecraigi, Glasraigi, Benntraigi.
[Note 45: Grecraigi HBM]
46. Tri caemnai Herenn: abbdaine Lusca, rige tri Cualann, secnabboite Arda Macha.
[Note 46: rige fer Cualann NL sechnap L segnab-i nArdmachai N]
47. Tri traga Herenn: Traig Ruis Airgit, Traig Ruis Teiti, Traig Baili.
[Note 47: trachtai L]
48. Tri hatha Herenn: ath Cliath, ath Luain, ath Caille.