"You may as well not waste your breath," he cried, in mock anger, "for not one word shall you get out of me on the subject of Miss Brabourne's love-affairs! I am sick of it! From morn till dewy eve do I hear of nothing else! It is my sister's one topic of conversation, and Percivale talks of it unceasingly! He has been here already once this morning pestering me to go with him to get her a necklace, or a plaything, or something! I'm hanged if I do! I have nothing to do with the matter--what's more, it doesn't interest me much! And now you come, on the top of everyone else, and gravely ask my opinion, or advice, or anything you please. Seriously, Fowler, you must excuse me; I will have nothing to say in the young lady's affairs, either to meddle or make. It is no business of mine whether she marries you, or the prime minister, or a crossing-sweeper, or anyone she chooses. I have worries enough of my own without puzzling over her the whole day long!"
"Poor fellow! Are you worried?" asked Henry, kindly, looking doubtfully at him. "You should come and live with me--I am sure the life would suit you. I have just lost my overseer--Preston--you remember him! His work would do admirably for you, young man--much better than lounging about up here in London in hot rooms, doing nothing."
"Doing nothing? I am minding the baby," said Claud, lightly, but the color flew to his fair face and he looked confused. "It is no good trying to reform me," he said, after a moment, his hot cheek against Kathleen's floss-silk curls; "I am an incorrigible idler."
"I never knew a man less idle by disposition than you are," was the answer, as Henry regarded him with a look at once wistful and disapproving.
"You're not thinking of getting married, then?" he asked, after an interval.
"Married--I? No," stammered Claud, incoherently, as he rose, set the child on the rug, and walked to the window.
There was a short, uncomfortable silence. Henry's puzzled gaze still followed the young man. At last, as if resigning the subject in hand as hopeless, he asked, abruptly:
"Where's Elsa?"
"Miss Brabourne? Oh, in bed."
"In bed? Is she ill? You should have told me."
"Oh, dear no, she is not ill. These are merely fashionable habits.
Percivale thought, like you, that she must be ill; I had great difficulty in restraining him from rushing up to obtain the latest bulletin."
"But--your sister--the butler said she was out!"
"Oh, my sister is an early riser. She always breakfasts at eight."
"So used Elsa--she was the soul of punctuality."
"A compulsory punctuality, perhaps?"
"Well--I suppose so; but why--what on earth can induce her to stay in bed till this hour?"
"I am sure I don't know. Perhaps it is to take care of her complexion."
"Take care of her complexion!... The child must have altered strangely----"
"No; I don't think she has altered much; she has merely developed."
As he spoke, the door was flung open, and Miss Brabourne, in her riding-habit, entered.
"Lady Mabel, my horse is late again----" the frown died away from the pretty forehead, the great blue eyes grew wide with surprise.
"Well, G.o.d-daughter! Are you surprised? Not more than I am. My little girl is a woman of fashion now!"
"Oh, how can you? Poor little me," said the girl, with an affected little laugh which jarred upon his nerves. "I am so pleased to see you!
Are you come to stay here?"
"Of course," put in Claud, hurriedly.
"Thanks, Elsie, I shall perhaps be in town for a few days, but I prefer my own old room at the Langham."
"My sister won't hear of such a thing," urged Claud.
"Lady Mabel is more than kind, but I am an old bachelor, and I like my liberty. And so, Elsie, you are very well and blooming?"
"Oh, very, very! I am enjoying myself so much here!"
"I have a great deal to say to you, but you are going out now, I see?"
"Yes," she said, composedly, "I am going out now, but of course you will stay to lunch, and I shall see you afterwards. Mr. Cranmer, did you see Mr. Percivale?"
"Yes; he was very disappointed not to see you."
"He should not come before lunch. I must tell him so; he might know I should not be visible," said Percivale's betrothed, coolly.
The butler appeared.
"Captain and Miss St. Quentin are at the door, and your horse is round, miss."
"At last!" She caught up her gold-tipped riding-whip with her gauntletted hand, and waved it merrily at her G.o.d father. "I am going for a gallop round the Park with the St. Quentins, and then I shall see you again," she cried. "Mr. Cranmer, come and mount me, please, the groom is so awkward." She paused a moment at the door. "I have a great deal to tell you," said she, nodding, "so mind you are here on my return! I must not keep my friends waiting."
She was gone.
Mechanically Mr. Fowler went out into the hall and looked. Through the open door the gay winter sunshine shone on the glossy horses and the young, well-dressed riders. Claud helped the heiress to her saddle, gathered up the reins, gave them into her hands, bowed, patted the mare's glossy neck, and the party started away.
"She never asked after her aunts," Mr. Fowler was reflecting. "Not one word. And they brought her up."
Claud hardly liked to meet his eye as he returned slowly up the hall.
His sympathy for the elder man was at that moment deep and intense.
Henry had never been blind to Elsa's failings, but had always ascribed them to her bringing-up, and believed that, in a more genial atmosphere, they would vanish; that, when treated with love, the girl would grow loving. She had always in old days been so fond of him, clung to him, cried at his departure. He forgot that at that time his was the only notice she ever received, whereas now she had more notice from everyone than she knew what to do with. Collecting himself with an effort, he turned to Claud.
"I have some business I must see after just now," he said. "Am I likely to find Lady Mabel if I come about five?"
Claud thought it was kinder to let him go for the present. He had forgotten with what suddenness the change in the girl would come upon one who had not seen her for some months.
Henry left the house in a reverie so deep that he walked on, hardly knowing where. He was mystified, staggered, what the French call _bouleverse_. If a girl could so develop in a few months, what would she be in another year? Was it safe to let anyone marry such an extraordinary uncertainty? The problem was no nearer to being solved when he discovered that it was past two o'clock. Sensible of the pangs of a country appet.i.te, he went to a restaurant, lunched leisurely, and then decided that it was not too early to present himself at Mansfield Road for a morning call.
It was strange how his spirits rose and his thoughts grew more agreeable as he walked briskly on. It was so pleasant to think that he was going to see Wynifred. Of course she might, and very probably would, be out; but he should not be discouraged. He meant to see her; if not to-day, then to-morrow; and he was a person who resolved seldom and firmly.
The aspect of the little house pleased him. The small garden strip was black and bare with winter, but indoors through the window could be seen a row of hyacinths in bloom, and a warm curtain of dull red serge was drawn across the hall, visible through the gla.s.s lights of the front door.
With a glow of pleasurable antic.i.p.ation, he applied his hand to the knocker. Before he had time to breathe, the red curtain was torn aside, a girl had darted forward, seized the handle, and ejaculating, "Well?"
in a tone as if her very life depended on the answer, fell back in confused recognition and apology.
It was Wynifred--but what a Wynifred! She looked all eyes. Her face was sheet-white, her hair thrust back in disorder from her forehead; her expression conveyed the idea of such suffering that her visitor's very heart was riven.
"Mr.--Fowler," she said, faintly. "Oh, I beg your pardon. Come in. We are in--trouble."