The Third Reich At War - The Third Reich at War Part 22

The Third Reich at War Part 22

277 Heinemann, 'Der milit*rische Widerstand', 838-40; Hoffmann, Heinemann, 'Der milit*rische Widerstand', 838-40; Hoffmann, The History The History, 412-506.

278 Fest, Fest, Plotting Hitler's Death Plotting Hitler's Death, 292-309; Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 688-90; Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 511-28.

279 . Quoted in Fest, . Quoted in Fest, Plotting Hitler's Death Plotting Hitler's Death, 290.

280 Kershaw, Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 691; Fest, Plotting Hitler's Death Plotting Hitler's Death, 291-307.

281 . Ibid., 297-317; Kershaw, . Ibid., 297-317; Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 692-3 (and 1,006 n. 43, discussing the evidence for and against Hitler having watched the film); Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 531.

282 . Schlabrendorff, . Schlabrendorff, Revolt Revolt, 164.

283 H*rter (ed.), H*rter (ed.), Ein deutscher General Ein deutscher General, 16, 48.

284 . For an exhaustive account of the conspirators' foreign contacts, see Klemperer, . For an exhaustive account of the conspirators' foreign contacts, see Klemperer, German Resistance against Hitler German Resistance against Hitler.

285 Heinemann, 'Der milit*rische Widerstand', 840-43. Heinemann, 'Der milit*rische Widerstand', 840-43.

286 . Quoted in Noakes (ed.), . Quoted in Noakes (ed.), Nazism Nazism, IV. 634.

Chapter 7. DOWNFALL.1 Breloer (ed.), Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten Geheime Welten, 76-8 (20-22 July 1944).

2 . Ibid., 80 (10 August 1944). . Ibid., 80 (10 August 1944).

3 . Quoted in Manoschek (ed.), . Quoted in Manoschek (ed.), 'Es gibt nur eines' 'Es gibt nur eines', 73 (Uffz.E, 7 August 1944).

4 Wirrer (ed.), Wirrer (ed.), Ich glaube an den F*hrer Ich glaube an den F*hrer, 235 (Alfred to Inge, 20 July 1944).

5 . Ibid. . Ibid.

6 P*ppel, P*ppel, Heaven and Hell Heaven and Hell, 221, 237. See also the careful analysis of reactions in Ian Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth': Image and Reality in the Third Reich The 'Hitler Myth': Image and Reality in the Third Reich (Oxford, 1989 [1987], 215-20. (Oxford, 1989 [1987], 215-20.

7 Boberach (ed.), Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XVII. 6,684-6, and 6,700-701; Broszat et al et al. (eds.), Bayern Bayern, I. 185-6 (Ebermannstadt, 25 and 27 July 1944).

8 . Herber (ed.), . Herber (ed.), Goebbels-Reden Goebbels-Reden, II. 394.

9 Uebersch*r, Uebersch*r, F*r ein anderes Deutschland F*r ein anderes Deutschland, 224-8.

10 . Broszat . Broszat et al et al. (eds.), Bayern Bayern, I. 667.

11 . Ibid., 664. . Ibid., 664.

12 . Ibid., 668. . Ibid., 668.

13 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XVII. 6,651 (22 July 1944).

14 . Ibid., XVII. 6,652. . Ibid., XVII. 6,652.

15 . Ibid., XVII. 6,693 (7 August 1944). . Ibid., XVII. 6,693 (7 August 1944).

16 . Ibid., XVII. 6,653 . Ibid., XVII. 6,653 17 . Ibid., XVII. 6,698. . Ibid., XVII. 6,698.

18 . Quoted in Kershaw, . Quoted in Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth' The 'Hitler Myth', 220.

19 Quoted in ibid., 1,008-9 n. 91. Quoted in ibid., 1,008-9 n. 91.

20 Weinberg, Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 713-16; Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 717-24.

21 . Kershaw, . Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 734.

22 Tim Cole, Tim Cole, Holocaust City: The Making of a Jewish Ghetto Holocaust City: The Making of a Jewish Ghetto (London, 2003); Randolph L. Braham, (London, 2003); Randolph L. Braham, Eichmann and the Destruction of Hungarian Jewry Eichmann and the Destruction of Hungarian Jewry (New York, 1961); Kershaw, (New York, 1961); Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 735-6; Longerich, Politik Politik, 565-70.

23 Ibid., 563-4. Ibid., 563-4.

24 . Hassell, . Hassell, The von Hassell Diaries The von Hassell Diaries, 351.

25 . Speer, . Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 532-4; Ralf Georg Reuth, Goebbels: Eine Biographie Goebbels: Eine Biographie (Munich, 1995 [1990]), 561-6; Tooze, (Munich, 1995 [1990]), 561-6; Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 637-8.

26 . Kershaw, . Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 712 - 13.

27 Ibid., 731-42. Ibid., 731-42.

28 . Ibid., 747, 757; Weinberg, . Ibid., 747, 757; Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 757-71. For a detailed account of the land war in the west, see John Zimmermann, 'Die deutsche milit*rische Kriegsf*hrung im Westen 1944/45', in DRZW DRZW X/I, 277-489. For the 'Battle of the Bulge', see Vogel, 'German and Allied Conduct of the War in the West', 863-97. X/I, 277-489. For the 'Battle of the Bulge', see Vogel, 'German and Allied Conduct of the War in the West', 863-97.

29 Kershaw, Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 768-9.

30 Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 369-73; Fr*hlich (ed.), Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 369-73; Fr*hlich (ed.), Die Tageb*cher Die Tageb*cher, II/VIII. 527-9 (25 June 1943).

31 . Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 375. . Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 375.

32 Fr*hlich (ed.), Fr*hlich (ed.), Die Tageb*cher Die Tageb*cher, II/VII. 578 (18 March 1943).

33 . Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 381. . Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 381.

34 . Ibid., 417. . Ibid., 417.

35 Ibid., 406-20. Ibid., 406-20.

36 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 481; Heinz Dieter H*lsken, Die V-Waffen Entstehung- Propaganda - Kriegseinsatz Die V-Waffen Entstehung- Propaganda - Kriegseinsatz (Stuttgart, 1984), 178-202; Weinberg, (Stuttgart, 1984), 178-202; Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 561-2; Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 413-15.

37 Michael J. Neufeld, Michael J. Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich: Peenem*nde and the Coming of the Ballistic Missile Era The Rocket and the Reich: Peenem*nde and the Coming of the Ballistic Missile Era (New York, 1995), 13, 22-3, 108-37; see also Rainer Eisfeld, (New York, 1995), 13, 22-3, 108-37; see also Rainer Eisfeld, Monds*chtig: Wernher von Braun und die Geburt der Raumfahrt aus dem Geist der Barbarei Monds*chtig: Wernher von Braun und die Geburt der Raumfahrt aus dem Geist der Barbarei (Hamburg, 2000). (Hamburg, 2000).

38 . Speer, . Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 494.

39 . Ibid., 495. . Ibid., 495.

40 . Ibid., 497. . Ibid., 497.

41 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 503-5; Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich The Rocket and the Reich, 197-201.

42 . Neufeld, . Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich The Rocket and the Reich, 197-238; Florian Freund, 'Die Entscheidung zum Einsatz von KZ-H*ftlingen in der Raketenr*stung', in Kaienburg (ed.), Konzentrationslager Konzentrationslager , 61-74. , 61-74.

43 Quoted in Neufeld, Quoted in Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich The Rocket and the Reich, 209-10.

44 Ibid., 197-209; Sereny, Ibid., 197-209; Sereny, Albert Speer Albert Speer, 402-5.

45 . Neufeld, . Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich The Rocket and the Reich, 210.

46 . Ibid. . Ibid.

47 . Sereny, . Sereny, Albert Speer Albert Speer, 403. Sereny does not mention the letter to Kammler.

48 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 500-501.

49 Quoted in Neufeld, Quoted in Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich The Rocket and the Reich, 211-12.

50 Ibid., 210-12. Ibid., 210-12.

51 . Ibid., 264, 405; see also Jens Christian Wagner, 'Noch einmal: Arbeit und Vernichtung: H*ftlingseinsatz im KL Mittelbau-Dora 1943-1945', in Frei . Ibid., 264, 405; see also Jens Christian Wagner, 'Noch einmal: Arbeit und Vernichtung: H*ftlingseinsatz im KL Mittelbau-Dora 1943-1945', in Frei et al et al. (eds.), Ausbeutung Ausbeutung, 11-42.

52 Neufeld, Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich The Rocket and the Reich, 226-30.

53 . Ibid., 238-64 (quote on 264). Weinberg, . Ibid., 238-64 (quote on 264). Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 562-3, gives a figure of 15,000 deaths; see also Allen, The Business of Genocide The Business of Genocide, 208-32.

54 . Evans, . Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 306-9; Alan D. Beyerchen, Scientists under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich Scientists under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich (London, 1977), 168-98; Klaus Hentschel (ed.), (London, 1977), 168-98; Klaus Hentschel (ed.), Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources (Basel, 1996), 281-4, 290-92. (Basel, 1996), 281-4, 290-92.

55 Beyerchen, Beyerchen, Scientists Scientists, 168-98.

56 . Hentschel (ed.), . Hentschel (ed.), Physics Physics, lxvii.

57 Mark Walker, Mark Walker, German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power 1939-1949 German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power 1939-1949 (Cambridge, 1989); Speer, (Cambridge, 1989); Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 315-17; Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 568-71. Heisenberg's later claim that he deliberately slowed down progress on research so as to make sure that Hitler would not have an atom bomb before the war ended lacks all plausibility; even had he worked as fast as possible, it is still extremely unlikely that he would have put a working bomb together in time. See, among a voluminous literature, Thomas Powers, Heisenberg's War: The Secret History of the German Bomb Heisenberg's War: The Secret History of the German Bomb (Boston, 1993); Jeremy Bernstein (ed.), (Boston, 1993); Jeremy Bernstein (ed.), Hitler's Uranium Club: The Secret Recordings at Farm Hall Hitler's Uranium Club: The Secret Recordings at Farm Hall (New York, 2001), xxiv-xxv, xxvii-xxviii. (New York, 2001), xxiv-xxv, xxvii-xxviii.

58 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 317-18.

59 . Rainer Karlsch, . Rainer Karlsch, Hitlers Bombe: Die geheime Geschichte der deutschen Kernwaffenversuche Hitlers Bombe: Die geheime Geschichte der deutschen Kernwaffenversuche (Stuttgart, 2005), 171-81, 215-19. (Stuttgart, 2005), 171-81, 215-19.

60 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 316-20; for Lenard, see Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 306-9.

61 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 553-4.

62 . Schmidt, . Schmidt, Karl Brandt Karl Brandt, 284-96; also Florian Schmaltz, Kampfstoff-Forschung im Nationalsozialismus: Zur Kooperation von Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituten, Milit*r und Industrie Kampfstoff-Forschung im Nationalsozialismus: Zur Kooperation von Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituten, Milit*r und Industrie (G*ttingen, 2005), 143-77, 608-10; and idem, 'Neurosciences and Research on Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction in Nazi Germany', (G*ttingen, 2005), 143-77, 608-10; and idem, 'Neurosciences and Research on Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction in Nazi Germany', Journal of the History of the Neurosciences Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 15 (2006), 186-209; Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 558-9.

63 . Speer, . Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 491.

64 Neufeld, Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich The Rocket and the Reich, 233-8.

65 Ludwig, Ludwig, Technik Technik, 451-63; Hentschel (ed.), Physics Physics, 303, 327.

66 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 488-91; Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 620-21.

67 Weinberg, Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 771-3.

68 . Ibid., 537-8 (but a different, and evidently more accurate account, is given on page 563). See also Fritz Hahn, . Ibid., 537-8 (but a different, and evidently more accurate account, is given on page 563). See also Fritz Hahn, Waffen und Geheimwaffen des deutschen Heeres, 1933-1945 Waffen und Geheimwaffen des deutschen Heeres, 1933-1945 (2 vols., Koblenz, 1986-7), I. 191-4. (2 vols., Koblenz, 1986-7), I. 191-4.

69 Weinberg, Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 563-4.

70 . Speer, . Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 620.

71 . Ibid. . Ibid.

72 Quoted in Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 413, 423, figures at 453-4. Quoted in Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 413, 423, figures at 453-4.

73 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XV. 6,187 (27 December 1943).

74 Wirrer (ed.), Wirrer (ed.), Ich glaube an den F*hrer Ich glaube an den F*hrer, 256 (Inge to Alfred, 3 September 1944).

75 . Quoted in Wulf, . Quoted in Wulf, Presse und Funk Presse und Funk, 360.

76 . Walb, . Walb, Ich, die Alte Ich, die Alte, 301 (4 March 1945).

77 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XVII. 6,736 (28 March 1945). The printed text gives the words as 'einen ganz gew*hnlichen Umstand', a completely normal circumstance, but it only makes sense if one assumes this is a typing or printing error for 'einen ganz ungewo *hnlichen Umstand', 'a completely unusual circumstance'.

78 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XV. 6,187 (27 December 1943).

79 Breloer (ed.), Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten Geheime Welten, 87-8 (18 April 1945).

80 Hans-Jochen Gamm, Hans-Jochen Gamm, Der Fl*sterwitz im Dritten Reich: M*ndliche Dokumente zur Lage der Deutschen w*hrend des Nationalsozialismus Der Fl*sterwitz im Dritten Reich: M*ndliche Dokumente zur Lage der Deutschen w*hrend des Nationalsozialismus (Munich, 1990 [1963]), 180. The joke depends on an untranslatable pun - (Munich, 1990 [1963]), 180. The joke depends on an untranslatable pun - ausheben ausheben in German means both 'dig up' and 'recruit', depending on the context. in German means both 'dig up' and 'recruit', depending on the context.

81 . Klaus Mammach, . Klaus Mammach, Der Volkssturm: Bestandteil des totalen Kriegseinsatzes der deutschen Bev*lkerung 1944/45 Der Volkssturm: Bestandteil des totalen Kriegseinsatzes der deutschen Bev*lkerung 1944/45 (Berlin, 1981), 150; Franz Seidler, (Berlin, 1981), 150; Franz Seidler, 'Deutscher Volkssturm': Der letzte Aufgebot 1944/45 'Deutscher Volkssturm': Der letzte Aufgebot 1944/45 (Munich, 1989), 374. (Munich, 1989), 374.

82 Roland M*ller, Roland M*ller, Stuttgart zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus Stuttgart zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (Stuttgart, 1988), 519. (Stuttgart, 1988), 519.

83 . Alphons Kappeler, . Alphons Kappeler, Ein Fall von 'Pseudologia phantastica' in der deutschen Literatur: Fritz Reck-Malleczewen: Mit Totalbibliographie Ein Fall von 'Pseudologia phantastica' in der deutschen Literatur: Fritz Reck-Malleczewen: Mit Totalbibliographie (G*ppingen, 1975), 7-11. The widely repeated story that he was shot by the Gestapo has no basis in truth; for his earlier life, real and imagined, see Evans, (G*ppingen, 1975), 7-11. The widely repeated story that he was shot by the Gestapo has no basis in truth; for his earlier life, real and imagined, see Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 154-5, 251, 414-17, 419, 499, 587.

84 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XVII. 6,721 (28 October 1944).

85 Sch*fer, Sch*fer, Napola Napola, 95-6.

86 Breloer (ed.), Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten Geheime Welten, 226-7 (22 February 1945).

87 . Ibid., 229. . Ibid., 229.

88 . Maschmann, . Maschmann, Account Rendered Account Rendered, 176.

89 . Breloer (ed.), . Breloer (ed.), Geheime Welten Geheime Welten, 154 (27 January 1945).

90 For this play, see Evans, For this play, see Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich The Coming of the Third Reich, 417-18.

91 Wirrer (ed.), Wirrer (ed.), Ich glaube an den F*hrer Ich glaube an den F*hrer, 293 (Albert to Inge, 30 January 1945).