The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness - Chapter 93 - Repudiate Xu Jiayi and Incapacitate Feng Xiuyu

Chapter 93 - Repudiate Xu Jiayi and Incapacitate Feng Xiuyu

Chapter 92: Feng Tianlan, Who is the Person Behind You?

When he looked at Feng Tianlan, he was angry and horrified to find her undisturbed, as if nothing had happened. He yelled, Feng Tianlan! How many people need to die because of the misfortune you bring until youll finally be satisfied? Will you be happy only after youve managed to jinx the entire Feng family to death?

Feng Xiang thought: Butler Zhu was an Advanced-stage Spiritual Master. Now, youre telling me that hes dead, just like that? Did Feng Tianlan kill him? Thats absolutely impossible! A great master must have helped her. Feng Tianlan could never kill Butler Zhu on her own.

His entire clan was wiped out? Feng Tianlan ignored all his other rants and only paid attention only to his first statement. Who was this person protecting her so aggressively behind her back? She almost wanted to cheer. Could it be him?

Xu Jiayi helped Feng Xiuyu to Feng Xiangs side. She looked at Feng Tianlan grievously and said, My husband! not only did Feng Tianlan whip Yuer, but she also said that you, a son-in-law who married into his wifes family, have no say in final decisions.

Talk less. Feng Xiang shot her a glare. He needed to know the identity of the person helping Feng Tianlan. The Duke of Dingguo went against the imperial edict, and his wild ambitions were exposed. Therefore, the Emperor ordered that his entire clan be wiped out.

Feng Xiang scrutinized a seemingly unaware Feng Tianlan from top to toe. With the scar still on her face, she was as ugly as ever. By right, no one should want to help her, given her ruined face.

However, all who asked for her hand in marriage had died. Theyd all also died dishonorably, convicted of various crimes. They were executed in legtimate ways, which denied anyone the chance to pin the blame on Tianlan. This time, the person who was secretly helping her had even cleaned up all her future troubles.

The first time it had happened could be called a coincidenceeven the second time. However, could the third occurrence genuinely be considered as such?

He would never believe in the existence of such chances!

Feng Tianlan, who is the person behind you? Feng Xiang demanded. Was it the Demon King? It couldnt be, for the Demon Palace had always steered clear of the Imperial Court. They would not dabble in the courts affairs.

Then, what about the Wargod, Si Mobai?

If it were him, why was he unmoved that time when Feng Tianlan was unconscious?

Or, perhaps the Emperor?

But why would the Emperor help her? If he wanted to help her, why not help her ten years ago?

Feng Xiang could not figure it out.

Feng Tianlan slightly raised her eyebrows, then took a look behind her. She smirked and said, The person behind me is Chuling.

You know that thats not what Im talking about. Countless thoughts raced through Feng Xiangs mind. What should he do to tip the situation in his favor?

Feng Tianlan pretended not to understand. Who, then, are you referring to?

Even she did not know who was helping her from the shadows. No matter how she thought about it, the only possible candidate was Si Mobai. Could it really be him? After all, they had not crossed paths often.

Tianlan, hand over the marriage token that was returned to you. Father will not pursue you for what you did before. Since you are in love with the Third Prince, I will win him over for you. If you like the Heavenly Phoenix Court, I will allow you to stay in it. So long as you listen to me, your Father, I will make you the most esteemed woman in the world.

The identity of the person behind Feng Tianlan was still unclear, so it would not be wise for him to move recklessly. Since Tianlan was still useful, there was no harm in treating her well. The time would come when she lost her valuehe could always kill her off then.

Feng Xiangs promises and pandering gestures amused Feng Tianlan. She turned to Feng Xiuyu and scoffed, Sure! Ill give you the token if you kill Feng Xiuyu.

Since he coveted the Feng Clan Seal so much, why couldnt she use it to turn them against themselves? She could stay on the sidelines and watch a good show, reaping benefits without having to dirty her hands.

Feng Tianlan, how insensitive of you! Dont forget that Yuer is your younger sister. Xu Jiayis eyes went red with rage. At the same time, she was also worried that the venal and greedy Feng Xiang would really agree to Feng Tianlans request.

Whwhat? Feng Xiang was stunned. Then, he immediately bellowed, She is my daughter, so how can I kill her? Moreover, she is your younger sister. Just beat her up to vent your anger. That should satisfy you.