The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness - Chapter 595 - I Still Can't Restrain Myself From Grieving

Chapter 595 - I Still Can't Restrain Myself From Grieving

Chapter 593: Feng Tianlan Not Worthy Of Si Mobai?

Although she didnt like anyone but Si Mobai, she must stay alive at this moment. She must be free. She must live a life with unlimited power. Only then would she have a chance to take Feng Tianlan down.

She wanted to let Feng Tianlan know that not being her friend, and not trusting her, would be her greatest loss.

She wanted to let Si Mobai know that she, who had been trampled under his feet, would meet a more honorable man who would take good care of her. She wanted him to regret!

The mayor of Evanesce City changed his expression. It seemed like he was moved by those words. However, just when he was about to come up with something, a strong Spiritual Force was directed at him. He who was initially kneeling down, was lying on the ground on all fours right now. He couldnt even say a single word.

What a strong Spiritual Force. He didnt even have a chance to fight back!

Not everyone is as stupid as you are. A fake will always be a fake, just like Tu Xiupei. She was a fake. In the end, she didnt even make it out of the Guiyuan Continent. Feng Tianlan felt quite tired. She didnt feel like wasting her energy on her anymore.

As long as Lin Suyin was living a good life, she would feel uncomfortable. Therefore, she didnt want to see Lin Suyin having a good life at all not even a second of it!

Feng Tianlan said in a cold voice, Azurite, let her have a taste of the huge water tank that was prepared by Zhang Tiancheng last time. Besides, doesnt she like breaking bones? Break her bones everyday and let them recover.

After hearing these words, Lin Suyins expression changed. She raised her head and laughed at Feng Tianlan saying, Feng Tianlan, do you think Ill be scared? Im not scared.

It was just a punishment. She could get through anything as long as she didnt die!

Have you heard of a homunculus before? Feng Tianlan looked at Lin Suyin as she asked her calmly.

Lin Suyins smile disappeared instantly.

Cutting off your four limbs and your tongue, then throwing you inside a water tank and soaking you in saltwater. Such pain would make you wish for your own death however, you still wouldnt die. Normally, one could live up to twenty to thirty years. But dont worry, I wont let you die so soon. I can still use all sorts of precious pills to extend your life by another twenty to thirty years.

Upon hearing Feng Tianlans faint voice, Lin Suyins face that was initially red instantly became pale. Maniac! You vicious woman. Youre not worthy of Si Mobai.

She would rather die than have all four limbs of hers severed and then herself turned into a homunculus. If she were dead, at least she would reincarnate as a person eighteen years after.

Feng Tianlan smiled faintly. When a woman is full of jealousy and hate, she could become a maniac. Dont worry, I wont turn you into a homunculus so soon.

Lin Suyin was panicky and afraid. She didnt want to die. However, she didnt want to live like that. What are you planning to do? Im warning you the King will be here any moment now to pick me up. His power is off the charts. He isnt someone whom the wargod can handle. Even if youre not thinking for yourself, you should think for the wargod and the people around you.

Feng Tianlans gaze turned cold. She was gathering her Spiritual Force in her fingertips. Boom! She hit Lin Suyin in the lower abdomen. Her Cinnabar field was instantly shattered. She no longer had any Spiritual Force.

Si Mobai frowned after seeing Feng Tianlans face covered in cold sweat. However, he decided to let her be. She needed to vent out her anger.

My man doesnt need you to keep your chastity for him, said Feng Tianlan, who looked coldly at Lin Suyin sweating and curling up in pain. I believe youll like the venereal disease.

You What do you mean? Lin Suyin raised her head and looked at Feng Tianlan. She suddenly had a terrifying thought in her mind.

Feng Tianlan raised her head and looked at her lightly. Since you desire men so much, of course Ill let you service those men who have venereal diseases.