The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness - Chapter 282 - Lan’er Is Still Young, No Hurry

Chapter 282 - Lan’er Is Still Young, No Hurry

Chapter 281: Even a Blind Person Wont Fall for You

Most people try to hide their bad deeds and hope that nobody ever finds out, but Tu Xiuyu had actually admitted to everything immediately. So, before she could bite her enemy, she was going to be beaten to death first.

It was rare to find someone THAT stupid!

Uncle, what have you found out about Xu Jiayi? Feng Tianlan asked Feng Qingling. She had thought about the insidious information Tu Xiuyu had blurted out the other day, then asked Feng Qingling to investigate.

Feng Qingling nodded. Its been difficult to find anything, but someone has been secretly helping us, so weve received some tips these few days. Theres really someone else behind this.

He really admired Feng Tianlan. Tu Xiuyu had just said something unintentionally, and Feng Tianlan had believed it, asked him to investigate it, and now, they had found out something useful.

Feng Tianlan nodded. Get Zhang Tiancheng to tell Tu Xiuyu what youve found out, and then the Tus can have fun amongst themselves.

Tianlan, what are you two talking about? Luo Yunzhu scratched her head, unable to understand what was going on. She had no idea what they were referring to. What had they found out about Xu Jiayi?

Feng Tianlan smiled brightly at Luo Yunzhu. Youll find out soon.

Oh, come on, tell meee! Otherwise, Ill have trouble eating and sleeping, Luo Yunzhu whined, clutching Feng Tianlans hand.

Im just learning from you. Always dangle cliff hangers. Feng Tianlan laughed as she watched Luo Yunzhu go crazy from the suspense. Go ask Zhang Tiancheng, and hell tell you. Also, we have to go to Misty Forest in a few days. Hows your progress?

Ive spent the last two days playing. Ill train the minute I get home. Luo Yunzhu stuck her tongue out.

In the evening, Feng Tianlan walked over to the west side of the house. There were all sorts of rumors flying around the city. When she arrived, she saw Tu Xiang and Xu Jiayi fighting while Tu Xiupei watched coldly.

Father and his concubine are such a loving couple, exchanging blows at a time like this, Feng Tianlan calmly commented as she watched them fight.

The moment Tu Xiupei saw Feng Tianlan, she got up and walked over to her. She asked in a severe voice, Feng Tianlan, youre the one behind all this, arent you?

So what? Feng Tianlan glanced at Tu Xiupei. So what if it were her? Tu Xiupei couldnt kill her anyway.

You Tu Xiupeis teeth chattered, but she knew that she couldnt do anything.

Why dont you go pull them apart? Feng Tianlan looked down at Tu Xiupei and mocked her. Or, are you hoping that your adoptive father dies so that you can quickly look for your biological father?

Feng Tianlan, dont think that you can say whatever you want just because you have Si Mobai behind you. Tu Xiupei glared at her hatefully. Who is Si Mobai, anyway? He cant even compare to one finger on Big Brother Jins hand. Im the one Big Brother Jin is in love with, so you two better weigh the consequences carefully.

She couldnt be bothered with her parents at all. She didnt even care about having Tu Xiang as her father. It wouldnt be a bad thing if she could exchange him for a better father.

Feng Tianlan smiled mockingly. Arent you afraid that youre thinking too highly of yourself?

She had no idea how Shen Yunya had explained her death to Big Brother Jin, or how she had managed to gain his complete trust. She would only find out after she returned to the Xuantian Continent.

His pride has been stepped on because I rejected him, and now hes using you to spite me. Do you really think he likes you? Tu Xiupei glared with contempt at the threatening-looking scar on Feng Tianlans face. Youre so ugly. Even a blind person wouldnt fall for you.

She was never going to admit that Si Mobai didnt like her and liked Feng Tianlan instead!