The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 354.2

Chapter 354.2

Playboy [Part 2]

Arthur, prepare for an outing. We shall go to the slums now. I mustnt be satisfied with only reading paper reports like these.

Edward rose to his feet, having made up his mind.

Huh!? Your Highness!? What did you just say!?

Its something I must be aware of as someone born into the Royal Family of this country.

Hold on!? Please wait!!! Theres no way we can just go out so sudden.


The prince lowered his head to Arthur.

The Royal Family should never lower their heads so easily but this wasnt a simple matter.

eugh. Understood. Please give me one hour. I will figure out a way to earn permission and gather several capable knights.

Arthur gave in in the face of the princes earnest eyes he had never seen before. Listening to the princes selfishness was also one of his duties as the princes bodyguard.

No, no need for exaggerated escorts. You alone are enough.


I cant see what I want to see and cant know what I want to know if Im being surrounded by knights, can I?

Your Highness, if its like that, earning permission will be impossi.

We can go out in secret Although that place is called the slums, its still within the Royal Capital. It doesnt differ much from going to the academy.

Your Highness, those are two completely different things!!!

Didnt Emma and her brothers go to the slums with just them three siblings alone? Although not as good as George, I am more physically active than Emma and William. No problem.

If anything, those three siblings are always the center of trouble!

Arthur shook his head, thinking that the siblings were the first on the list of people he mustnt let the prince get influenced by.

Like that one Roberts case (the fight in the Monster Science class), or that Roberts case (slime jelly), or another Roberts case (insects)

All of those cases are Roberts fault. Thats a terrible false accusation, yknow?

W-Well thats true, but

Its because His Highness didnt see how Lady Emma stuffed the slime jelly with relish. Arthur swallowed back the words at the back of his throat. Staining a ladys honor was a behavior that went against his pride as a knight.

However, the three Stuart siblings mainly Emma, always caused trouble almost too often in places Arthur didnt know, so would someone please tell Arthur that he shouldnt give in to what the prince said?

-Commoner District-

There was a weirdly open space in the middle of the streets despite the area being crowded.

In the middle of that were Arthur and Prince Edward standing idly in commoners disguise.

Today, with Arthur as his only bodyguard, the prince was heading to the Commoner District This was a plan carried out after the prince and Arthur compromised with each other, but based on the surrounding reactions, things didnt seem to go so well for them.

Arthur took impeccable measures and let the prince wear clothes and a big hat he prepared to hide the eye-catching black hair and eyes, but people were still sending covert glances at the two from a safe distance.

Huh? Arthur-sama and? (*in low voice*) Your Highness? What are you doing?

Hearing a familiar voice from behind, Arthur and the prince turned their heads around.

! Ah, George-kun?!

The eldest son of House Stuart, George, was standing there in clothes with many glaring fabric patches while carrying a lot of luggage and looking at them in wonder.

Right back at you, what happened to you?

Seeing George looking like an errand boy, Arthur wondered if anything was troubling George and became worried.

Huh? Me? Im ? Wait, pardon me. Your Highness (*whispers*), Your Highness (*whispers*), Im by myself today. Emma is at home researching Over, I mean, reviewing her lessons. She is not here.

George talked to the prince, who kept glancing here and there beside Arthur.