The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 334

Chapter 334

King, Stop This Madness [Part 3]

Ahh, umm, this Not just Emma, even anyone will cry at this, you know? I guess its good that Emma isnt here right now Eh, oh.

The kings figure bathed in monsters blood entered Georges line of sight and made him realize something. Theres no way the gluttonous Emma wont find out about this when she sees His Majesty the Hunting Layman return unscathed but covered in blood.

This will turn out to be troublesome. Emma is very likely to lecture His Majesty.

Emma-chan will be sad? will cry? What do you mean by that? *gasp!*

Unfortunately, the king would never hit on the idea that he would get scolded by Emma for wasting monster meat and materials. Emmas image reflected in the kings eyes is still that of a delicate little beauty.

Emma-chan has the trauma of being attacked by monsters. So she will be shocked when seeing her favorite(?) king return from monster hunting while covered in blood is that what you mean? William-kun.

Humans are creatures who will perceive and interpret things based on whats favorable to them.

Eh?! Talking about shock, she will indeed be shocked, but

Her body is already frail as it is. If I appear before her like this, she wont be able to swallow her food and wont even have the strength to walk? Thats what you want to say, right, George-kun?

No, well if its food, I think she will eat it no matter what

! Thats true. Emma-chan will definitely eat even if she has to force herself. She never wants to worry others Wuuu Because Emma-chan is such a courageous girl *choke*

Old Man Hoi Hoi was going strong that day too.


*sob sob*


Then, seeming like the kings cry was contagious, intermittent sobbing could be heard from the Lord of Skyte, hunters, and even some among the knights.

Eh? Whats this about?

I will be the one! who protects Emma!

Eh? Even His Highness too, whats wrong so suddenly?!


Wait! Arthur-sama too?! Eh? Everyone, whats wrong, seriously?!

The prince, who had been calm until seconds ago, and even the relaxed Arthur looked strange.

Ah ?! Woah Nii-sama this

William grabbed the tail of a small monster around the size of a palm from inside a monster carcass and lifted it up.

William, does that have anything to do with this?

The small monster William showed didnt ring any bells with George with his somewhat disappointing level of monster knowledge.

Its a rampage mouse. It has a troublesome trait of making other large monsters rampage after biting them

Making other monsters rampage? You mean that these monsters His Majesty defeated were controlled by it?

George remembered his father said that many monsters in Skyte were of the psychic-attacking type. Well, the only info he could recall from his memory was that small monsters arent filling as food.

Ive been thinking that it was strange. Because even though monsters like to flock, it was too diverse Species without symbiotic relationships wont usually group together to attack

Cold sweat trickled down Williams cheeks.

What, is it super dangerous or somethin?

George only got a bad premonition from seeing his younger brothers complexion.

This rampage mouse itself isnt that strong but it is written in a book that the blood of a monster thats bitten by it and rampages will temporarily make people lose their minds.

Lose their minds?

Yes. Its like status effects in games.

Eh? You mean like berserk, charmed, hypnosis, confused that status thingy?

Yes, that.

Georges gaming knowledge from his past life had somehow turned useful.

If everyone goes wild because of that, how do we deal with them Sure enough, I cant really slash humans, or worse, the king, okay?

George didnt want to hurt anyone. Not just the king but the prince, Arthur, teachers, hunters, and knights too.

Hmm I still havent worked out enough yet

Behind George, the king, who had been sobbing until a while ago, slowly lifted his head and gripped his sword again.

George-kun, can you accompany me for sword practice for a bit?

The kings eyes were out of focus.

Even though there was no way they could practice swords in this sort of place, the knights and hunters around them didnt try to stop them at all.

Is this for real

Thats right. Nothing is more dangerous than having a layman on the hunting ground.

Authors corner:

Serious: God This year, please, this year Please give me a chance to play an active part this year!

Crisis: God Please recover Serious health even if its just a little (under the premise he is already sick)