The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 329

Chapter 329

Peek-A-Meow [Part 4]

Your Majesty

From the Lord of Skytes perspective, the Kings words werent a discussion, request, or order but a threat. Adding any further burden than this would be a foolish plan that would bring the country to ruin. Because all borderland territories currently had their hands so full of dealing with monsters that they couldnt cope if the situation got any worse than now.

But seeing the figure of someone from the corner of his eyes, the Lord of Skyte thought, I guess everyone except for Palace huh.

The Lord of Skyte sighed as the carefree look of the Lord of Palace, Leonard Stuart, who was coming his way with leisurely steps, entered his line of sight.

Hm? Is something the matter?

Upon seeing the look on the Kings and the Lord of Skytes faces, Leonard stepped forward to ask if there was any problem. The family couldnt finish eating all the monster meat, so Leonard came here hoping the hunters would eat it but was suddenly met with an unsettling atmosphere in the air.

Count Stuart! You came at the perfect time! Im just in the middle of suggesting that we change the extracurricular lesson program a little and do the hunting practice inside the forest.

The King looked at Leonard as if he was a godsend.

Training practice inside the forest you said?

Yeah. According to what Ive heard, it seems that monsters havent appeared in the last few days. Because Skyte hunters, Royal Guard Knights, Monster Science and Practical Skills for Hunters teachers, Count Leonard, and even Dr. Arban are all here, it will be less dangerous, wont it?

Having such a perfect lineup didnt happen so often.

Your Majesty, the forest is (our) hunting ground. I am not willing to enter the forest and run a risk (of everyone finding out that I have been going hunting with Koumei-san every morning).


With sparkly eyes, the Lord of Skyte turned to look at Leonard, who had shown his disapproval so resolutely. Although he looks like a klutz, he is a true borderland lord after all. Just see how he gives his opinion without succumbing to the Kings pressure thought the Lord of Skyte with respect.

I see, so its that dangerous, huh

Please give up on your suggestion, Your Majesty.

It seemed that the words of the Lord of Palace, who owned the land with the largest area in the Kingdom that was facing the barrier, carried considerable weight as the King started to ponder with his hand on his chin.

The Skyte hunters were also deeply impressed by Count Stuarts courageous remark. The thing he said was the same with our lord, but the persuasiveness is so different. He actually made the King brood over his words. Sure enough, someone born into a clan that protects the barrier for generations is on another level

If Count said its that dangerous, it cant be helped. I can only give up. Even so, to think that the family bearing the heaviest burden of handling such great danger is still a Count I should raise your rank higher How about I create an even higher status than the Four Great Duke Houses?

The King got unusually persuaded and sighed that he should give up but

! NO! YOUR MAJESTY! Er, well now that I think about it clearly, its not really that dangerous (to the point you have to raise my rank)! Entering the forest with all the students is impossible, but if its just several volunteers I think there will be no problem! Right?


Leonard turned his head with great vigor and sought the Lord of Skytes agreement.

As long as I, Arban, and George are around, it will turn out fine after all, right?

Eh? Count?

Yes, being a Count is enough.


Leonard put his hand on the Lord of Skytes shoulder heartily and nodded. He had a crazy look in his eyes.

I-Is it okay, Count?! Is it okay even if we enter the forest?

The King asked happily at Leonards words.


The Lord of Skyte was perplexed.

Yes! That is why, I am satisfied staying as a Count!

Leonard answered firmly.


The Lord of Skyte was baffled.

Alright, lets recruit volunteers at once!

The King started assembling the students cheerfully.



The Lord of Skyte and the hunters were bewildered.

And this was how the king would step into the forest, the hunting ground.

Into a danger zone where he could not immediately receive the urgent letters from the Royal Capital, which would arrive in great quantities from now on.

Authors corner:

Serious: Starting from now Im sure the Empire will attack, and the story will unfold into a super-serious plot. And then, I, too, will evolve into Super Ultra Serious and obtain superhuman powers

Crisis: S-Serious? I think you shouldnt get your hopes up too much

Chance: Crisis, do you know? When it comes to knowing when to seize chances, learning from the past is an important

Serious: SHUT UP!


Crisis: Serious! What are you doing?! Are you really punching Chance You know that if you do that, you will break your hand


Crisis: See, what did I tell you! Chance, too, are you alright?

Chance: Eh? Wait, did you really hit me just now? It doesnt hurt at all Eh? Serious, you fractured your bone? Eh?


Comedy: It kinda feels like a lot of genres are mixed up here, huh?

Rom-Com Geeky Lady: Love never comes without injuries.

Comedy: What?