The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 325.2

Chapter 325.2

If I were to Compare You to a Flower [Part 2]

A noble young lady will be eligible to graduate from the academy once her marriage arrangement is fixed, Emma-sama.

? So young ladies cant study at the academy after they get married? Francesca-sama.

No, thats there are no such precedents hm? Or are there?

Francesca scoured her memory at Emmas question. Francesca had heard about several cases of student marriages until now, but she had never heard about a young lady who continued attending the academy after she married.

Emma-samas way of thinking is unique, isnt it, Caitlyn?

Emma-samas way of thinking is unique, Catherine!

No young ladies had ever said something like that before, the twins turned their identical faces to look at each other.

Is that so?

For Emma, the classes at the academy were simply fun because there were many subjects to study, and she could choose in advance the ones she wanted to take.

Entomology, in particular, is the best thing ever Though very few students take Entomology for some reason.

Emma thought that the thing about being unable to study because of marriage that was mentioned earlier was a bit of a waste. Though she couldnt help but also recall, I seemed to hate school in my past life?

It wasnt until after she became a full-fledged adult and started working that she realized receiving attentive and detailed teachings was something worth being very thankful for.

Emma-sama, if Emma-sama wants to study, I am willing to wait.

I will eliminate all nuisance physically and swiftly, though Joshua smirked evilly at an angle Emma couldnt see. Right at that moment, Prince Edward and Arthur came to the gazebo Emma and her friends were at and joined them.

Huh, Your Highness? How rare of you to join us. Did you perhaps not return to the Royal Castle today?

William, who was reading a book silently beside Emma, noticed the arrival of the prince and Arthur and greeted them.

Yeah, Ive finished most of my work in the morning. Im thinking of spending lunch break at school once in a while, you see. Though it seems that everyone is in the middle of a very lively talk?

The prince sat beside Joshua, who had been camping on the seat right across from Emma.

Tch Your Highness, we are getting to the good part

Joshua cursed with a small voice.

Did you say something, Joshua? Right, can you scoot over a little so Arthur can sit? I would appreciate it if you could.

The prince ordered Joshua nonchalantly.

Even without Joshua moving, there was plenty of space for Arthur to sit. But by Joshua shifting over by around one persons worth of space, the person right across Emma would automatically be the prince.

Please have a seat.

Joshua felt conflicted for a few seconds but couldnt possibly disobey the princes order.

To ease the tense atmosphere, Marion replied to the princes question.

Your Highness, do you know about the thing between Logan-sama and Emily-sama this morning? Catherine-sama and Caitlyn-sama took the same class as them, so we were listening to the story just now.

Mmhm, it was a hot topic in the class I took earlier.

The prince knew that when there was a proposal in the academy, it would be followed for several days by the phenomenon of students being inspired and starting to make a move on the young lady they had in mind. That was why the prince hurriedly headed to the courtyard where Emma was after ensuring there was no urgent task this day. Sure enough, the merchant was very close to getting a head start secretly behind everyones back. The prince patted his chest in relief, glad he came before it was too late, albeit by a hairs breadth.

This merchant is as alert and impregnable as ever.

Still, it is rare for you to gossip about love stories, isnt it? Usually, you would mostly talk about school lessons or sweets and never about romance. But hey, everyone is a girl, after all, Arthur softened his already soft expression further and smiled happily for some reason.

Onii-sama, you dont get it, do you?

Marion sighed at her elder brothers remark.

Other peoples love stories taste as sweet as honey, Arthur-sama.

Emma grinned.

Nothings more fun than talking about someone elses love story compared to ones own nonexistent love affair.

Not only could they say whatever they liked, but they would also not get hurt.

I-I see?