The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 309

Chapter 309

The Hellish(?) Cooking of Noble Ladies [Part 2]

On the other side, the people at the extracurricular lesson campsite were almost done with the preparation for dinner without the slightest idea about the Lord of Skyte and his hunters worry.

The maids preparing the meal, the guards guarding the surroundings, the students, the king, and the prince were all stealing glances at the Stuarts tent every now and then.


The Stuart family purposefully chose the spot closest to the forest, the one place everyone avoided, to set up their tent. Everyone was shocked by its size, which didnt look like a tent for camping, but that wasnt even the strangest thing. What made them curious the most was how it took the Stuarts less than an hour to pitch a tent of that size.

Everyone couldnt take their eyes off the tents design that could be assembled so easily just with thin poles and a cloth and had one part connected to the carriage. They couldnt help but think of the same thing. Can the tent be raised with just those poles alone? No, they will break, wont they? Theres no way they can bear the weight of that big cloth.

The surrounding people were looking at the Stuarts worriedly at first, but as the assembling process progressed, their expressions turned to that of surprise.

The two men with a spear and a bow, who everyone initially thought to be the Stuarts guards, only stood still blankly while Count Stuart and his son, George, were the ones setting up the tent, which made no sense.

Then, Dr. Arban Stuart, known as the Kingdoms brain and even extolled as the Kingdoms pride, was drawing water diligently.

Everyone again thought, Isnt it weird? for the nth time that day.

Furthermore, Countess Stuart and her daughter were cooking (a weird thing for everyone there, no matter how they thought of it) something in a pot in front of the tent. And a pungent smell everyone had never smelled before was drifting throughout the whole campsite from that pot.

Fufufu, when Joshua brought me all kinds of powder with evil-warding effects from foreign countries because he couldnt participate in the extracurricular lesson, I thought I didnt need such superstitious things. But it turns out

Emma laughed while stirring the pot. She didnt realize that in the surrounding peoples eyes, she looked like a witch making a terrible potion because of the smell.

Will the Stuarts dinner come out alright?

Young ladies normally never cook What is up with that smell? Seems like she has concocted something we have never smelled before, you know?

H-Hey, shouldnt somebody stop her? She stir-fried that monster earlier with vegetables and simmered them together in that pot. Did you see that?

Ah, hold up! Emma-sama is sampling that unidentified liquid X!? Her body is frail already as it is In the worst-case scenario, she will die from eating that, yknow?!

There was no custom of eating curry in the Kingdom. No one knew about curry.

Who would have thought that the evil-warding powders were turmeric, cumin, coriander, red pepper, oregano, paprika, and black pepper all these different kinds of spices.

Next to Emma, who was in charge of curry, Melsa was grilling marinated roc meat.

Pardon, Melsa-sama. Thank you, that really helped me.

Francesca thanked Melsa timidly.

Mother told me to bring these with me because they are good for my health, but Im at a loss because it doesnt seem like I will be able to finish them.

One of the lands House Delacour owned had a thriving dairy industry and would send its dairy products to Delacour Mansion every single month, so the family had a hard time finishing them all alone.

You have also helped me here, Lady Francesca. I didnt expect we could hunt such a big game as roc I will use these as seasoning.

*sizzle sizzle* Melsa unconsciously broke into a smile because of the appetizing smell.

O-Oi. That Countess Stuart Did she just put the evil-warding powders on the monster meat? Or did I see it wrong?

She didnt just put it She rubbed a lot on it and even marinated the meat with it, you know?

And even Lady Francesca too She gave that to be used as a seasoning. People basically only eat that plain Someone, please stop them! Stop the catastrophic cooking of these noble ladies! Why dont they bring a maid?! At least one maid!

All the commotion in the surroundings was pointed toward the Stuart family, but the people themselves didnt notice it because each of them was so absorbed in the task at hand, pitching the tent and cooking.

While the surroundings watched on with trepidation, the hellish cooking of noble ladies was completed, and the noble ladies hellish dinner began.