The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 302.6

Chapter 302.6

Extra Chapter Birds of a Feather [Part 6]

Carnes POV

a comrade

William-kun muttered slowly.

His eyes held moisture in them I couldnt understand.

Eh? C-Comrade?

Upon hearing William-kuns sudden words, I looked at him with a confused face. I thought I heard him wrong.

I never thought I would meet a comrade here! That was no good, Carne-sama! You will stain the lolicons name if you cross over that line!!!

Eh? William-kun? Eh?

As I stared at him blankly with my waist bent to match his eye level, William-kun lightly put his hand over my shoulder and shook his head slowly.

You mustnt lay your hands IRL. RL is an inviolable area. Children, little girls are pure, honest, and beautiful. They are sacred beings. Staining them with your own hands is preposterous!

I didnt really get it, but William-kuns eyes told me he wasnt joking around.


I know how you feel. I know full well how you feel to the point that it hurts! Little girls are lovely, pure, and innocent. Even if you are a dirty old man with an afro head, they will accept you kindly with a pure heart Whatever other people say, that undeveloped bo Gack!!!

William-kun before me was sent flying in the middle of his fervent speech.

Emma-chan, who was supposed to be a lovely, clean, honest, beautiful, pure, and innocent little beauty, kicked him down heavily.

Lolicon go perish.

Uuughhh William-kun stood up slowly while clutching his neck, which got kicked, in pain.

J-Just like this, ouch, ouch, ouch you will sometimes meet little girls who are the complete opposite of the word pure, innocent, and honest IRL ACKK!

William, who could finally get on his feet, was knocked down again.

E-Emma-chan? Hell die! Any more than this, and William-kunll die!

I helped William-kun, who was twitching on the ground, stand. While doing so, I found myself shuddering from the contrast between the image of the little girls I had always dreamt of and the little girl right before my eyes.

This was not the little girls I knew

Tch, this soon-to-be criminal


The string of words she spat out with eyes that looked like they were looking at something rotten didnt sound like it came from a pure and innocent little girl at all.

Wrong. The little girls I was searching for were meeker, nobler, more obedient, and, and

they wouldnt look at me with such contemptuous eyes.

To think that little girls were this scary

Not every girl is delicate and lovely The minds of we lolicons are too fragile to witness that with our own eyes. We cant stand that blow at all! This is but a fraction of my older sisters brutality!!!

William-kun, who was wounded all over, stood up unsteadily as he continued his fervent speech that got interrupted earlier.

The way the younger brother spoke of Emma-chan was so mean. And Emma-chan treated her younger brother so cruelly.

Wi-William-kun, then what should we do?

I held onto William-kun, trying to escape Emma-chans cold stare.

Although there were some words I didnt understand, maybe because of the dialect or the meanings, the thing William-kun spoke of was the exact problem that had haunted me for years. Never before had there been anyone who understood my sexual disposition better than he did. Because I wouldnt be able to continue living if it were ever discovered by the nobles high society.

I was living a life where I had to hide my true self while pushing and forcing myself to fit in with my surroundings. Were you telling me that despite my efforts, little girls little girls had come to betray me first?

If it were truly like that, I would be left with nothing but despair.

I cant love anyone.

If little girls were exactly like how he described them, I would break down.

Carne-sama, spread your wings of imagination.

William-kun answered with an expression full of compassion.

What are you? Anne of Green Gables?!

William-kun ignored Emma-chans retort, which I didnt really understand the meaning of, rummaged through his pocket, and took out a piece of paper.

This is my treasure, but I will give this to Carne-sama. Its an artifact that can save us. Only one exists in this world.