The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Extracurricular Lesson [Part 3]

In short, those who want to participate in this extracurricular lesson must be well aware of the dangers that accompany it and only apply after discussing it thoroughly with your parents Hm? What is it? George Stuart and William Stuart?

When the Monster Science teacher was in the middle of explaining the extracurricular lesson, two students raised their hands with sparkly eyes full of enthusiasm.

I will participate!

You two, did you listen to my explanation properly?

Please allow me to participate!

The brothers had heard that the types of monsters that appeared somewhat varied from one borderland territory to another. They were fully motivated, thinking it was their chance to hunt monsters they had never seen before.

According to the teachers explanation, those who participated in the extracurricular lesson would earn extra points for their Monster Science and Practical Skill for Hunters scores, which was a very appealing reward. To George, who was a little unsure about passing Monster Science, and William, who was a little worried about failing Practical Skill for Hunters, it was the best thing they could ask for.

The extracurricular lesson was held every year, but no students had ever wanted to participate so actively like this.

Prof. Wolfgang! That means I can join as long as I have my parents permission, right?

Professor! If I deliver good results in the extracurricular lesson, will I be able to get extra points for the Ancient Imperial Language class too?!

The other students were shocked by George and Williams vigor.

Y-Yes, William Stuart. Participation is possible with parents permission. But you are still too young. I suggest you think about it more carefully. The extracurricular lesson has no relation whatsoever with the Ancient Imperial language, so no extra points, George Stuart.

Understood! I will ask my parents for permission tonight, Professor!

No way Professor Cant you work that out somehow?

William beamed with joy while George dropped his shoulders dejectedly.

Um, are the both of you alright?

The teacher has said many times that its dangerous, and yet Francesca asked worriedly.

Francesca-sama! Dont you agree that no matter how much you study, you can never truly learn about monsters unless you see the real deal?

William gave a snow job in response to Francescas show of concern.

It is true that we who live in the Royal Capital have never seen a monster.

Marion-sama! I heard the knights were also dispatched to the borderland because hunters had been short-handed recently. If youve set your sights on becoming a knight, giving the extracurricular lesson a try may be beneficial in the future.

George tried to lure her in with his reply.

The extracurricular lesson sounds fun, isnt it, Caitlyn?

The extracurricular lesson does sound fun, Catherine.

The twins already showed interest without having to be persuaded.

I think my older sister would like to go too.

When the young ladies began considering whether they should try asking their parents permission, Williams following words drove home the decisive blow.

I heard that Skyte Barony is in difficulties due to the shortage of hunters

Yeah. Emma-sama will never ignore those in need.

Im also aiming to be a knight Even the delicate Emma-sama will join if her body allows If so, what am I afraid of?

The light in the surrounding students eyes changed in a flash upon hearing William. Everyone thought of saving the troubled borderland territory in Emmas stead. The Beginner Monster Science classs students vowed to themselves that they would get their parents permission tonight.

Needless to say, Williams few words had increased the number of students who wanted to attend the extracurricular lesson by several times the average number. And there were even several young ladies among those wishing to participate.

Thus, the students gathered in the extracurricular lesson were bound to witness a miracle.

Because the young lady, who was rumored to be in a coma and nearing deaths door, came to participate with an ear-to-ear big smile.

Authors corner:

Serious: Its peaceful.

Comedy: Its peaceful.

Crisis: Im on my long holiday.

Readers corner:

Reader As comment

Mon~sters Oh, Monsters hum the three siblings as they continue their harvest in glee.

Ahh, how peaceful~(*)

The only thing that is in crisis, needs serious attention, and also comedic is Georges grades Grades with three elements~ (lol)

Authors reply

The diversity of Georges grades

When everyone decides to go to the extracurricular lesson with the readiness to die, this family is just