The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Two Brothers Fainting in Agony [Part 3]

Joannas POV

George Stuart. William Stuart. Tell me what Emma Stuart is doing now.

What I was casting wasnt the crude charm spell I used on other students, but the most powerful charm magic that would activate by calling the targets full names while looking straight into their eyes.

My magic was usually repelled by tenacious mental strength, but even that wouldnt be an obstacle this time. Anyone who was put under this enchantment wouldnt be able to put up any resistance, no matter how strong their willpower was.

If even this charm magic got repelled, I would have Emma Stuart and these brothers of hers no, House of Count Stuart and its entire clan meet their end by my hand.

End of Joannas POV



After receiving Joannas enchantment head-on, George and William averted their eyes from her reflexively.

George-sama, William-sama?! Whats wrong?

Francesca noticed the twos abnormalities and spoke to them worriedly.

N-No, I-Im alright

D-D-Dond wowwy aboud me

Both of their faces blushed up to the tips of their ears.

Emma is staying docilely at home

Nee-sama is shleepin!

The way they answered Joannas query was just like how an adolescent boy behave when meeting an idol he adored.

Red face and faltering words.

Not daring to make eye contact.

Both of your faces are red, you know? Are you really alright?

Their faces are as red as an apple. Right, Caitlyn?

Yeah! Theyre as red as a strawberry, Catherine!

We have never seen the two of them like this!!!

Marion also noticed the strange condition of George and William while the twins voiced their worries in unison.

I apologize. It seems I have disturbed your valuable lunch break.

Joanna looked at George and Williams state and bid her farewell with a look that clearly expressed her loss of interest.

Hrmm My charm magic is working. Seems like I was just overthinking.

Also, it appeared that Emma Stuart was really sick. They couldnt lie when they were under my charm magic.

I was being a little too nervous, wasnt I Well, I have wasted my effort, but now I know the Kingdom can still be put under my control in one way or another.

Leaving the blushing brothers behind, Joanna began to lay down her plan to enchant the people at the academy for a second time with stronger charm magic using the magic stones power.

George-sama, William-sama, are you really alright?

Do you need me to call an attendant?

Maybe they ate something strange, Caitlyn?

Im sure they ate something strange, Catherine.

After Joanna left, the brothers became eerily quiet and crouched on the spot slowly. Feeling flustered, Francesca, Marion, and the twins looked at their weird behavior worriedly.

I-Im okay.

N-No need to worry.

Ughhhh. The brothers groaned in a barely audible voice. They covered their red faces with their hands and writhed.

They had somehow made a mental preparation for when this time came, but seeing a lady in her late 30s wearing a school uniform from such a point-blank range gave them much more damage than expected.

Furthermore, that lady was their own younger (older) sister. They felt like they could die from second hand embarrassment.

Unlike in their previous life, where their vision had deteriorated because of smartphones and presbyopia, their eyesight now was even better than 20/20 vision due to monster hunting training.

Ugh, thats so embarrassing.

Were cringing so hard that our whole body winces.

The sight of our sister in a school uniform is too intenseee. Shes forcing it too much in that lookkkk.

George and William werent able to stand up for a while.

Authors corner:

George & Williams huge crisis.

Mr. Crisis: Eh? The crisis I concocted by sacrificing my eating and sleep time is only this?!