The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Welcome Home [Part 3]

Huh? Doesnt this mean that our House Stuart is in a crisis?

William, who was swept by the solemn mood of the panty talk and was attentively listening with a serious face, muttered to himself. His intuition told him that their current situation was the reason why Joshua was absent from school. Usually, he would always want to stick close to Emma, every opportunity he got. But now he couldnt be seen anywhere.

A predicament that even made Joshua to give up on meeting Nee-sama Isnt it enough to show the graveness of the situation?? As William mulled over the absence of Joshua, he started to fret.

The main source of income for House Stuart and their territory, Palace, was silk production.

Although the Rothschild Company had a wide range of business, it didnt mean it wouldnt encounter any problems if the silk sales went down.

Nii-sama, this might turn into a serious problem.

If the silk prices continue to drop constantly from now on, perhaps our former poor lifestyle will await us again by the time Nii-sama legally inherits Palace. Even though with stable finances, ruling over territory with frequent appearances of monsters is already a tough job on its own William directed a concerned look towards the future Palace lord, George.

Hm? What were we talking about?

Completely oblivious to Williams worries, George casually asked.

Right. The disappointing elder brother of the Tanaka family couldnt keep up with complicated conversations.

Leaving that aside, William Do you think I can do well in the Ancient Imperial Language class tomorrow?

George dropped his head as his face visibly darkened.

Ancient Imperial Language had always been Georges worst subject. He must be worried about whether he could catch up to the missed lessons caused by extending their summer vacation and stay in Imperial Japan.

Its going to be alright, Onii-sama. Ancient Imperial Language has always been a subject Onii-sama wasnt good at, so it doesnt matter

There, there, Emma patted Georges head to console him.

Nee-sama, with that comment, youre just adding insult to injury, you know?

Good grief. William sighed in resignation. Rather than worrying about the far future, I should worry more about tomorrows class

Wait, come to think of it, whether Nii-sama can become a lord is a gamble in itself.

Nii-samas helplessness with the Ancient Imperial language easily surpasses that of English in our past life.

Mother said that even if he fails in any other class, Ancient Imperial is a must-pass subject because it will definitely be needed for Intermediate Monster Science and above.

eh? Doesnt this mean that if Im unlucky, Ill be the one to bear the brunt in the future?

Nii-sama, lets review Ancient Imperial after we get home today! Nee-sama and I will help you cram!

Eh? William, I got other things to do, though

No! Nee-sama should help too! If it continues on like this, Nii-sama wont be able to graduate, you know?

Ehhh But

No! Were going to study! Do you really not mind if Nii-sama still has to sit in the same class even in his 40s?!?

Id hate that, I guess

Right? Thats why we must hold a tutoring session today!!


As the friends around took in the three siblings skit-like exchanges happily, they all temporarily forgot about their frustration over not being able to make new underwear.

Sure enough, things only get lively and fun when those three are around, doesnt it?

Its kinda feeling warm inside, isnt it, Caitlyn?

Hmm, it feels warm and fuzzy, Catherine.

Im truly grateful, for they came back safe and sound.

The depressed George, the frantic William, and the lazy teammate Emma.

Gazing at this familiar sight they often saw whenever they were in the square gazebo, Arthur, Marion, Francesca, and the twins rejoiced at the return of the three siblings.

Authors words: Uh-oh, the panty talk dominated the chapter.

House Stuarts financial situation is in a crisis, you know (desperately making this a point).

Readers Corner:

Reader As comment

The authors appeal to make us believe theyre in a crisis is kinda unconvincing.

Authors reply

The crisis is real, okay!

Everyone cant make new underwear, you know?

All those frustrations converge on the Stuart family

The cause of their defeat is undies?