The Strongest Qi Refiner - Chapter 1622

Chapter 1622

Chen Qianan's face was pale, but still gritted his teeth and followed.

But the Tianji Taoist looks changeable.

But after a while, he also followed.

The three quickly approached the city in front.

When approaching the river in front of the city, the three of them suppressed their breath to the point where they were almost imperceptible.

At the same time, Fang Yu was already able to see the appearance of the shadowy people in the city.

In fact, these shadowy creatures are basically similar to humans.

The only obvious difference is that their skin color is gray, even the color of the pupils is gray.

And this appearance is easy to disguise.

Fang Yu raised his right hand and summoned Xuan Ran Qi, disguising himself, Chen Qian'an and the appearance of the Taoist Heavenly Mystery as ordinary creatures of the Great Shadow Clan.

In this way, all three of them became gray-skinned people.

Then, he fell from the sky, walked across the river, and walked straight to the city.

Chen Qianan was extremely nervous at this time, and still did not understand.

Why does Fang Yu look for this kind of stimulation?

This is the city of a big family that hates the human race!

If the three of them are recognized, what awaits them is probably the chase of the entire city!

That's it.

In case the lord of the city is disturbed...

You know, the city lord of this kind of city is generally the heir of the king-level powerhouse.

In other words, the city lord is likely to notify the bone scavenger.

Once noticed by the Bone Eruption King... the trouble can be big!

But Fang Yu is his savior!

At this time, he can't choose to leave alone...

"Forget it, die and die. It's better to die happily than to be locked in the Death Wheel." Chen Ganan said in his heart.

The Taoist Tianji didn't show much fluctuation in his expression, so he followed Fang Yu's back.

The three of them walked to the city gate in a hurry.

On both sides of the city gate stood two teams of guards in armor.

They scanned Fang Yu's trio with sharp eyes and did not reach out to stop them.

Fang Yu just walked over.

Chen Ganan breathed a sigh of relief.


But at this moment, a guard suddenly spoke!

Fang Yu immediately stopped and turned to look at the guard.

"Where did the three of you come from?" the guard asked with a frown, "Why did you enter the city at this time?"

"We are coming from the city next door, and want to find friends to talk about the past." Fang Yu replied.

"Look for a friend to relive the past?" The guard still frowned, and glanced at Fang Yu's three people again.

After a while, he waved his hand again and said: "...Go in."

"Thank you, Brother Guard." Fang Yu responded and walked inside.

In this way, the three successfully entered the city.

"The language is the same, the appearance is not much different from the human race, and it also has an IQ..." Fang Yu said in his heart, "This shadow family feels really no different from the human race."

Walking into the city, you can first see the prosperous streets.

Just like the ancient city, there are various shops and small stalls on both sides of the street.

Many people from the shadow tribe with gray skin and gray eyes just wandered the streets like this, leading a normal life.

This is completely different from Fang Yu's original imagination.

He originally thought that the so-called Great Shadow Clan Sheng Niang would be the same as those alien races, with strange shapes, no intelligence, and only killing intent on the human race.

But now, it seems that the shadow tribe people are not much different from the normal human race, they also have a life culture.

Moreover, quite a few of these pedestrians have weak aura, slightly stronger than ordinary people, but their cultivation is definitely weak.

This confirmed another doubt that Fang Yu had before.

Are the creatures on the upper planes all powers above the peak of the Tribulation Period?

It seems that is not the case.

There are also primitive creatures on the upper planes. They were born on the upper planes, and they may cultivate much faster than the earth creatures on the lower planes. But there are also quite a few people who have not cultivated, and do not have the ability to cultivate.

Of course, the situation is just the opposite of the earth.

On the earth, mortals account for the majority, and monks only a minority.

In this city, from Fang Yu's observation, the creatures with cultivation base accounted for the majority, and only a few had weak aura, but it was not completely without cultivation base.

Most of the shadow races with cultivation bases are not weak, and the specific realm is unknown, but on the whole they are far stronger than those on the earth.

Fang Yu's trio walked along the street.

They disguised as gray skins and gray pupils, and their costumes were indistinguishable from other Shadow tribesmen, so they did not attract anyone's attention.

And this city belonging to the King of Bones was much larger than any ancient city Fang Yu had visited.

The three of them walked forward for nearly half an hour before they came to the first corner.

After the turn, it was a street that was not so spacious.

In the center of this street, a stage is set up, and it seems that some kind of performance is going on.

Hundreds of shadow people gathered in the audience.

"Go ahead and take a look." Fang Yu said.

The three of them slowly approached the stage.

After reaching a certain distance, you can see the situation on the stage.

At this moment, Chen Qian'an's expression turned pale.

Fang Yu frowned, his eyes glowing coldly.

The Taoist Heavenly Ji in the back twitched slightly, not knowing whether it was a smile or disdain.

I saw a large iron cage on the stage.

And in the iron cage... it's a man and a woman!

Judging from the skin, they are humans!

At this moment, they are not wispy, their bodies are covered with scars and blood stains everywhere.

Beside them, a shadow tribe with gray skin and gray eyes was holding a whip and constantly beating their bodies.

"Next, I will let this pair of humans and animals perform your favorite show." The shadow tribe turned to the audience gathered below.

With that, the shadow tribe man walked out of the iron cage.

At the back of the stage, another Shadow Clan member walked out, holding a terrifying creature that was dark and resembling a giant centipede!

Then, it put the giant centipede into the iron cage, and locked the iron cage.


The men and women inside cried out desperately.

"This worm completely obeys my orders." The shadow tribe member said triumphantly, "two humans and animals must mate in front of the worm, otherwise the worm will tear them apart!"

After speaking, he turned around and looked at the men and women in the iron cage.

"Coincide if you don't want to die! Hurry up!"

"Match! Mate!"

"hurry up"

The hundreds of spectators below became extremely excited and shouted excitedly.

The men and women in the iron cage are desperate.

At this moment, the worm was already crawling towards them.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

The woman takes the initiative to hug the man.

But the man was already occupied by fear at the moment, and he couldn't leave.

"Hahaha, this male animal has been so scared that he can't mate..."

There were bursts of laughter under the stage. The ultimate humiliation.

"This bunch of **** chores..." Chen Qianan's eyes were red, his fists clenched and his teeth clenched.

At this moment, he really wanted to desperately, rushing to kill all the shadow people.

But in the city of Bone Eruption King, the consequences of doing this...unimaginable.

And the Taoist Heavenly Ji on the side, at this moment, was silently observing Fang Yu, who didn't say a word, and squinted slightly.

"Haha, it seems that this male animal is not good today, I will let the Hades to tear him up." The shadow tribe on the stage laughed.

After speaking, he uttered an unpleasant cry at the worm in the iron cage.

The worm, which looked like a giant centipede, immediately rushed towards the men and women.


At this moment, a peculiar force suddenly appeared on the stage, like a strong wind blowing.

The audience below was stunned for a moment, before turning around.


There was a scream in the iron cage.

At this moment, the wraith was already biting a body.

But judging from the appearance, it's not the couple just now.

But... the shadow tribe with a whip who was standing outside the iron cage!

"Ah... haha!"

The shadow people were still screaming, but in the next second, the head was bitten by the worm and exploded directly.

The sound stopped abruptly.

The many audiences below the stage were also silent at this moment.

A few seconds later, someone recovered and let out an exclamation.

"How could the boss die!"


"How is this going!?"

The scene was in an uproar.

On the stage, a group of shadow people ran forward to check the situation.

The entire venue was instantly chaotic.
