"She is always madder at the full moon," I said.
"To-morrow morning we will send for Mary. She will help us to bear it.
When I think of her faith I wonder that I should have had so little."
"I believe you are happier," I said wonderingly.
"I feel as though I had pa.s.sed out of the hands of men into the hands of G.o.d," she replied, caressing my hair with her disengaged hand, for I had left my chair to sit down on the hearthrug by her.
Again I had that strange, acute sense of listening; but there was a storm outside, and the wind cried in the chimney and rattled the windows, and a branch of a tree tapped against the shutters--that was all.
"While your grandfather lives you will not be homeless," she said: "and who knows but that Theobald may be able to clear off the mortgages?"
My grandfather slept peacefully, as though he needed sleep; and now we talked and now we were silent, and the night wore on.
We could not move for fear of disturbing him. Dido came and lay on the rug beside me, and slept with her chin resting on my foot. I think my grandmother dozed a little and the fire went low for I was afraid to stir to replenish it. The old dog moaned and whimpered in her sleep, and my grandmother came out of her doze to say that she had been dreaming of Luke; and nodded off again.
I heard Neil Doherty bolt and bar the hall door on his way to bed and I knew then that it must be eleven. There were many things to think of.
To-morrow the preparations for the wedding must all be put a stop to.
The presents must be returned. There was so much to be done, so many things to be cancelled. I wondered when and how Garret Dawson's blow would fall. He was one to seek an opportunity of doing it publicly. That it would fall I had no doubt. There was no relenting behind that face of granite.
Well, for to-night the old souls might sleep. To-morrow there would be Mary Champion to stand by them. I did not yet dare to think of the joy that was coming to me from over the world. It would be another blow to them that I loved Anthony Cardew.
Also through my thoughts there came the face of Richard Dawson, and I wondered if he was somewhere out in the night. I did not feel that the house to which he was to have brought me a bride could contain him that night. What was he doing? Where had he gone for consolation? My pity for him and my remorse were great.
A coal fell out of the fire with a sudden noise, and the displaced coals fell in, sending up a big shower of sparks. The storm was at its height.
It seemed to shake the solid house. And suddenly my grandmother awoke.
"Bawn, Bawn," she said, "I dreamt that your grandfather was dead and it was terrible."
At the moment my grandfather opened his eyes.
"I am very tired," he said--"very, very tired and old. If Luke is coming he ought to be here soon. Why is he not here to protect us?"
There came a sound above the crying of the wind. My grandmother had been leaning tenderly over her husband who seemed to have sunk back into his sleep; now she looked at me with a piteous terror. The wind soughed and died away, and in the pause we heard them plainly, wheels on the gravel outside that stopped at the door.
"It is the death-coach," my grandmother said. I rather saw than heard her say it, for her pale lips seemed incapable of speech.
"No, no," I cried. "It is nothing of the sort. It is the messenger I am expecting. I have been listening for him all the evening. Be quiet! He is coming for good: to help us."
But she did not seem to hear me. She had thrown both her arms about my grandfather, as though to ward off what was coming. The action awoke him, and he stood up tall and commanding as I remembered him of old, as I had not seen him for many a day.
"What is the matter, Maeve?" he asked. "You are with me. There is nothing to fear."
I noticed that the wound had opened, and his white hair was stained with blood.
"It is the death-coach," cried my grandmother.
"What matter, if it comes for both of us?" he said.
"It is not the death-coach," I cried. "It is a friend, some one come to our help. Look at Dido! She would be frightened if it were the death-coach. See how she listens!"
Above the crying of the storm there came a tremendous rat-tat on the knocker of the hall door.
My grandfather made a step or two towards the door, but my grandmother, who seemed distraught with terror, would not let him go, but clung to him the closer. Dido had gone to the door of the room and was barking to get out. She was running up and down in a frenzy of impatience. The tremendous knocking still went on above the noise of the wind.
"It is absurd," I cried, trying to make my grandmother hear; "did any one ever know the death-coach to come knocking at the door?"
But she was too terrified to hear me. So I let her be, and, s.n.a.t.c.hing one of the candles from the table, I went out into the hall. I knew quite well that I should not be able to draw back the heavy bolts, but, while I looked at them helplessly, half-deafened by the incessant knocking of the great iron knocker on the oak door, old Neil came down the stairs muttering, as was his way.
"First I thought it was a ghost," he said, "but no ghost ever knocked like that. G.o.d send he brings good news, whoever he is! Glory be to G.o.d, he's in a divil of a hurry to get in."
I held my candle for him to see, and the knocking ceased while he undid the bolts. Dido was whining and running up and down impeding him, and I heard him say that he'd kick her if it wasn't that she was already afflicted with blindness, the creature, and was Master Luke's dog. Now that the silence had come we heard the rain driven in torrents against the fanlight above the hall door.
At the moment the bolt fell I glanced behind me. My grandfather and grandmother had come out into the hall: his arm was about her with a protecting tenderness. There was a huddle of women-servants in all sorts of undress, peeping from the back hall. In front of them, pushing them back, was Maureen, her shoulders covered with a shawl upon which her grey hair fell loosely.
The door burst open as soon as the bolt fell, and there was a rush of wind and rain, and my candle went out. I saw a tall figure against the stormy sky where the moon looked through the fast-driven clouds.
"G.o.d save us, what a night!" the new-comer said, entering and closing the door behind him; and it took all his strength to close it.
"Bring lights, bring lights," I cried; and ran to my grandfather to whisper to him to take my grandmother back into the room lest the sudden joy should be too much for her. For I had seen old Dido leap on to the stranger with a frantic joy, licking his face and hands; or I had known that it was so without seeing it, for the hall was in darkness.
Some one brought a light, and I saw old Maureen leap at the tall stranger as Dido had done and fling her arms about him, crying out for her Ladyship, where was her Ladyship, for Master Luke had come home.
And after that everything was confusion for a few minutes, and I can scarcely remember what happened in the babel of voices all crying out and rejoicing at once.
"See that the horse is put up for the night and that the man has food and shelter," I heard Uncle Luke say to Neil.
Then he, Uncle Luke, pa.s.sed through the affectionate crowd that seemed as if it would eat him with joy. I saw him go to his father and mother, put an arm about each and pa.s.s within the little room, and there after a moment I followed them.
They were all three standing on the hearthrug when I came in, and Uncle Luke had one arm about his mother and the other thrown across his father's neck.
"So this is little Bawn," he said, letting them go, and coming forward to meet me. "So this is little Bawn."
I should have known his blue eyes and smile anywhere, I thought, although his hair was as if dust had been sprinkled over it, and there were deep lines in the face I remembered as being very merry. I had a pa.s.sing wonder that in this moment he remembered my existence or recognized me, for Lord and Lady St. Leger were still dumb or inarticulate with joy, and could not have spoken of me.
"Yes, I am Bawn," I said, lifting my face to kiss him. "I am so glad you have come home, Uncle Luke."
"I should have come long ago," he said. "Yet, thank G.o.d, I come in time.
I have messages for you, little Bawn, to be delivered later."